WWE Money In The Bank 2018 Results, Latest MITB Winners & video highlights

MITB 2018 was one to remember

Money In The Bank 2018 featured 9 matches in total and 4 title matches.

Big Cass vs Daniel Bryan

Cass and Bryan kicked off the show. Bryan had a gameplan from the get-go, going after Cass' knee and cutting him down to size. Cass' power advantage helped him swat Bryan away in the early stages as he sent Bryan crashing into the barricade.

Bryan fought back and hit the Yes Kicks before he hooked Cass' injured knee against the ringpost. Bryan then locked in a Yes Lock but Cass reached the bottom rope. Cass then made another comeback as he booted Bryan in the head, before planting hin face-first into the mat. He followed it up with a Fallaway Slam from the middle rope for another 2-count.

Bryan made his final comeback after this as he locked in the Heel Hook, making Cass tap out again.

Daniel Bryan def. Big Cass

Sami Zayn vs Bobby Lashley

Like their feud so far, the match didn't impress. Lashley had control as the match started but Zayn soon raked him in the eyes away from the official's line of sight. Zayn then sent his much larger opponent crashing into the barricade, before retreating back to the ring and waiting for a 10-count.

Lashley broke the count and clothesline Zayn. Lashley followed it up with a series of power moves before Zayn went with a cross body. Lashley caught Zayn in the air and planted him into the mat. Lashley followed it up with a vertical suplex followed by a backbreaker. Lashley then hit two more delayed vertical suplexes before pinning Zayn.

Bobby Lashley def, Sami Zayn

Seth Rollins (C) vs Elias (for the WWE Intercontinental Championship)


Elias didn't perform ahead of his match, saying that Chicago wasn't worth the effort. As the match started, Rollins had the upper hand early on but Elias soon got in his own offense. Rollins hit back with a dropkick before taking Elias out with a dive over the top rope.

Elias used his power advantage to as a strength as he stomped Rollins against the turnbuckle. The two men went back and forth before Rollins dumped Elias out of the ring and hit a suicide dive. Rollins then headed to the top rope but looked to tweak his knee on the landing as Elias caught him with a running knee for a 2-count.

Rollins headed to the top rope again, this time for a Frog Splash, but Elias got his knees up. Elias now headed to the top rope but Rollins met him on the top rope and hit a Superplex which he transitioned into a Falcon Arrow. Rollins then went for the Curbstomp but Elias rolled out of the ring. Rollins went for another suicide dive but Elias sent him crashing into the barricade. Elias then hit an elbow drop from the top rope for a nearfall.

Rollins went for a Bucklebomb but Elias rolled Rollins up. Nearfall. Rollins replied by rolling Elias for the 3-count. Seth Rollins retains. Both men put in a good performance.

Seth Rollins def. Elias

Women's Money In The Bank Ladder Match

Which of the 8 women came out on top?

The match started out at a frantic pace, and there were Superstars everywhere within seconds. Charlotte sent Ember Moon over the barricade before Becky booted the ladder into Charlotte's jaw, Inside the ring, Ember Moon hit Sasha Banks with a crossbody onto a ladder.

Lana came in hit Ember with a Facebuster into a ladder. Naomi dumped Lana out of the ring and Natalya came in and dropped Lana onto the ladder. Becky and Charlotte came in and jostled for the ladder as Naomi came back and jumped off the same ladder into Natalya. Naomi then hit the ladder with a dropkick sending Becky and Charlotte rolling out of the ring.

Naomi followed it up with a Gord Buster to Sasha on the apron. Inside the ring, Naomi and Ember dumped the ladder onto Becky in the corner and hit her with stereo dropkicks. Sasha and Charlotte jostled on the ladder, before Charlotte hit Sasha with a neckbreaker.

The action continued at a furious pace as the women slugged it out on the ladder. Lana set up the second ladder next to it as all 8 women jostled for position.

Charlotte and Becky exchanged right hands at the top of the ladder before Alexa Bliss came in and knocked them both off. Charlotte replied with a Spear to Bliss. Everyone did their best to climb the ladder and it looked like Natalya was the last woman standing but Ember Moon came and intercepted her.

Charlotte then Speared Ember Moon before Becky came in and hit Charlotte with a Bexploder. It looked like Becky would get the briefcase but Alexa Bliss knocked her off and climbed the ladder to take the briefcase. Alexa Bliss is your Miss MITB.

Alexa Bliss won the Female Money In The Bank contract


Roman Reigns vs Jinder Mahal

The main story behind this match was the Chicago crowd's lack of interest, rather than the math itself. From "CM Punk" to "this is awful", the Chicago crowd made their voices heard.

Jinder Mahal came out with Sunil Singh, who was wearing a neck brace and in a wheelchair but would factor in later. The match mainly consisted of Mahal and Reigns going back and forth with Mahal coming close to getting the win a couple of times.

Singh got up at one point and pushed Reigns face-first into the ring post. Singh tried it again later but ate a Superman Punch and a Spear. Reigns then hit Mahal with a Spear and pinned him for the win.

Roman Reigns def. Jinder Mahal


Carmella (C) vs Asuka (for the SmackDown Women's Championship)

Carmella instigated Asuka early on and the Empress made her pay. Asuka hit Carmella with a series of strikes and kicks followed by a sliding knee from the apron. Carmella pulled Asuka into the ring post before locking in a modified kneebar.

Asuka looked to get back in the match with a dropkick from the top rope but missed. Carmella replied by slapping Asuka in the face, inciting the Empress. Asuka replied with a knee to the head, followed by a German Suplex and a running hip attack.

Someone dressed as Asuka then climbed out from under the ring and it turned out to be James Ellsworth. Carmella used the distraction to Superkick Asuka in the jaw and pin Asuka. Asuka's second loss comes because of James Ellsworth.

Carmella def. Asuka


AJ Styles (C) vs Shinsuke Nakamura (Last Man Standing Match for the WWE Championship)

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Things have been heated between Styles and Nakamura for weeks and the bad blood was obvious as the match started. The action soon spilt to ringside where Nakamura suplexed Styles onto the entrance ramp. Nakamura the put Styles on the apron and hit multiple knee strikes followed by a diving boot across the back of the head.

Back inside the ring, the punishment continued. Nakamura booted Styles across the chest and followed it up with the Bad Vibrations in the corner. Styles held onto Nakamura's boot and pushed him away but Nakamura replied with a spinning wheel kick. Nakamura followed it by kneeing Styles out of the ring.

Styles got up at 5 and threw a right hand at Nakamura. Nakamura chokes Styles against the steel steps before throwing him over the barricade. Styles went to leap off the barricade and onto Nakamura but the challenger knocked Styles off his feet.

Back inside the ring, Nakamura went for a low blow but Styles sidestepped him. A shocked Styles connected with a Pele Kick but the challenger hit back with an Exploder Suplex.

Both men went down after a flying clothesline from Styles. He got up and went for a Phenomenal Forearm but Styles knocked him off.

Back at ringside, Nakamura suplexed Styles onto the announcer's table before hitting him with a Kinshasa. Styles broke up the count at 9 and Nakamura rolled him back inside the ring and took out a table.

Nakamura set up the table and Styles almost ended up powerbombing him through it Nakamura recovered and flung Styles head-first through the table.

Nakamura then went to knee Styles but missed him and hit the exposed top turnbuckle. Styles then went to work on Nakamura's injured knee and locked in the Calf Crusher.

Styles then took a chair and smashed it against Nakamura's leg at ringside. Styles went to hit Nakamura again but Nakamura low-blowed him and followed it up with a Kinshasa. Styles made it back to his feet at 9. Styles then hit Nakamura with a Phenomenal Forearm followed by a Styles Clash to the floor. Nakamura made it back to his feet at 9.

Styles the low-blowed Nakamura and followed it up with a Phenomenal Forearm from inside the ring through the announcer's table. Both men were down but AJ made it back to his feet before 10 but Nakamura couldn't. Styles retained his title but another excellent performance from both men.

AJ Styles def. Shinsuke Nakamura to retain the WWE Championship


Nia Jax (C) vs Ronda Rousey (for the RAW Women's Championship)


Rousey drove Jax back early on with a flurry of right hands but Jax replied with a nasty headbutt. Jax then used her size to her advantage as she hit a massive splash in the corner. Jax went for a Samoan Drop but Rousey caught her hand and mananged to take her down to her knees into an armbar. Jax blocked the armbar and hit Rousey with a powerbomb.

Jax showed off her superior strength as she hit Rousey with a standing press slam. Jax followed it up with a bear hug. Jax then hit Rousey with a Samoan Drop for a nearfall.

Rousey, in desperation, locked in a rope-assisted armbar but had to break it up. She followed it up with a crossbody from the top rope. Rousey then hit a series of lefts and right before hitting Nia with a Judo Throw for a nearfall.

Rousey then looked to lock in the armbar when Money In The Bank winner Alexa Bliss came out and attacked Rousey with the MITB briefcase.

Match ends in DQ

Bliss continuing Rousey and Jax with the briefcase after the match. Bliss then told the referee she was cashing in her MITB-contract and hit Jax with a DDT. Bliss then hit the Twister Bliss for the win. Alexa Bliss leaves Money In The Bank as RAW Women's Champion.

Alexa Bliss def. Nia Jax


Men's Money In The Bank ladder match

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Before the match started, New Day announced that Kofi Kingston would be the one taking part in the match. Kofi ties Kane's record of 7 MITB matches.

Most of the Superstars went after Strowman as the match began. He initially drove them off but they attacked him again on the entrance ramp and dumped about a dozen ladders on him.

Meanwhile, Miz tried to climb the ladder and get the briefcase but Joe stopped him. Roode and Balor jostled near the ladder set up in the ring. Balor got he better of Roode but Owens came in and dumped Balor outside the ring before hitting him with a Superkick. Rusev tried to use this chance to climb the ladder but Owens returned to stop him. Rusev and Owens brawled after which Joe came back in.

Kofi leapt off the top rope onto the rest of the Superstars who caught him. Balor followed it with a dive and everyone went down. Braun Strowman got back to his feet at this time and the rest of the Superstars soon went after Braun again.

Joe caught Strowman in a Sleeper Hold before Owens him with a Superkick. Owens climbed a ladder as Joe and Rusev held Strowman down. Strowman got back to his feet at this point and climbed up the ladder before tossing Owens off the top.

Strowman took everyone down on his way back to the ring until the Miz was the only one left standing. Strowman took Miz out before the other Superstars went after Strowman again. Rusev had Kofi, Roode and Miz in a triple Accolade when Joe came in and tried to lock in the Coquina Clutch.

Kofi and Miz made their way to the top of the ladder and traded punches, their fingertips almost touching the briefcase when Roode came and pushed the ladder off from under them.

Strowman came in at this point and hit three running powerslams. Strowman and Balor then climbed the ladder. Kofi jumped onto Strowman's shoulder. Strowman pushed Balor and Kofi off and grabbed the briefcase. Braun Strowman is Mr Money In The Bank.

Braun Strowman won the Money In The Bank contract


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