WWE News: John Cena teases a brand new move

Will we see a brand new Cena move?
Will we see a brand new Cena move?

What's the story?

We haven't seen John Cena in WWE action since his victorious performance at the Greatest Royal Rumble in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia where he made short work of Triple H. Currently, he's in Hollywood, filming a movie with the legendary action star, Jackie Chan.

Cena sent out a Tweet in which he joked about adding to his limited move set. The Tweet also referenced just how hard he's been training for his movie role.

In case you didn't know...

Cena has traditionally been heavily criticized for not using an extensive array of moves during his wrestling matches. His arsenal is jokingly called the '5 moves of doom'.

He is currently away from WWE, filming a huge action thriller simply entitled Project X. He replaced the legendary Sylvester Stallone in the film, where he plays a US Marine who teams up with Jackie Chan's character to rescue oil workers from an oil refinery.

The heart of the matter

John Cena is known to be a complete troll on social media, and is additionally also known for always having fun with his fans. Anyone who follows him on Instagram knows that he loves to leave vague pictures with heavily symbolic meanings. Cena teased adding a 6th move to the '5 Moves of Doom' to make his contingent of fans chuckle.

The central crux of his Tweet was just how intensely he's been training for his role. Cena probably puts the same amount of heart and soul into his roles that he puts into his WWE matches!

What's next?

It is currently not known if John Cena will be back in time for SummerSlam, this year. Cena has a whole list of big-time Hollywood movies lined up in addition to this action thriller. It's safe to say that his full-time WWE career is long behind him.

Do you miss John Cena in WWE? Let me know in the comments.

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