WWE NXT Results (October 7th, 2020): Winners, Grades, and Video Highlights

NXT riddled with injuries; a new tag team emerges
NXT riddled with injuries; a new tag team emerges

Three days out after NXT TakeOver 31 and NXT's Women's division reloaded with the additions of Toni Storm and Ember Moon. Finn Balor also successfully defended the NXT Championship against Kyle O'Reilly but was injured in the process.

Over the past few days, it was announced that Finn Balor had broken his jaw in two places. Still, that wouldn't keep him down, and during the show today it was announced that he wouldn't be relinquishing the belt.

Tonight, Moon made her return to the ring in the main event. We also saw the return of Dexter Lumis. Ridge Holland also made his presence known after attacking Adam Cole at NXT TakeOver: 31.

Prior to NXT, Tommaso Ciampa and Kushida were involved in a pull-apart brawl. NXT GM decided that they'd kick the night off, giving us a stellar first match of the show.

Tommaso Ciampa vs Kushida on NXT

Kushida had the Psycho Killer of NXT on the ropes
Kushida had the Psycho Killer of NXT on the ropes

Kushida slapped the taste out of Tommaso Ciampa's mouth. The Psycho Killer responded, leading to Kushida bringing him down to the mat. A show of disrespect from Kushida angered the former NXT Champion, as he immediately went for the Fairy Tale Ending.

Kushida escaped, dropping Ciampa with the hip toss/dropkick and the running arm breaker. As Kushida went into the ropes for the handspring back elbow, Ciampa caught him mid-handspring with a dropkick to the face.

That shot left Kushida dazed, allowing Ciampa to slow the match down and beat down Kushida around the ring. A big Irish whip into the corner saw Kushida bounce spine first off the top turnbuckle.

Ciampa attempted to grind Kushida into dust with a headlock on the mat. Kushida was able to escape and counter a neck breaker with an armbar attempt. Ciampa wasn't having any of it, and they brawled down to the floor. Kushida rolled back in and hit his handspring double kick as Ciampa made it back to the apron.

Over the break, Ciampa regained control and knocked Kushida off the top with a chop. Ciampa looked to set up for the Air Raid Crash off the top but took too much time. An arm breaker led to a running dropkick in the ring. Kushida avoided the Fairy Tale Ending again and tore at Ciampa's arm one more time. A German suplex and enziguri rocked NXT's Blackheart.

Ciampa blocked an armbar, just barely, turning it into a sit-out powerbomb. As they both rose back up, they traded blows, leading to Ciampa getting the better of the Time Splitter with a fisherman driver.

Ciampa was able to avoid the arm trapped stomp but was rocked with a right hand from Kushida. The stomps finally landed, with Ciampa unable to escape them this time. The Hoverboard Lock was sinched in, but we never got to see the finish. Velveteen Dream came in with a diving elbow drop, accidentally hitting Tommaso Ciampa.

Results: Tommaso Ciampa defeated Kushida via DQ on NXT.

Grade: A

This is the match NXT needs
This is the match NXT needs

Ember Moon addresses NXT Universe

The Shenom returned at NXT TakeOver: 31 as the "Mystery Superstar" we'd been seeing for the past month. Ember Moon thanked the NXT fans for welcoming her with open arms.

She's been in isolation for 14 long months and took time to find who the real Ember Moon is. Doing that, she found "Ember's Law." No one will walk over her anymore. She's back in NXT for gold.

That's when Io Shirai's music hit. The NXT Women's Champion began to speak, but they were interrupted by the former NXT Women's Champion and only woman to hold both that and the NXT UK Women's Championship, Rhea Ripley. She said that Ember definitely deserved a title shot...and then was attacked by Raquel Gonzalez and Dakota Kai.

Nobody could get a word in edgewise tonight. After Ember Moon made the save, William Regal made a tag team match between Ripley and Moon and the duo of Dakota and Gonzalez.

Killian Dain confronted Drake Maverick on his way to the building. Maverick had set them up for a tag team match against Ever-Rise tonight, which infuriated Dain. Dain hated Maverick and stated that they weren't friends and definitely not a tag team.

Maverick... it wasn't that he couldn't take a hint. He flat out ignored the hint. He said that they were the best of friends and would have some great new music for their match tonight. This will go well.

Io Shirai is only worried about one thing
Io Shirai is only worried about one thing

Io Shirai was asked backstage why she didn't help Rhea Ripley and Ember Moon against Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez. The NXT Women's Champion said they weren't her problem. The belt is her one and only problem.

The Undisputed Era was backstage cheering up Kyle O'Reilly after his loss to Finn Balor at NXT TakeOver: 31. They were proud of him and said he put on the match of a lifetime. However, they then turned their focus to Ridge Holland and said that there would be hell to pay for him breaking Adam Cole's ribs.

Ever-Rise vs Killian Dain and Drake Maverick on NXT

As we all probably assumed, Killian Dain hated the new theme song. Drake Maverick asked for the tag, and Dain nearly chopped his hand off.

Maverick started the match with Chase Parker. The Conspiracy Theorists of NXT dominated Drake Maverick momentarily, but a big heel kick to Matt Martel turned things around. As Dain put his hand out...barely...for the tag, Martel yanked Maverick back for a rear clothesline.

Dain broke up a pinfall attempt. When Martel called him fat, he took matters into his own hand, dragging Maverick to their corner for the tag. Dain cut Martel in half with the Divide.

Dain planted Parker and set up for the Vader Bomb, but Maverick tagged in looking to get the win. Furious, Dain blasted Parker with a pump knee strike and powerbombed his own partner onto Parker for the win.

Results: Drake Maverick and Killian Dain defeated Ever-Rise via pinfall on NXT.

Grade: C

Drake Maverick tried to get Killian Dain to celebrate and dance with him. It uh...It went about as well as you'd expect.

We got a Toni Storm vignette with the former NXT UK Champion explaining how she'd essentially recharged her batteries and was ready to get back to business.

Dexter Lumis returned to the ring against a game Austin Theory
Dexter Lumis returned to the ring against a game Austin Theory

Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae were walking home upset about their losses at NXT TakeOver: 31. When they got to their house, there was a free TV courtesy of Indi Hartwell.

Could Hartwell be looking to form an alliance?

Austin Theory vs Leon Ruff on NXT

Leon Ruff popped up with a leaping hurricanrana, almost getting a pinfall out of nowhere. Austin Theory, furious, bowled over Ruff with a big shoulder tackle, turning him inside out. Still, Theory had a hard time catching Ruff, who sprang from rope to rope, ducking clotheslines for a big dropkick.

Theory sent him into the ropes where Ruff bounced back with a big rebounding clothesline. Still, one mistake was all it took for Theory to hit the ATL for the win. A great showing by Ruff, however.

Results: Austin Theory defeated Leon Ruff via pinfall on NXT.

Grade: B-

After the match, Austin Theory grabbed a microphone to call out Adam Cole and the rest of NXT. Theory stated that he's the future of NXT, and nobody can do anything to prove him wrong.

That was enough to get Dexter Lumis to come out.

Austin Theory vs Dexter Lumis on NXT

Austin Theory ran in for a boot, but was caught. A right hand by Dexter Lumis nearly sent Theory out of his boots. Lumis followed up, batternig Theory in the corner.

Theory tried to hit the Tortured Artist of NXT, but the blows didn't seem to phase him. A rebound bulldog spiked Theory for a two-count. Theory continued to suffer from a barrage of strikes from the big man.

During the break, Theory was able to get the upper hand. A belly-to-back suplex dropped Lumis for a two-count. Theory countered a punch with a clothesline, following that with a great standing moonsault for a two-count.

Theory kept up the pressure. A suplex connected, and Theory choked out Lumis in the corner. Another suplex was blocked, and Theory was planted with a big rolling spinebuster. The crowd got behind Lumis as he rocked Theory with a series of shots and a rolling monkey flip in the corner.

A slingshot suplex earned Lumis the two. Lumis shook off a big dropkick and planted Theory with the uranage into the Kata Gatame.

Results: Dexter Lumis defeated Austin Theory via submission on NXT.

Grade: B

Immediately after the match, Cameron Grimes ran in and crushed Lumis' ribs with a Cave In.

Ridge Holland came to NXT to dominate
Ridge Holland came to NXT to dominate

Backstage, Cameron Grimes explained that he attacked Dexter Lumis because he didn't answer Grimes when he asked him a question on NXT last week. Grimes said that it didn't matter who it was. Lumis, Ridge Holland, whoever. Grimes will take then all out and go straight to the moon.

We got highlights of the Finn Balor/Kyle O'Reilly match. It was as hard-hitting and brutal as anyone would expect. After the match, a defeated O'Reilly accepted Balor's gesture of respect. Unfortunately, they were not able to celebrate long, as Ridge Holland had an unconscious Adam Cole ringside.

Damian Priest was interviewed by McKenzie backstage and said that no matter who stepped up to the NXT North American Champion next, they'd be getting a Reckoning.

Ridge Holland vs Danny Burch on NXT

The Guvnor of NXT was able to wrestle Ridge Holland to the mat with a wrist lock. Holland overpowered him, though, breaking it with a clubbing blow. Burch changed his game up, rocking Holland with a series of big right hands.

Holland struggled to shake Burch's offense. A Bret's rope missile dropkick connected, as did a German suplex. A big clothesline set up for a crossface. Holland immediately broke the hold and finally got a big shot on Burch of his own.

The clothesline nearly decapitated Danny Burch. After that, Ridge Holland spiked him with the Northern Lights Bomb.

Results: Ridge Holland defeated Danny Burch via pinfall.

Grade: A-

After the match, Holland disrespected Burch, leading to the Guvnor to throw more hands with the big man. Holland beat him down with several headbutts, but was then attacked by the Star Destroyer Oney Lorcan. The refs separated the men, but Lorcan hit a big dive. Holland stood right back up, sending Lorcan into the ring.

Lorcan responded with some big chops and set up for his running uppercut, but was taken out with another massive lariat from Holland. Unfortunately for Holland, when he tried to catch Lorcan's second dive, his knee blew out and he fell over in extreme pain.

WWE cut away from the big man, but it's clear that NXT's newest monster may have suffered a serious injury.

We got the Gargano Family back at their house where Johnny Gargano was watching the NXT Women's Battle Royal, noticing that Indi Hartwell repeatedly saved Candice LeRae from elimination.

Timothy Thatcher won't let life grind him down
Timothy Thatcher won't let life grind him down

It's another Thatch-as-Thatch-Can on NXT with Timothy Thatcher, who said today was all about life lessons. His last remaining trainee was shaking before Thatcher said that life is all about not letting an opportunity slip through your hands. He locked in the trainee with a crossface for a minute.

NXT showed proof of Ridge Holland's injury, replaying the footage over and over again before showing him on a gurney with a knee stabilizer on. Looks like Holland will be out for some time.

Shotzi Blackheart vs Xia Li on NXT

Xia Li's aggression came out the gate, as she forced Shotzi Blackheart into the corner with a series of shoulder thrusts.

Xia had Blackheart at the top, but one mistake was all it took to cost her. Blackheart sent her back down to the mat, and hit the big diving senton for a win.

Results: Shotzi blackheart defeated Xia Li via pinfall on NXT.

Grade: D

Boa came down to the ring to hand Xia Li a letter. Li was still frustrated at the loss, but left with Boa. Very strange.

Domination by Raquel Gonzalez
Domination by Raquel Gonzalez

Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez vs Rhea Ripley and Ember Moon on NXT

Ember Moon and Dakota Kai started things off, with Kai slapping the former NXT Women's Champion across the face. Moon responded with haymakers, dropping Kai to the floor for a bullet-speed suicide dive. Raquel Gonzalez tried to rush Moon, but Rhea Ripley hit a big rolling senton off the apron.

Ripley tagged in and booted Kai out of her boots. Prior to that, Gonzalez had hit a back tag on Kai. After Ripley had sent Kai to the floor, Gonzalez rocked her with a boot of her own.

During the break, Kai and Gonzalez took turns battering the Mosh Pit Kid in their corner. Gonzalez locked Ripley in a modified Gory Special, but couldn't get the submission. Ripley ducked a clothesline but was caught by her pants for a rear clothesline.

Dakota Kai tagged in and immediately lost the upper hand as she was planted by Ripley. Moon tagged in and battered Kai with a series of kicks. Gonzalez came in but was taken out when Moon launched Kai into her.

The Shenom of NXT hit a sliding flatliner on Gonzalez and a second rope Codebreaker on Kai. Ripley tagged back in and ducked a high roundhouse for an electric chair facebuster on Kai.

Kai barely kicked out, and Raquel Gonzalez saved her from the Prism Trap. The former NXT Women's Champion was distracted, though, and hit with the Kairopractor. 1-2-no, Ripley kicked out.

Back to her feet, a savate kick rocked Kai. Moon tagged in and laid out Kai with a discus clothesline. Gonzalez broke it up, but some tandem offense from Moon and Ripley spiked her with a tornado DDT. Gonzalez and Ripley were knocked to the floor.

Kai got caught with a pop-up powerbomb by the moon. As Gonzalez stopped the Eclipse, Ripley yanked her off the apron. Kai booted them into the announcer's desk but turned right into the Eclipse for the win.

Results: Ember Moon and Rhea Ripley defeated Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez via pinfall on NXT.

Grade: A

Episode Rating: A

Ember Moon and Dexter Lumis impressed on their in-ring returns. However, Ridge Holland's unfortunate injury has put a blackmark on tonight's NXT episode.

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