Professional wrestling has seen several big, scary men over the years, and a few have been terrifying enough to make you turn the TV off. Vampires, voodoo priests, snakes and dead men have all somehow made a place for themselves in WWE over the years.Here, we look at the 10 scariest wrestlers who were successful in terrorizing the WWE roster as well as the universe.
#11 The Boogeyman
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Perhaps the most awkward entity to have stepped foot inside the WWE ring is ‘The Boogeyman’ and among all the other names on this list, he was the latest as he made his debut in 2005.
Have you seen any superstar grab a handful of worms and stuff it in his own mouth? Also, after he picks up a win, he had this habit of stuffing them in his opponent’s mouth.
Yes, definitely one of the most disgusting things we have ever seen. His catchphrase ‘I'm The Boogeyman and I'm comin' to get'cha’ became very famous during that time as he also makes a creepy entrance by smashing a large clock on his own head.
After leaving the company in 2009, he made his comeback in December 2012. Since then, he has been making some rare appearances and his latest one was at the 2015 Royal Rumble.
#10 Kevin Thorn & Ariel
Kevin Thorn, with his demonic intensity and punishing Dark Kiss finishing maneuver, made Hollywood softie Robert Pattinson look like Count Duckula by comparison.
Ariel, on the other hand, was a woman who had men lining up to be her next victim. Had they not disappeared in 2007, the animal-like couple could have sunk their teeth into a vampire revolution in the WWE.
During his vignettes, Thorn would spit blood right into the camera, letting ECW wrestlers know that a new creature of the night was coming to the land of extreme. No amount of garlic or holy water could stop Kevin Thorn. His only weakness was his release.
Alongside the mysterious Ariel, Thorn remained the scariest man for quite a while in WWE's revamped version of ECW.
#9 Kevin Sullivan

Although Kevin Sullivan’s looks might not suggest he was pure evil in human form, once you got to know him you would be hard pressed to deny that he was the devil incarnate.
Sullivan had the gimmick of a devil worshipper, “The Prince of Darkness”. He acted as a cult leader while competing in Championship Wrestling Florida (CWFL) and International Championship Wrestling (ICW), and he terrorized the CFWL in the 1980s.
After joining the WCW, Sullivan assembled a stable known as the Dungeon of Doom, consisting of the maniac Meng, the Brutal Barbarian, the mysterious Loch Ness, and the man who just enjoyed a good chuckle, Hugh Morrus.
The group terrorized the WCW, and Hulk Hogan in particular. But in the end, it was the Hulkster who got the better of the group. While Sullivan’s accomplishments in pro wrestling are commendable, he is infamously accused of being involved in the Benoit murders, all of which have been proven to be false.
#8 Sycho Sid
Unlike a few others who only seem to go crazy occasionally, Sycho Sid seemed perpetally insane.
Standing 7-feet tall and weighing more than 300 pounds, Sid was one of the most physical imposing superstars, whether in the WCW, WWE or the ECW. He never seemed bothered about who stood before him; his only aim was destruction, which made him one of the most feared men in the company.
After his debut in the WWE as Sid Justice, he formed an alliance with Hulk Hogan and Shawn Michaels. But these were just a part of Sid’s larger plans as he ultimately betrayed them.
Sid’s evil laugh and unpredictable violent personality made him one of the biggest threats in the WWE.
#7 Gangrel
Gangrel, who was a vampire before vampires were considered cool, had one of the most stylish WWE entrances of the Attitude Era.
With his white fangs and piercing eyes, Gangrel was a frightening superstar who brought a great deal of spookiness to the ring. While he rose from below the entrance stage, he carried a vessel full of red liquid, referred to as the blood from the goblet, which he drank on his way to the ring.
Besides drinking it himself, he also gave a dose of it to his opponents; he gave them bloodbaths, where gallons fell on them from the ceiling, creating a macabre, grisly sight.
#6 Abdullah the Butcher
If provided with a chance, the man from Sudan, Abdullah the Butcher, would have probably eaten your liver with some beans.
Till date, no one has matched the intensity and thirst for brutality of Abdullah. With his baggy pants hiked high over his enormous waistline, his darting wide eyes and his broad forehead carved with deep scars, The Butcher showed no mercy to his opponents.
To this day he remains one of the scariest wrestlers in the history of the WWE. Fans across the world were afraid of the Butcher, and he loved every second of it.
#5 Paul Bearer
Paul Bearer has always seemed like a person morbidly interested in death and disaster and, to some extent, a ghostly personality.
Yet, his role in representing the superstars he aligned himself with gave him everlasting recognition in the WWE universe.
Bearer’s trademark quivering, high-pitched voice and his “power of the urn” made a perfect accompaniment to the legendary Undertaker, and their association was a successful one. Bearer also aligned himself for a brief time with Mankind back in the mid-1990s, in addition to revealing his “son” Kane in 1997 and then guiding his fortunes on many an occasion.
Whether it was a “trick” or a “treat” that came from the mind of Paul Bearer, it went a long way into making him one of the most unique and scariest personalities to have ever appeared in the WWE.
#4 Jake \"The Snake\" Roberts
Snakes are terrifying creatures in their own right, but they aren’t nearly as scary as Jake “The Snake” Roberts – an unstable genius.
The sight of Jake carrying a Burmese python, Damien, and setting it on a fallen opponent was more than enough to make the WWE universe feel uneasy. His slow and methodical manner of speaking made him play with wrestlers’ minds and put the fear of God in them.
When The Ultimate Warrior was set to feud with The Undertaker, he went to Jake so as to help him get trained for the fight. But that was a major mistake, as The Warrior was put through some terrifying trials by Jake. He was buried in dirt up to his neck and was even locked in a room full of snakes. He begged for mercy but Jake showed none.
That is probably why one should never trust a snake.
#3 Kane
When Kane made his first WWE appearance at Badd Blood 1997, few could have predicted the 15-year reign of terror the masked monster would inflict on WWE fans and opponents alike.
The Undertaker, the elder brother of Kane, reportedly had no idea if he was still alive. Kane was burnt horribly and later, had to wear a mask and a full body suit so as to cover his scars. During the Attitude Era, Kane was an unstoppable monster who instilled a sense of dread in the WWF.
Over the last 15 years, the Devil’s favourite demon has set men on fire, buried them alive and ruined weddings. He has dominated nearly every competitor to step foot in the WWE ring.
#2 Andre the Giant
“And heeeeeeeere's Andre!”
The first superstar to get inducted into WWE’s Hall of Fame, Andre the Giant is one of the most beloved superstars of all time. However, during the 1980s, the “Eighth Wonder of the World” was the most frightening superstar in sports-entertainment and it wasn’t hard to see why.
Standing 7-feet, 4-inches tall and weighing more than 500 pounds, the Grenoble native, while competing in the 1970s and 1980s and presenting a daunting challenge to superstars like Big John Studd and Hulk Hogan, started hanging out with the wrong crowd. Ted DiBiase started to get in his mind and change our beloved hero.
The Million Dollar man created a monster in the form of Andre the Giant who straight away went after the good guy, Hulk Hogan. Andre then became the baddest man in the entire WWF and everyone shivered in fear at the mere thought of him.
With his evil laugh, his sinister grin and his supernatural strength, Andre could have done whatever he to anyone he chose, and no one could have stopped him.
#1 The Undertaker
There is no superstar in sports-entertainment who is more shrouded in myth and legend as The Undertaker.
It has been over 20 years now, since the moment he debuted at Survivor Series – back in 1990. And the Deadman, along with Paul Bearer, almost immediately became the scariest characters in the WWF. Little did the fans know then that Taker would continue unleashing terror for over two decades.
Through the course of his career, The Undertaker has locked The Ultimate Warrior in a casket, buried The Rock and Mankind alive, hung The Big Bossman and kidnapped Stephanie McMahon. The Deadman has remained a force of pure evil throughout his career.
Anyone foolish enough to call out Taker ends up paying for it. The lights go off, the fog appears and the gong strikes. Along with being the most iconic image in all of wrestling, The Undertaker’s entrance also sends a chill down everyone’s spine.
When the Funeral March theme begins to play, The Undertaker’s opponent knows they could be in for the last match of their life.