WWE News: Internet trolls Roman Reigns' embarrassing jeans

Reigns has everything going for him except the fans

Roman Reigns hasn’t had the best run of form in recent times, and the trolls on social media who were mocking him for his blunders just got new fodder in the form of a picture of the wrestler wearing jeans that looked like rejects from the Levi’s factory – reports uproxx.com.

The picture in question is dated, but as we all know and as Roman Reigns recently discovered – nothing can stay hidden in the giant slide-under-the-lens-called the internet.

To Roman’s bad luck, some looked hard enough, and found another major contributor to the wrestler’s misery.

As soon as the picture leaked, the Twitter troll machinery kicked into high gear with some rather amusing meme’s of Reign’s and his jeans, which honestly did look like a pair worn by the character’s from Fox sitcom ‘That ’70s Show’ (n their defence, the style was in fashion back then).

Down below are the jean pool of meme’s that mocked Reigns’ trousers on social media:

All that aside, here’s hoping Roman discovers his wrestling genes soon.

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