WWE SmackDown, 11th April - Results

WWE hit Layfette, Louisiana earlier this week to tape the latest edition of SmackDown.

The show opened with John Cena who used his the main talking points of Wrestlemania as a base to his promo. He spoke about Hogan, Rock and Austin starting the event, the shocking end of the streak and Daniel Bryan’s title win. He said that no matter how many wrestlers come in and enjoy the spotlight, he will in the end remain the top dogs in the company. No matter who’s on the road, to get to the top of the mountain they will have to get through him and the same applied even to Bray Wyatt at Wrestlemania. Thankfully the Wyatts interrupted and Bray respected Cena’s victory but reminded him that this party is far from over. Bray said he will go to all ‘extremes’ to get the monster out of Cena.

Big Show vs Cesaro

Decent first match of the show. Big Show still looks fit and strong as he used to in the past. The newest Paul Heyman guy Cesaro was at his best in the ring and did well to make up to Show’s lack of pace. The match was back and forth with Show dominating the proceedings. Cesaro fought back with a few chokes and meaty hits and then as he was about to go for the Cesaro swing, Swagger attacked him from behind to lead to a disqualification.

Winner: Cesaro Via DQ

RybAxel vs Los Matadores

Remember how much hype WWE created before Los Matadores’ debut? Anyway, this was another good match. RybAxel were clearly the dominant team but the Matadores managed to fight back well enough to create some sort of an impression. Anyway this was a nothing match and didn’t seem to have any sort of relevance whatsover. Axel hit his signature neckbreaker for the win.

Winner: RybAxel

RVD vs Damien Sandow

Before the match, RVD gave a quick interview as to how he likes being back on WWE. This was nothing different from what we saw on RAW. After some back and forth action RVD hit the frog splash for the win. Poor Sandow.

Winner: RVD

Hulk Hogan is then out to celebrate Daniel Bryan’s title win. He invited Bryan to the ring who said that he has been idolizing Hogan right from his childhood and would love to do his signature with him inside the ring. Bryan joins Hogan and both did his signature poses. Hogan then started a YES chant to end the feel good segment.

Bad News Barrett vs Kofi Kingston

Good to see Barrett in the ring finally. Anyway a short lived match that saw Barrett hit the Bull Hammer on Kofi to pick up the victory.

Winner: Bad News Barrett

Fandango vs Santino Marella

Duh! Fandango rolls Santino to pick up the victory. Layla is Fandango’s new lady, I still prefer Summer Rae.

Winner: Fandango

Daniel Bryan & The Usos vs Randy Orton, Kane and Batista

Just another six man tag match that we’ve been getting accustomed to these days. WWE seems to have gotten a liking to this kind of a match. Anyway it was a decent main event that saw a lot of back and forth action. The match ended in a No Contest after the wrestlers start brawling outside the ring.

Post-match Kane, Orton and Batista beat down the Usos as the Shield make the save. Bryan hit the running knee on Kane as he stands tall with the Shield just like on RAW to end the show.

That’s the show. Your thoughts?

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