WWE Monday Night RAW: Live coverage and results - April 13, 2015

Hello everyone and welcome to our live coverage of Monday Night Raw. Tonight’s episode has been taped from the O2 arena in London, United Kingdom, as WWE is in its post-Wrestlemania UK tour.

With Extreme Rules at the end of this month, WWE has certain angles to build up to as we move closer to the pay-per-view. John Cena is scheduled to defend his United States championship in an open challenge and we wait to hear more from Bray Wyatt as he has been sending out cryptic messages recently towards his next unknown opponent.

Stay tuned for more updates.

(Note: This page updates in every 5 minutes)

05:30 am – The show opens with John Cena coming out to the O2 arena, London addressing a raucous crowd, a lot booing him. He cuts a promo about London deserving to host Wrestlemania and very soon, the a large portion of the crowd turns pro-Cena!

The open challenge issued by John Cena this week is answered by hometown boy Bad News Barrett, who says he too doesn’t want to wait for Daniel Bryan and instead would rather just beat John Cena to become the US champion!

05:52 am : A shiner-sporting John Cena ekes out a win after multiple AAs’. Rusev comes out post-match and nails Cena with a chain, leading to Lana announcing that The Authority has made the match at Extreme Rules for the US title a ‘Russian Chain’ match!

It’s good to see Michael Cole back in the announce team as he refuses to comment on his lawsuit against Lesnar, when asked by JBL & Booker T.

Seth Rollins & Randy Orton both are set for individual matches and the winner gets to determine the stipulation for the World Heavyweight Championship match at Extreme Rules. Orton takes on Cesaro while Rollins is scheduled to take on Dolph Ziggler.

06:00 am : The Divas Battle Royal is next as Nikki Bella and Brie Bella will be ringside for the match.

Paige comes out to a monstrous ovation from the home-crowd as the match gets underway!

Huge announcement slated for next week from the COO Triple H regarding WWE Tough Enough!

06:08 am – Paige victorious in the Battle Royal, making her the new challenger for the Divas’ title at Extreme Rules!

Paige in the post-match interview in the ring claimed the WWE ring to be her ‘house’. Naomi attacks her and throws her around the ring into the barricade, establishing herself as the heel to be reckoned with!

06:23 am – Lucha Dragons take on The Ascension in a tag-team match!

Lucha Dragons pick up the win after Kalisto’s high flying offense leaves The Ascension looking for answers.

UP Next – Roman Reigns comes out to talk about the match he had at Wrestlemania 31 against Brock Lesnar!

Roman Reigns tells Booker T that he delivered what he had promised, which was a fight! He calls out The Big Show for costing him the title opportunity at Extreme Rules, which brings out the Giant....on the titantron.

06:40 am – After the two exchange insults, Show attacks Reigns and rams him into the english taxi, leaving him laying after a chokeslam on the roof of the taxi!

06:40 am – Randy Orton takes on Cesaro next. The winner of this match stands a chance to decide on the stipulation for the World title match at Extreme Rules.

06:52 am – Randy had the match won via disqualification after Tyson Kidd interfered. However, Kane comes out as the person-in-charge and restarts the match as a 2-on-1 handicap match!

Another highlight-reel worthy RKO later, Randy Orton pins Tyson Kidd putting him in the running to decide on the stipulation for the world title match.

Backstage, Kane and Seth Rollins (w/ J & J security) have a moment of conflict as Seth suggests Kane ‘lie down’ for him in a match against him later in the night.

07:10 am – Dean Ambrose takes on Adam Rose in singles competition. Ambrose returns to in-ring action after 2 weeks since attacks by Luke Harper.

Dean Ambrose picks up the win after hitting Dirty Deeds on Rose.

Backstage, Big Show has a talk with a conflicted Kane on doing ‘what’s best for business!”

07:17 am – Stardust makes short work of Fandango after hitting him with a enziguiri kick off the top rope. Post-match, Fandango turns a new leaf as he decides to share ‘his gift’ with the whole world instead of just Rosa Mendes as London ‘fandangoes’ with him.

Backstage, Kane runs into his former tag partner Daniel Bryan, who implores him to not be a stooge in his upcoming match with Rollins and instead ‘be a man’.

07:27 am – Seth Rollins makes his way out for his match against Kane, with the option to decide on the stipulation on the line.

Kane refuses to lay down for Seth Rollins at first and even shoves the J & J security away. Later, after a tease, gets in a chokeslam on the champ but lays down for a 3-count for Rollins.

07:40 am – It’s time for this personal feud to go further as Miz takes on Mizdow, who comes in accompanied by Summer Rae.

Mizdow picks up a sneaky win courtesy of a quick roll-up!

07:51 am – Ryback takes on Luke Harper in singles action.

Harper gets disqualified but is met with Dean Ambrose who runs in looking for revenge against Harper, for putting him out of action for weeks.

In a backstage segment, Naomi laments on the lack of opportunities for her and explains her actions from earlier in the night!

08:00 am – Dolph Ziggler is in the ring, looking for some action after his match with Seth Rollins was scrapped earlier.

Taking a page out of Cena’s playbook, Ziggler issues a open challenge to the guys in the back and.....Neville answers!

That was a nasty-looking DDT! The match just gets better as neville hits a standing moonsault and follows up with a picture-perfect 450 splash!

After an exciting match, Ziggler steals one with a zig-zag out of nowhere!

He doesn’t get to celebrate too much as Sheamus attacks him with Brogue kicks post-match and while Dolph tries to fight his way out of it, Sheamus rams him into the ring post and finishes off with another brogue kick!

08:20 am – Seth Rollins is in the ring, having made himself comfortable, to announce the stipulation for the main-event at Extreme Rules.

Seth Rollins makes his stipulation known....The RKO is banned!

Randy Orton isn’t one to be outdone. Chooses his stipulation that the title match takes place inside a steel cage.

08:30 am – Chaos ensue as Randy Orton tries to RKO Seth Rollins, but the minions save the day for the champ as he scurries away with the Viper standing tall in the ring as RAW comes to a close!

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