5 Controversial Superstars in the WWE Hall of Fame

Is this fo’ shizzle?

The WWE Hall of Fame is a sacred place. It is a place where the immortals rest and legends reunite. It is a place that should only harbour the elite, and all others should stop at the very feet of their greatness in total admiration.

Unfortunately, the WWE Hall of Fame is sometimes not looked at with the reference it deserves, simply because someone unworthy is allowed to share the same resting place as the icons of our sport. This is something WWE officials should take more seriously. When selecting a possible inductee, it sometimes seems as if they throw random names into JBL’s cowboy hat and pick whatever’s on top.

On the other hand, there are those who you would think should have been inducted long ago, but for one reason or another, their name has yet to be called. Maybe it’s a case of flawed politics; perhaps it's a popularity contest or who really knows what goes on behind closed doors or if the company even takes this occasion seriously at all. I mean, when you include a celebrity wing, just so the likes of Drew Carey and Donald Trump can be named WWE Hall of Famers, then there’s obviously a problem.

With this said, if you had the opportunity to remove 5 names from the current list of WWE Hall of Famers, who would they be? After looking over the entire list of Hall of Fame names and comparing them to some who possibly should be there, but are not...I have compiled the following list of 5 former WWE Superstars who should not be in the Hall of Fame.

#5 Abdullah The Butcher

Abdullah The Butcher at the 2011 WWE HOF ceremony.

I can see how I might get some resistance from the fans of Abdullah, but as far as I'm concerned, the things he has done in recent years demand that his name should be removed from the Hall of Fame.

Following his induction in 2011, Superstar Billy Graham asked that the WWE consider removing Abdullah's name from the Hall of Fame. Graham stated:

“It’s a shameless organisation to induct a bloodthirsty animal such as Abdullah The Butcher in their worthless and embarrassing Hall of Fame and I want the name Superstar Billy Graham to be no part of it.”

There's also the incident in which Canadian independent wrestler Devon Nicholson was awarded 2.3 million dollars in damages after he had claimed he contracted Hepatitis C when Abdullah allegedly bladed him with a dirty blade. Devon stated that he was not told beforehand that Abdullah would be using the blade during the match.

In 2015, Abdullah announced on his Facebook page that he was going to sell his Hall of Fame ring.

Also read: 5 little-known facts about the WWE Hall of Fame

#4 Koko B. Ware

Koko became known as the official jobber to the stars.

KoKo is another one that found his way into the Hall of Fame based purely on the fact that he was once a fan favourite, and even that was short-lived.

For a span of maybe five years, Koko B. Ware was one of the most loved Superstars by WWE fans. A lot of his popularity could be attributed to the fact that he made his entrance with a huge, colourful bird on his shoulder. The beautiful macaw named Frankie was as much a part of Wares gimmick as he was himself.

Koko eventually formed a tag team with Owen Hart called High Energy, but it was short-lived and left much to be desired. The bottom line is Koko’s WWE career was nothing to write home about. While he was certainly loved and adored by fans, he simply never accomplished anything worth mentioning while with the company. The vast majority of Koko’s accolades came before his time with WWE, when he was working in the Memphis area.

#3 Sunny

Sunny has blatantly disgraced the WWE HOF with some of the things she has done.

I have thought long and hard, but I honestly cannot think of one single thing that Sunny accomplished while she with the WWE, or in professional wrestling in general. Sunny has gone on multiple interviews, which can all be found on YouTube where she brags about the number of wrestlers she has slept with over the years. In fact, during one particular interview on “YouShoot,” Sunny went into graphic detail about her sexual experiences with various WWE Superstars.

Since her time with WWE, Sunny has gone on to start a new career for herself in the adult film industry. Sunny actually signed with adult entertainment company Vivid Entertainment.

#2 The Godfather

Light up a fatty for this pimp daddy!

Well, here we go again with yet another inductee that was obviously selected due to the popularity of the gimmick.

The Godfather was definitely an entertaining persona as he would strut to the ring, flanked by his “hoes,” which were typically dancers recruited from local strip clubs. As far as his in-ring ability, The Godfather is a highly experienced wrestler, with plenty of experience under a plethora of gimmicks. But there was not much to write home about as far as his career as a whole. Sure, he was fun to watch as he made his entrance. But beyond that, there was nothing more to it.

Sure, Charles Wright himself has been the man behind multiple gimmicks, and he’s worked several gimmicks. But, we are talking about the Godfather specifically, and when you consider that character alone, is he truly Hall of Fame material?

#1 The Celebrity Wing

Even the 45
President of the United States found his way into the WWE HOF.

When the WWE Hall of Fame was originally formed, I’m pretty sure no one expected to see the day when we would see the likes of Snoop Dogg and Donald Trump enshrined in what should be the most prestigious fraternity known to the sport. With that said, I’m not writing this to bash one person or one political party or anything like that.

I just think the celebrity inductees have done more harm than good to the nature of what the WWE Hall of Fame should represent. After all, what exactly have these individuals done to constitute an induction into the HOF? Let's see, Trump’s biggest contribution to the industry was the infamous “Battle of the Billionaires” match at Wrestlemania 23 where Bobby Lashley took on Umaga with Trump or Mr McMahon getting a haircut at the conclusion. Is that really a historic moment that justifies a Hall of Fame nod?

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