WWE Raw Preview: 4 April, 2016

What next?

WrestleMania 32 impressed. It was not special in comparison to its recent predecessors, but the show did impress on different levels. The pay-per-view is history now and it is time for WWE to look ahead at Monday Night Raw.

Also read: WWE RAW Results: 4 April 2016 [VIDEO]

Their weekly flagship show would carry a lot of expectations after what went down at WrestleMania and it would be WWE’s responsibility to deliver the goods. From what we saw on Sunday night, not many future storylines sprouted from the show, which means that there will be a hell lot of action on Raw this week.

Also read: WWE Wrestlemania 32 Results and Highlights (VIDEO)

So here is a look at the things that WWE could come up with on Monday Night.

John Cena here to stay?

Full blown return or just a momentary pop?

John Cena made a surprise return to WWE last night when he came to the aid of Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson. Cena, who was out of WrestleMania due to an injury, did provide us with a great WrestleMania moment when he returned.

There were rumors about Cena being medically cleared to be in the ring and it apparently turned out to be true.

The question now is: will Cena stick around or is he going back until he recovers completely? This is a big question considering the star power of Cena and we are sure to get an answer for this at this week’s Monday night Raw.

Also, if Cena is sticking around, it would be interesting to see how he’d be used.

The New champions are here

The Women’s champ

WrestleMania 32 saw the crowning of numerous new champions. Zack Ryder walked out of the show as the Intercontinental champion and shocked the entire WWE Universe in the process.

Ryder was never considered to be a serious contender in the match but he proved everyone wrong.

Charlotte meanwhile retired the Divas championship and became the Women’s champion. The match was epic and it deserves a follow up on Raw this week. She will be out to showcase the new title and Becky and Sasha would have a say on the same.

Meanwhile, Roman Reigns will show up on Raw as the new WWE champion and we have no idea how that will turn out.

The Battle Royal winner

Corbin to the main roster?

The choice of winners was something that surprised fans the most at WrestleMania. Most of the choices had no future implications and it made everyone feel indifferent. The Andre the Giant battle royal, however, did not fall into this category.

Baron Corbin won the Battle Royal and it had everyone talking. He is apparently someone that the WWE is pretty high on and his win at WrestleMania underlined this fact.

Baron would probably be seen on the main roster from now onwards and if that is indeed the case, how would he be booked? Such questions make the wait for wrestling shows that much more special.

NXT debuts maybe

Will he?

The Raw after WrestleMania marks a new phase in WWE timeline. It is the best stage to make a debut and WWE has used this to their advantage on numerous occasions in the past. This year would be no different if we go by the rumors.

From the looks of it, WWE is planning to have some big debuts on Raw this week.

A front runner to make a debut on Raw is Samoa Joe. He had a great match with Finn Balor at Takeover Dallas and could get his rub in the bigger picture soon. There are also rumors about Balor Club making their debut this week on Raw. Bayley is another potential name that has been bouncing around.

Future of Shane McMahon and WWE

What will WWE do with Shane?

The spot that Shane McMahon pulled off at WrestleMania 32 was one for the ages. This apparently covered up everything that was wrong with the whole storyline and made everyone mark out.

In fact, everyone even forgot what Shane was fighting for. He was fighting for the control of Monday Night Raw against his father and surprisingly, Vince was not even at ringside.

Now with Shane losing the match, his future seems to be clouded. He could stick around and have another storyline or could simply disappear and make no sense whatsoever. Either way, he has to come out on Raw and give a promo on the match he had with Taker at Mania.

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