RAW Results: Top Champion pinned; Lashley uses Hall Of Famer's finisher

Lashley and McIntyre sent strong messages on RAW
Lashley and McIntyre sent strong messages on RAW

Nikki A.S.H. welcomed us to RAW and celebrated becoming the new Women's Champion after cashing in her Money in the Bank contract. Nikki said that previously she didn't believe in herself but ever since finding her new superhero persona, she now has the confidence to go out there and win.

Charlotte made her entrance and joined her in the ring, mocking Nikki and saying that she stole the title. She brought up a technicality about not being on her feet when the match started before saying that she should have a rematch at SummerSlam.

Charlotte was ranting about the fans too when Rhea Ripley showed up to the ring. Ripley wanted to face Nikki at SummerSlam as well before Sonya Deville and Adam Pearce came out to solve the matter.

Sonya said they decided on a triple threat match at SummerSlam and Charlotte and Ripley were not having it. Charlotte challenged Nikki to a match tonight and the champ accepted it.

A brawl broke out and Ripley was tossed out first before Charlotte retreated and Nikki was in the ring with her belt.

Damian Priest vs. Sheamus on RAW

Sheamus was tossed out of the ring early on before he caught Damian and dropped him on the apron. After a break on RAW, Priest hit a big clothesline and knocked Sheamus' mask off with his fists.

Priest hit a chokeslam from the top rope for a near fall before going for the Hit The Lights, but Sheamus hit the Alabama Slam off the counter. Priest got a big kick to the face on the apron before getting his finisher in the ring for the win!

Result: Damian Priest def. Sheamus to earn a US Championship match

Match rating: B

AJ Styles & Omos vs. The Viking Raiders - RAW Tag Team Championship match

AJ and Erik kicked off the match on RAW and the Viking Raiders isolated Styles right off the bat. Erik hit a dive on Omos before hitting the Viking Experience in the ring on AJ. Omos recovered and broke the pin before the title changed hands.

Back after a break on RAW, the champs were in control and isolated Erik in their corner. Ivar tagged in and dodged the Phenomenal Forearm before AJ got a near fall off a tornado DDT.

Ivar was outside the ring and distracted Omos while Erik tried to pin AJ but they failed. Omos tossed Ivar outside the ring before taking out Erik in the ring. AJ hit a springboard 450 splash and picked up the win.

Result: AJ Styles & Omos def. The Viking Raiders to retain the RAW Tag Team Championships

Grade: B

Drew McIntyre was out next and Mahal was back and wanted Drew to apologize for injuring Shanky or else he would sue him. Drew asked the audience and they preferred that the Scotsman beat up Veer instead.

Drew McIntyre vs. Veer on RAW

Drew was unloading on Veer and Jinder tried to distract him with a steel chair on RAW. Veer got the upper hand and hit a big boot before getting a near fall. McIntyre got back in control and started beating the crap out of Veer once more.

Jinder handed Veer the steel chair and he was about to hit McIntyre with it before Drew hit a claymore onto the chair, taking out Veer and the referee called the match.

Result: DNF

After the match, Drew brought Jinder's lawyer into the ring and hit him with a Claymore.

Grade: C

Eva Marie & Doudrop vs. Natalya & Tamina on RAW

Eva started the match and was immediately sent into the corner by Natalya before Marie made the tag. Doudrop nearly rolled Natalya up in the ring before Tamina tagged in.

Doudrop hit a crossbody before tagging in Eva but she failed to get the pin. On the titantron, Alexa played a parody video called Lily-Lution, making fun of Eva-Lution and the distraction allowed Tamina to get the pin on Eva with a superkick.

Result: Natalya & Tamina def. Eva Marie & Doudrop

Grade: C

Karrion Kross vs. Keith Lee on RAW

Lee hit a big slam on RAW and knocked Kross out of the ring before the match went outside. Kross hit a huge suplex and sent Lee to the floor and we headed for another break.

Back on RAW, Kross got a near fall before locking in the headlock but Lee broke out of it. Lee knocked Kross around the ring a few times before Karrion dodged the Spirit Bomb and hit a big suplex. He followed it up with a forearm to the back of the head.

Kross locked in the Kross Jacket in the ring and Keith finally tapped out letting Kross pick up the win.

Result: Karrion Kross def. Keith Lee

Grade: C

Mace & T-Bar vs. Mansoor & Mustafa Ali on RAW

Ali was taking a beating early in the match and was sent into the mat before Mansoor broke the pin. Ali hit a huge kick on T-Bar before Mace was tagged in and so was Mansoor.

Mansoor hit a reverse DDT for a near fall before T-Bar took him down with a big boot. T-Bar was looking for a chokeslam but Mansoor rolled him up for a quick win.

Result: Mansoor & Mustafa Ali def. Mace & T-Bar

Grade: C

Bobby Lashley was out next on RAW and said that Goldberg disrespected him with his challenge and he will not dignify it with an answer. Cedric Alexander came out, followed by Shelton Benjamin and they both wanted to face Lashley.

MVP tried to get them to leave before Lashley said he will take him both on and they headed for a match right away.

Bobby Lashley vs. Cedric Alexander & Shelton Benjamin on RAW

Lashley took out both men and sent Cedric outside before sending him into the steel ring post outside.

Back in the ring, Sheldon tried to sneak up and managed to get the advantage once Cedric recovered but Lashley still fought back.

Lashley hit a spinebuster on Cedric and a spear on Benjamin before following up with a Jackhammer and a Dominator. The WWE champ picked up the win by double pinning both of them.

Result: Bobby Lashley def. Cedric Alexander & Shelton Benjamin

Grade: C

AJ Styles walked up to Miz & Morrison before John Morrison's match with Riddle, plotting something in secret, away from the cameras on RAW.

Riddle vs. John Morrison on RAW

Riddle got the advantage on RAW after a long sequence of counters and holds and hit a huge fisherman's suplex before The Miz ran a distraction with the drip stick. Riddle ran to the apron and kicked Miz's wheelchair over.

Back after a break on RAW, Riddle hit a springboard dive to the outside before AJ Styles and Omos showed up. Morrison used the distraction to hit some big moves and get a near fall.

Styles and Omos broke Riddle's scooter and Morrison used this second distraction to get the Starship Pain for the win.

Result: John Morrison def. Riddle

Styles attacked Riddle after the match and hit the Styles Clash before walking out.

Grade: B

Reginald (c) vs. R-Truth - 24/7 Championship Match on RAW

R-Truth was wearing a mic as the match began on RAW and asked for his 'baby' back but Reginald kept flipping around, dodging Truth's offense.

Truth used Reginald's own jacket to blind him but Reggie still managed to dodge a big tackle in the corner.

Reginal rolled Truth up after hitting a senton and picked up the win.

Result: Reginald def. R-Truth to retain the 24/7 Championship

Grade: C

Nikki A.S.H. vs. Charlotte on RAW

Charlotte hit a clothesline and sent Nikki into the corner on RAW, punishing her before trying to rip the champ's mask off. Charlotte stomped on Nikki before she tackled her down to the mat for a near fall.

Nikki finally fought back and sent Charlotte into the corner before countering a vertical suplex and nearly getting a rollup. Nikki hit the DDT and a kick to the outside before being dumped over the announce desk.

Flair was was still in control after a break on RAW, but Nikki kept kicking out and hit a crossbody to the outside. Nikki got control of the match and sent Flair down with bulldog but Charlotte came back with her trademark chops.

Nikki A.S.H. hit the crossbody from the top rope but Charlotte rolled her over and pinned her instead!

Result: Charlotte def. Nikki A.S.H.

Flair got on the mic and told Nikki she wasn't good enough to be in the ring with her. Nikki was furious and said that she almost beat her, challenging her to a rematch next week.

Nikki went for a handshake and Flair beat her up, mocking her and the audience for cheering for her.

Grade: B+

Episode grade: B

Another week of RAW gave us a tag team title match while Bobby Lashley refused to answer Goldberg's challenge and beat up his former teammates in a handicap match. Nikki A.S.H. took on Charlotte in the main event and Drew McIntyre beat up more of Jinder's friends on RAW tonight.

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