WWE Mixed Match Challenge: September 18, 2018

Season 2 of
Season 2 of the Mixed Match Challenge started off with two fantastic matches

The Mixed Match Challenge has returned for Season 2! Six months after the finals aired, in which The Miz and Asuka defeated Bobby Roode and Charlotte. At the beginning of the show, it was revealed that the tournament was not single elimination, and instead round robin. Therefore, each team will have multiple chances to make an impact this season.

Tonight's matchups feature Kevin Owens & Natalya vs Braun Strowman & Ember Moon. Originally, Strowman was set to team with his partner from Season 1, Alexa Bliss.

However, an injury would keep the Goddess away from in-ring action, and Raw GM Baron Corbin decided to replace the former Raw Women's Champion with the War Goddess Ember Moon.

Braun Strowman & Ember Moon vs Kevin Owens & Natalya

After some bickering between Kevin Owens and Braun Strowman, Ember Moon and Natalya began the match. Natalya worked for a quick pin, with Moon breaking out at one.

Moon and Natalya continued a back-and-forth of mat-based wrestling, but Natalya was able to stay one step ahead of the Shenom.

Nattie eventually overpowered Moon with a shoulder tackle, getting under the skin of the former NXT Women's Champion.

Moon caught the Queen of Harts with a hurricanrana, followed by a stiff kick to the face. As she climbed to the top rope, Nattie knocked her off, then planted her with a powerbomb.

Natalya then locked in the Sharpshooter in the middle of the ring, as Ember Moon worked to get to the ropes. Braun begged Moon to fight through the pain, but would eventually get inside and drag Moon to their corner, where he'd tag himself in.

Kevin Owens attempted to get a cheap shot in on Braun, but the Monster Among Men bulldozed him, sending him flying into the turnbuckle. After a few body splashes and a hard right, Owens was sent to the outside, where Strowman ran him over once again.

However, as he went to knock down the former Universal Champion, KO caught Strowman with a superkick, before throwing him over the announce table.

Owens superkicked Braun as he got back into the ring, but the Monster prevented a rolling body attack in the corner. Owens tagged Nattie before he could receive any more damage.

Ember Moon planted a disgusting enziguri on Natalya, then used Braun Strowman as a ladder to hit an elevated Eclipse on Natalya.

Results: Ember Moon & Braun Strowman advance via pinfall.

Moon and Strowman worked incredibly well together, with Moon ordering the Monster Among Men around like a pro. Michael Cole said that this team of Moon and Strowman would be difficult to overcome, meaning that Alexa Bliss might not return for the Mixed Match Challenge.

Next up was the Smackdown match of the night, featuring the teams of AJ Styles & Charlotte and Jimmy Uso & Naomi. However, a worn down Charlotte looked to have an issue in tonight's matchup, as she was forced into a Disarm-Her by Smackdown Women's Champion Becky Lynch at the end of Smackdown Live.

AJ Styles & Charlotte vs Jimmy Uso & Naomi

Styles and Jimmy began the match, with Styles giving Charlotte a Too Sweet before the bell.

Jimmy got the upper hand early, flattening Styles with a shoulder tackle. Both men would trade arm drags before playing to the crowd. Both men attempted to kick each other, but caught their feet, forcing a stalemate.

Charlotte and Naomi tagged eventually, with both women catching each other with kicks to the jaw. Charlotte taunted Naomi with some twerking, attempting to get into her head.

Naomi was able to get multiple pin attempts before being caught in the same kick spot as Jimmy and AJ earlier. However, Naomi turned it into a takedown, followed by a split legged leg drop across the Queen's torso.

Charlotte eventually got some momentum, catching both Jimmy and Naomi with a dive over the ropes. It didn't take long for Namoi to get back into it, catching Charlotte with a kick to the temple.

Both women traded chops and kicks, but Naomi won the striking war. However, Charlotte prevented Naomi from attempting the split legged moonsault, landing a moonsault of her own, getting a near fall.

Styles and Jimmy were tagged back in, with Styles not giving the former tag champion any chance to breathe. Styles caught Jimmy in the corner with a forearm, followed by his fireman's carry neckbreaker. As he went for the Styles Clash, Jimmy turned it into a Samoan Drop. Styles caught another kick from Jimmy, only to take a spinning heel kick.

Styles landed a Pele kick, allowing Naomi to tag herself in. Charlotte locked in the Figure Four on Jimmy, but Naomi broke it up with a splash from the top.

Jimmy and AJ were knocked outside, but a big boot and a Figure Eight sealed the deal for Charlotte and AJ Styles.

Results: Charlotte Flair & AJ Styles advanced via pinfall.

Next week's matchups will feature the Season 1 winners, Team Awe-Ska (The Miz & Asuka), taking on Fabulous Truth (Carmela & R-Truth), and Legit Dominance (Sasha Banks & Bobby Lashley) vs Mahalicia (Jinder Mahal & Alicia Fox).

What team are you rooting for this season? Will Team Awe-Ska continue their undefeated dominance in the Mixed Match Challenge? Let us know how you feel in the comments!

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