WWE RAW Results December 24th 2018, latest Monday Night Raw winners, video highlights

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Elias kicked off the show playing a little tune. He then played his own Christmas song and for the first time ever he was actually screen time. He was singing about how Bobby Lashley sucked and the crowd was loving it. Up first was Elias vs. Lashley in a Miracle on 34th Street Fight.


Elias vs. Bobby Lashley (Miracle on 34th Street Fight)

Elias opened the show this Christmas Eve
Elias opened the show this Christmas Eve

Lashley started off dominant, pressing Elias against the turnbuckles. Elias used the Christmas props outside and first attacked Lashley with the Christmas tree. Elias took out a candy cane kendo stick and nearly whacked Lashley with it before Lio Rush snatched it away. Lashley tried to use the distraction to charge at him but Elias moved, sending Lashley shoulder-first into the steel steps.

After the break, Lashley had control over Elias. Lio Rush tried to frog splash but Elias lifted his knees. Meanwhile, the commentators were bickering about eggnog and concluded that Lashley wasn't allowed to drink it, given his practically perfect body. Bobby Lashley pressed his foot against Elias on the barricade and slammed Elias on the gift boxes.

Back in the ring, Lashley hit a belly-to-belly and Elias looked like he was in trouble. Michael Cole seems to be gushing over the fact that Lio Rush gave him a gift and Lashley poured it on the mat - it was Legos! The crowd started chanting "Legos" and Lashley was trying to slam Elias from the second turnbuckle.

Elias fought out and Lashley seemed to have a punctured glute. Elias brought out a fire extinguisher before sending Lio Rush through the table. Elias took out a bowling ball and hit Lashley with it, right in the 'family jewels'. Elias then took out a cello. He smashed it on Lashley's back and got a three count.

Result: Elias def. Bobby Lashley

After the match, Elias stuffed cookies into Lio Rush's mouth and poured eggnog all over him.


Bobby Roode & Chad Gable (c) vs. The Revival - RAW Tag Team Championships match

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Dash Wilder started the match off with Bobby Roode. Dawson tried to distract Roode and Wilder tried to get the roll-up pin. Gable hit an epic monkey press on Dawson.

Gable continued to impress with a unique armdrag and suplex, but a little distraction allowed The Revival to hit a shatter machine-like move onto the ropes. The Revival hit a picture perfect Northern Lights suplex onto Gable. They were in complete control as Wilder teed off on Gable with chest slaps.

Gable locked an armbar on the ropes and broke it before the 5-count. Dawson sent Wilder into the ring and got himself tagged in. Dawson prevented a tag but a suplex by Gable gave him space to tag Roode in.

Roode took the hot tag and flipped Wilder onto Dawson and sent Dawson packing. He hit a spinebuster on Wilder and they got ready to finish it up. Wilder moved and evaded Gable's moonsault. Gable still countered a roll-up into a suplex and nearly pinned him but Dawson charged in and broke it up.

Gable nearly got pinned and when Revival look to finish it, Roode charged in and interjected. This gave Gable room to get a roll-up pin.

Result: Gable & Roode def. The Revival to retain the RAW Tag Team titles


Finn Balor vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Dolph Ziggler - Triple Threat Match

Finn Balor showed great dominance over these two top Stars
Finn Balor showed great dominance over these two top Stars

McIntyre took to the offence from the get-go and Balor and Ziggler worked together to throw Drew out of the ring before turning on each other. Balor was looking for a Suicide Dive but McIntyre brought him down from the ringside. Drew managed to take Ziggler out as well as we headed into commercials.

Balor takes advantage after we returned and hit a double stomp on McIntyre's chest. He went to finish the Scottish Psychopath, but Balor moved and Ziggler ran in and landed the Zig Zag on Balor. Ziggler hit a Famouser and McIntyre quickly set up Ziggler's legs on his shoulders. He used his raw power and flung Ziggler onto Balor. He pinned Balor but it's only two.

He was in Claymore position but Balor countered with a sling blade. Balor used his great ring presence to cling on to the ropes and evaded McIntyre's counter. He went to the top again and Ziggler shoved him down.

Ziggler hit a zig-zag on McIntyre and Balor broke it up with a Coupe de Grace. McIntyre is out and Balor was in full position. He hit a Coupe de Grace on Ziggler and picked up the win.

Result: Finn Balor def. Drew McIntyre & Dolph Ziggler

After the match, McIntyre held Ziggler's face and said he was ruining everything. He turned his back and Ziggler caught him with a Zig-Zag.

McMahon-ta anyone?
McMahon-ta anyone?

Vince McMahon was dressed as Santa Claus backstage and made 3 big promises:

Women's Tag Titles will be introduced in 2019; John Cena will return to both brands and Dolph Ziggler vs Drew McIntyre is scheduled as a steel cage match next week.


Mickie James, Alicia Fox & Dana Brooke vs. Sasha Banks, Bayley & Ember Moon - 6 Woman Tag Team match

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Ember Moon started things off with the veteran Mickie James. Mickie James got driven outside and Ember Moon hit her picture-perfect suicide dive. A little distraction saw the heels get back in control.

Ember Moon was being dominated by Dana Brooke, who went to the other side and knocked Sasha Banks off the apron. Bayley got tagged in and started knocking Dana Brooke down following it up with a back suplex.

Mickie James was tagged in but Bayley continued her onslaught. Sasha perfectly timed her tag in and hit a flying knee to the veteran James. Alicia Fox broke it up but Ember Moon sent her packing with an eclipse. Sasha hit the backstabber and Bayley landed the Bayley-to-Belly for a big win.

Result: Sasha Banks, Ember Moon and Bayley def. Alicia Fox, Dana Brooke, and Mickie James

After the match, the Riott Squad jumped the three from behind.


Paul Heyman celebrates the holidays on RAW

Braun sent a clear message to Brock Lesnar
Braun sent a clear message to Brock Lesnar

Paul Heyman was singing Silent Night in the ring as we returned to the show. He sang about Lesnar not 'getting those hands'. Braun Strowman came out and the moment his music hits, Paul Heyman's facial expression changed completely.

Heyman pleaded Strowman to spare him, saying he's just an advocate. Strowman put a red nose and the reindeer antlers on Heyman. He wanted Heyman to take this message back to Lesnar: he will be healed up by Royal Rumble and that Lesnar will 'Get these hands'.


Natalya was being interviewed backstage. She said that as Ronda's training partner and best friend, she knew the champ the most and that would help her win the title. She made a promise that she will be winning the championship as a Christmas gift to herself and seemed rather confident that she was set for a win later in the night.

Ronda Rousey (c) vs. Natalya - RAW Women's Championship match

Ronda was in serious trouble before she turned things around
Ronda was in serious trouble before she turned things around

Natalya had Rousey pinned to the mat early on and tried to pin her but Rousey lifted her shoulders to break it up. Natalya brawled with Rousey on the ground and it's was quite even so far. Rousey kicked Natalya hard and sent her outside, and looked a bit concerned before realizing that she was in a competitive title match.

Natalya had the champion locked in leg scissors, with her arms locked back. Rousey landed a simple elbow and knocks the challenger off balance. Natalya suplexed Rousey and had her in a Rear Naked Choke-like position. The match was clearly going in Natalya's pace and Rousey's face turned red as she somehow fought out. Natalya was dominant and right there was no friendship at that moment.

Natalya countered Rousey and went for the sharpshooter but took too long, as Rousey kicked her away. Rousey hit the piper's pit and took Natalya's arm. She hesitated and took too long and Natalya countered her into a sharpshooter in the middle of the ring.

Rousey crawled away but Natalya pulled her to the middle of the ring. Natalya was smiling and seemed certain that the end was near for Rousey, but the champion rolled up and countered her into an armbar.

Natalya tapped and Rousey let her go even earlier than usual. After the match, Rousey seemed regretful and consoled Natalya. They embraced after the match.

Result: Ronda Rousey def. Natalya to retain the RAW Women's Championship


Heath Slater vs. Jinder Mahal

Santa Claus is in the ring!
Santa Claus is in the ring!

Heath Slater was back in action after his recent demotion to referee. He was set to face his former 3MB teammate, Jinder Mahal. Mahal outpowered Heath Slater early on. Meanwhile, on commentary, Renee Young was outraged over Corey Graves insulting Heath Slater's integrity.

Jinder Mahal had him in a headlock and Santa Claus appeared in the crowd throwing presents. Jinder Mahal was shouting at Santa and Slater got a kick in but The Singh Brothers broke up the pin, DQing Mahal.

Result: Heath Slater def. Jinder Mahal by DQ

Santa came to the ring and was ready to take the three on. Santa chants echoed through the arena as Father Christmas ran through Jinder. It was Rhyno, the fired RAW star was back. Rhyno hit the gore and embraced Heath Slater. They were back together as a Christmas miracle!


Seth Rollins vs. Baron Corbin

A huge win from Seth Rollins closed the Christmas special
A huge win from Seth Rollins closed the Christmas special

Seth sent Corbin outside early on and hit a huge suicide dive. Corbin sent Rollins into the barricade and apron but Rollins soon did the very same thing. He sent Corbin back into the ring and started talking trash. Rollins was in total control as we headed to a commercial break.

We returned to see Corbin wailing on Seth after hitting a big clothesline. Corbin kept the pressure on, slowing down the pace of the match. Rollins recovered and hit a Falcon Arrow for a near fall. Rollins went for a knee strike but Corbin reversed it into a Deep Six but it was only a two count.

Rollins went for a springboard move but Corbin caught him in a chokeslam backbreaker. Corbin then hit the basement dropkick and the stomp and got the win.

Result: Seth Rollins def. Baron Corbin


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