WWE Fastlane 2019: 5 Booking decisions that the WWE Universe didn't like

The Bar demolish Kofi Kingston
The Bar demolish Kofi Kingston

Remember when the McMahon's came out on Monday Night Raw and told us everything would be different. From that point on they would start listening to the fans, we'd start seeing new matchups and new Superstars given opportunities. Basically, the WWE Universe was in charge.

Jump to several weeks later and the dust has settled on the last pay-per-view before WrestleMania, WWE Fastlane. This was a PPV with one job to do - build towards WrestleMania and make it a must-see event.


Whilst it certainly did do that there were a handful of questionable decisions that suggest that Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, Shane McMahon, and Vince McMahon weren't necessarily being true to their word when they said they would start listening to what fans want.

Let's take a look at the five booking decisions that took place during Fastlane that prove that Vince McMahon doesn't care what fans want.

#5 Splitting Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville

Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville should stay together!
Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville should stay together!

Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville are a great pairing who play off of each other extremely well. Something like that is extremely important, especially when you've just introduced new tag-team titles for the women's division.

However, WWE made the decision to have Sonya Deville accidentally cost Mandy Rose her title match against Asuka when she was looking for a weapon and left the ring apron readily available for Rose to trip on it.


Deville tried to console Rose but she wasn't having any of it, and neither were the WWE Universe.

#4 Booking Kofi Kingston against The Bar in a Handicap Match

This should never have happened. #KofiMania all the way!
This should never have happened. #KofiMania all the way!

#KofiMania is a thing for a reason and Vince McMahon will be all too aware of how popular the movement for Kingston to get his one-on-one shot at Daniel Bryan's WWE Title has become. But to play on that popularity to trick Kofi Kingston into thinking he's finally getting his chance was cruel.

Then to have Kingston get beat down in a handicap match against Sheamus and Cesaro with Rusev and Shinsuke Nakamura ensuring Kingston's New Day teammates can't help him was just adding insult to injury. No one wanted to see this!

#3 Having Shane McMahon turn on The Miz in Cleveland

Shane McMahon attacking The Miz in Cleveland was an insult to the fans!
Shane McMahon attacking The Miz in Cleveland was an insult to the fans!

We all knew that a heel turn was coming, but I think most of us expected it to be The Miz turning on Shane McMahon and not the other way round. Partly because of just how good a heel The Miz is.


But during their SmackDown Tag-Team Title match at Fastlane, The Miz received a hero's welcome in Cleveland and was incredibly over with the crowd. However, true to form, WWE made the decision to stamp all over that positive reaction and have Shane McMahon brutally attack The Miz after the pair failed to win the straps.

#2 Having Becky Lynch win via DQ

Why is Becky Lynch being made to look weak?
Why is Becky Lynch being made to look weak?

I understand what WWE were going for here, but it was flat-out the wrong decision. Becky Lynch is 'The Man', she's the one everyone wants to stand tall at WrestleMania. So the last thing you should do is have her hobble her way to a match, get demolished for most of it and then win via DQ.

Making the decision to have Becky Lynch overcome most of her odds with the help of someone else is a poor one, and one that no-one would have wanted. But here we are with Ronda Rousey attacking Lynch during her match with Charlotte to make the WrestleMania match a Triple Threat.

#1 Sending Mustafa Ali out instead of Kofi Kingston

Mustafa Ali was sent out like a lamb to the slaughter!
Mustafa Ali was sent out like a lamb to the slaughter!

There must be a special kind of hatred for Vince McMahon towards wrestlers he sends out in front of the live crowd, knowing full well that they are expecting someone else. First, he did it with Rey Mysterio at number thirty in the Rumble when the crowd wanted Daniel Bryan and then he did it with Mustafa Ali at Fastlane.

Ali is usually a complete babyface who garners great reactions from the crowd but he was booed when he made his entrance for the WWE Title match against Daniel Bryan and Kevin Owens. Whilst this was expected given the popularity of Kingston, it was still a poor decision to send Ali out there to be subjected to it.

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