NXT TakeOver: Stand & Deliver Night One Results - New Champions crowned; Ciampa and WALTER steal the show

Night One of NXT's two-night event was hard-hitting from start to finish
Night One of NXT's two-night event was hard-hitting from start to finish

It's time for the first night of NXT TakeOver: Stand & Deliver Night One. Three Title Matches took place tonight, including a triple threat to determine the new NXT Tag Team Champions.

Io Shirai defended the NXT Women's Title in the main event against Raquel Gonzalez. However, we got a special surprise prior to the match, as new signee Sarray appeared in the audience with Stephanie McMahon, eager to scout out the best that the division had to offer.

WALTER would also defend his NXT UK Title against the Psycho Killer himself, Tommaso Ciampa. If you were expecting a hard-hitting, all-out slobber knocker of a war, that's exactly what you'd get. Ciampa and WALTER delivered a match of the week contender.

All that and so much more. We kicked the night off with Pete Dunne and Kushida, who both aimed to prove who was the greatest technician in NXT.

Pete Dunne vs Kushida at NXT TakeOver: Stand & Deliver

Kushida and Pete Dunne went right to the mat, both looking for quick submissions. Dunne avoided a cross armbreaker and narrowly escaped a sliding leg trip. Kushida countered a heel hook, transitioning from STF to surfboard to an attempt at an armbar.

Dunne slid to the floor as Kushida went for his handspring back elbow, taking out his arms and dropping him on the apron with an X-Plex. The former NXT UK Champion snapped Kushida's arm in between the ropes, adding some extra pressure to the fingers for good measure. This technical showcase turned into a slugfest between the two before Kushida hit his snapmare/dropkick combination.

Dunne avoided a dive to the elevated entrance ramp, but the handspring back elbow finally connected. Kushida followed with that running kick to the exposed arm that sent Dunne inside the ropes. As the Japanese star entered the ring, Dunne went for a leaping guillotine. Kushida blocked and rocked Pete with an enzuigiri.

A third handspring back elbow was countered by Dunne, who caught NXT's Time Splitter with an over-the-shoulder arm breaker, snapping Kushida's fingers in the process. The Japanese star only fired up from this and took Dunne down for a series of stomps to the back of the head.

A Falcon Arrow connected, but Kushida's cross armbreaker was blocked by Dunne. Kushida blocked one of Dunne's attempts as well and hit the wind-up punch to put a stop to the nonstop action.

The Bruiserweight was taken to the top rope, and Kushida managed to hit a top-rope hoverboard lock, falling all the way to the mat. Somehow, Dunne was able to drag himself to the ropes, but another armbreaker was quickly locked in.

Dunne, again, got to the ropes and used them to stand up. That was a bad decision, as Kushida landed on that arm with a double knee drop.

A Hoverboard Lock was once again locked in, but Kushida couldn't keep Dunne away from the ropes. Dunne caught another right hand, snapping the index finger. The double-handed stomp connected, and Dunne eventually hit the roundhouse.

The Bitter End bounced Kushida off the mat, and that was all she wrote.

Results: Pete Dunne defeated Kushida via pinfall at NXT TakeOver: Stand & Deliver.

Grade: A

Anyone that watched this one probably wanted this to go a bit longer. Still, it was what fans wanted out of these two. What a way to kick off this two-night extravaganza.

Eliminator Gauntlet Match to determine No. 1 Contender for NXT North American Title

Leon Ruff and Isaiah "Swerve" Scott kicked off this Gauntlet Eliminator Match at NXT TakeOver: Stand & Deliver. Ruff sent Scott to the floor but was dropped over the barricade for a running dropkick. Leon responded with a diving cutter from the announcer's desk.

Back in the ring, Swerve took over with a slingshot into the bottom rope. On the top rope, the former NXT North American Champion managed to counter a powerbomb with a hurricanrana just as the next competitor appeared.

Bronson Reed made his entrance, and Ruff attempted to go after him before he made it to the ring. Reed caught a diving Ruff and launched him inside. Swerve was rocked with a back elbow that turned him inside out. The crowd began to chant "Big Boi Season" as a body splash in the corner crushed Swerve.

As Reed held up Swerve, Ruff hit a dive for a suplex/crossbody on Swerve. Ruff went right after NXT's Colossal One, which was a big mistake. Reed dropped his weight onto the cruiserweight twice before dumping both of his opponents on their heads with a German suplex.

NXT's Thousand Dollar Man entered the matchup next, and Cameron Grimes looked to get some assistance from Swerve, paying him off and going after Leon Ruff.

Grimes couldn't catch Ruff, but Swerve managed to send him into the corner with a death valley driver.

The new dangerous alliance focused on Bronson Reed, keeping him out of the ring as long as they could. Ruff struggled to get away from the duo but managed to send them headfirst into one another as Dexter Lumis made his entrance.

Before Lumis could get there, Ruff suffered a Cave In, and Swerve picked up the pin.

Isaiah "Swerve" Scott eliminated Leon Ruff.

Lumis ran wild on Swerve and Grimes before coming face to face with Bronson Reed. Reed and Lumis have a lot of history together, as they faced each other in the opening bout of that NXT Breakout Tournament a few years back. Everyone brawled on the floor as the final competitor in the match, LA Knight, made his way out.

During his walk, he cut a promo on everyone left in the match, but an angered Bronson Reed went after the loudmouth. During the break, Reed ran through Swerve, Knight, and Grimes, building up a ton of momentum. Knight avoided a back body drop but was run over by the wall of mass that was NXT's resident Thicc Boi.

Dexter Lumis locked in The Silence on Grimes, but Knight rolled him up with a jackknife pinfall for the elimination.

LA Knight eliminated Dexter Lumis.

Bronson Reed crushed Lumis immediately after the pinfall with a running senton, getting the pinfall.

Bronson Reed eliminated LA Knight.

Lumis locked Knight in The Silence on the floor as the last three competitors, Bronson Reed, Cameron Grimes, and Isaiah "Swerve" Scott traded blows in the ring.

Reed ran through Swerve but was dropped with Grimes' Collision Course. Swerve rocked Grimes with House Call, and a roll-up eliminated him. Maybe Grimes didn't pay him enough?

Isaiah "Swerve" Scott eliminated Cameron Grimes.

Bronson Reed moved up to the top, but a flying kick from Swerve nearly knocked him to the floor. A Death Valley Driver on the apron cracked Reed's spine. Swerve followed up with a 450 Splash for a two-count.

Reed ate two House Calls but refused to fall. Reed tried to block a third, but Swerve escaped his grasp and connected. Still, he couldn't put Reed away. Reed got to his feet and slapped the soul out of Swerve. A powerbomb and a sunset driver spiked Swerve, and Reed finished the job with the Tsunami.

Results: Bronson Reed defeated Isaiah "Swerve" Scott via pinfall at NXT TakeOver: Stand & Deliver.

Grade: A-

The NXT North American Champion stood on the ramp, holding his title high above his head. At NXT TakeOver: Stand & Deliver Night Two Reed will challenge Johnny Gargano for the gold.

NXT UK Championship match at TakeOver: Stand & Deliver - WALTER vs Tommaso Ciampa

The NXT UK Champion tried to bully his challenger early, but Tommaso Ciampa wasn't having it. Ciampa battered WALTER into the corner, but a big running chop was enough to cut off the former NXT Champ's momentum.

WALTER hammered Ciampa on top of the turnbuckle before dumping him to the floor.

Ciampa pelted WALTER with stiff strikes and nearly hit Willow's Bell. WALTER stepped through the ropes, though, and drove the former NXT Champion into the corner.

Ciampa blocked a chop with his elbow and again battered WALTER with a flurry of blows. Focusing on the now-injured hand, The Blackheart had a bullseye to zone in on.

However, it wouldn't weaken WALTER's brute strength too much. A running big boot that the late great Test would be proud of nearly took Ciampa's head off. That one really hurt NXT's Blackheart, as WALTER had time to slowly tear down and work over Ciampa.

After several minutes, though, WALTER learned why it was probably best to end it early. Ciampa fired back with a clothesline after a clothesline.

A flying clothesline nearly sent the big man over the ropes. Ciampa kept bouncing off the NXT UK Champion, hitting clotheslines to the front and back of the head. It took everything WALTER had to withstand the blows, let alone try and avoid them. He found himself hung up on the ropes for over a dozen clotheslines.

Ciampa avoided another chop and finally knocked the big man off his feet. The Air Raid Crash connected, giving Ciampa a close near fall. A butterfly suplex connected, and Ciampa followed up with the Fairy Tale Ending. WALTER still managed to kick out.

WALTER finally seemed to get back on top, locking in a sleeper hold. Ciampa made it to the ropes but was immediately spiked with a German suplex.

A lariat almost took Ciampa's head off, but it wasn't enough to put him away. Ciampa quickly regained control, bending back the injured hand looking for a submission victory. WALTER got to the ropes, and the Ring General used the area to trap Ciampa for a series of clubs to the chest.

Ciampa slammed his hand into the ring post, but a headbutt sent him down to the mat.

As WALTER climbed to the top, Ciampa chased with chops and punches. WALTER's powerbomb was blocked and turned into an Air Raid Crash off of Bret's Rope (the most dangerous rope). Somehow, someway, WALTER kicked out.

Ciampa and WALTER traded chops, leading to the latter taking his opponent down for a stomp to the neck. A powerbomb planted Ciampa, as did a second one. Ciampa refused to give in, kicking out just in time.

A clothesline and chop turned Ciampa inside out, though, finally putting out the fire inside The Blackheart for the night.

Results: WALTER defeated Tommaso Ciampa via pinfall at NXT TakeOver: Stand & Deliver.

Grade: A+

WALTER was joined by Imperium on the stage, as the four men stood tall against yet another fallen challenger of The Ring General. Who can stop the NXT UK Champion?

We got another short video hyping the debut of Franky Monet.

NXT Tag Team Championship match at TakeOver: Stand & Deliver - MSK vs Legado Del Fantasma vs Grizzled Young Veterans

Who will walk away as the new NXT Tag Team Champions tonight?
Who will walk away as the new NXT Tag Team Champions tonight?

Legado Del Fantasma dominated this NXT Tag Title Triple Threat early, but a furious Zack Gibson dropped Raul Mendoza with a nasty back suplex. Gibson went after the arm of Wes Lee, only for Lee to tag out to Nash Carter. MSK worked over Gibson until Mendoza blindsided Carter.

The former NXT UK Tag Team Champions took over, running through all four opponents after James Drake tagged in. Drake beat down Carter for several minutes while Legado Del Fantasma was down on the floor recovering.

Wes Lee finally tagged back in, and MSK went after GYV. Poetry in Motion hit both Drake and Gibson, but Lee and Carter were attacked by Legado Del Fantasma, who were lying in wait for the perfect opportunity.

A pair of big dives took out their opponents. The NXT Cruiserweight Champion's lackeys hit Carter with a pair of Coast to Coasts, but the pin was broken up by Gibson.

During the break, Legado Del Fantasma continued to work over MSK's Nash Carter after disposing of Gibson. The NXT Dusty Cup Winner was left on the wrong side of the ring, with Mendoza and Wilde tagging in and out to demolish Carter.

Mendoza hit a springboard moonsault but couldn't get the win. James Drake finally re-entered the fray, looking for a roll-up.

Lee tagged in, rocking Drake and Mendoza with a series of kicks. A suicide dive sent Gibson into the barricade, and a tope con hilo took out both members of Legado Del Fantasma.

A handspring Pele kick rocked Drake, and MSK followed up with Hot Fire Flame. It wasn't enough for the win, though, as Drake just barely kicked out

Zack Gibson pulled Lee off the apron, looking for GYV's suicide dive/Doomsday Device. A running knee from Carter stopped Drake, but he was taken out by LDF. Lee dropped them with a springboard double DDT.

As Lee focused on Drake, Gibson held his hand against the ring post, allowing his teammate to hit a dropkick and crush the hand.

An arm breaker hit, and the Shankley Gates were locked in. Drake prevented Carter from breaking it up, but Nash was able to grab his hand and prevent the submission.

Mendoza broke it up with a missile dropkick, and some tandem offense from Wilde and Mendoza took Gibson and Drake out of the match. Wes Lee was cracked with the Russian Leg Sweep/running enzuigiri, but for the first time ever, that finish didn't get the job done.

The Doomsday Device from GYV took Wilde out on the floor. MSK went after Mendoza, dropping him with a double stomp/burning hammer. The two final teams of the NXT Dusty Cup met in the ring. Carter countered Ticket to Mayhem and dropped both men with the springboard double cutter.

MSK took Gibson down with the spinebuster/springboard blockbuster for the win. MSK, just a few short months into their NXT run, captured the Tag Team Titles.

Results: MSK defeated Grizzled Young Veterans via pinfall at NXT TakeOver: Stand & Deliver

Grade: A

NXT Women's Championship match at TakeOver: Stand & Deliver - Raquel Gonzalez w/Dakota Kai vs Io Shirai (c)

Could Raquel Gonzalez realize the dream tonight?
Could Raquel Gonzalez realize the dream tonight?

Raquel Gonzalez ran right into the NXT Women's Champion, driving her into the corner and nearly kicking her head off with a big boot. Io Shirai struggled to get any offense in as Big Mami Cool easily overpowered her at every turn.

Shirai countered a powerbomb with a heel to the face and escaped into the ropes for a diving hurricanrana. Gonzalez was crushed with a running crossbody. Shirai pressed Gonzalez into the bottom turnbuckle but Raquel caught the slingshot knees. Shirai escaped her grasp, sending her to the floor with a schoolboy. After a dive, Io was attacked by Dakota Kai.

The ref saw the tail end of what happened, forcing him to send Kai to the back. A stiff back kick to the jaw rocked Gonzalez, and NXT's Genius of the Sky followed up with a beautiful springboard moonsault. However, Gonzalez responded with a lawn dart into the ring post.

Gonzalez dropped Shirai on across the top rope for a near fall. Though Shirai kicked out, her ribs may have been injured there. A series of elbow drops further focused on that mid-section.

Shirai escaped a suplex attempt by landing on her feet. Gonzalez responded with a short elbow strike to the chest, though, quelling any chance of building momentum.

A high Gory Special weakened Shirai, but the NXT Women's Champion was able to roll over Gonzalez's back and follow up with a hurricanrana into a leaping double stomp.

The 619 connected, as did the springboard missile dropkick. Gonzalez was taken over with the Code Red for a two-count.

Gonzalez was trapped in the crossface, and just barely managed to get to the ropes. As Raquel walked up the ramp, a moonsault took her out as did a running double knee to the jaw.

After several moments, Gonzalez stood up, unsure of where Shirai was. Much like at TakeOver: In Your House, Shirai climbed the set, appearing on the giant skull on the stage for a huge flying crossbody.

Shirai's Moonsault in the ring connected, and it seemed that she was on the way to another successful NXT Women's Title defense.

Not tonight though as Gonzalez kicked out and rolled to the floor. Shirai chased and was met with another big boot. The Single Arm Powerbomb drove Shirai into the floor.

Gonzalez told Shirai that it was time to learn to stay down. The defiant champion rocked her challenger with an uppercut but was turned inside out with a devastating clothesline.

Another One-Armed Powerbomb nearly put Shirai through the mat, finally dethroning the champion.

Results: Raquel Gonzalez defeated Io Shirai via pinfall at NXT TakeOver: Stand & Deliver.

Grade: A-

Raquel Gonzalez made history tonight, as she was the first to hold both the NXT Women's Championship and the NXT Women's Tag Team Titles as well.

Smoke, steam, and pyro went off as Gonzalez celebrated the greatest victory of her career.

Ex WWE writer blasts Liv Morgan HERE

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