WWE SmackDown Live Results March 28th 2017, Latest SmackDown Live winners and video highlights

Bray Wyatt faced former followe Luke Harper in the main-event

The last episode of SmackDown Live before WrestleMania 33 came from the Richmond Coliseum in Richmond, Virginia. The main event featured Bray Wyatt taking on former protege Luke Harper. The show also featured Shane McMahon and AJ Styles’ contract signing segment and the hilarious conclusion to Miz and Maryse’s Total Bellas parody. Another highlight of the show included the return of former SmackDown Live Women’s Champion Naomi, who declared herself fit for the title match at WrestleMania 33.

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Shane McMahon and AJ Styles contract signing segment

SmackDown live kicked off with SmackDown Live GM Daniel Bryan. Bryan came out and introduced Shane McMahon and AJ Styles who were set to sign the contract for their match at WrestleMania 33.

Shane opened up by saying that when SmackDown went live after the brand split, AJ Styles was at the forefront of his and Daniel Bryan’s vision. He then added that AJ was one of the finest talents to ever walk through a WWE ring and that he was truly phenomenal. Shane continued to say that AJ Styles used the love and support from the fans to win the WWE Championship, which he later lost because of his growing arrogance.

Shane then went on to say that AJ had to make a WrestleMania match for himself by attacking Shane. He then told AJ that he made every opponent of his reach deep down inside to take them to the next level. The crowd were firmly behind AJ as he took to the mic saying that this wasn’t a Hell In A Cell match or a Falls Count Anywhere match. This was a traditional pro wrestling match and he warned Shane that inside these ropes, he was untouchable.

AJ added that whether it was a traditional wrestling match, a slugfest or an aerial duel – he would dominate. AJ wasn’t done yet. He continued, saying that Shane had been in the ring with a literal who’s who of the WWE from The Rock to Undertaker but he had never been in the ring with someone on AJ Styles’ level. Styles then signed the contract before both men went nose to nose before Daniel Bryan got between them.


Becky Lynch vs Carmella

Becky Lynch was followed out by James Ellsworth. Ellsworth said he was a handsome physical specimen and he demanded some respect before introducing Carmella.

Mickie James and Alexa Bliss were at ringside for this match.

Becky Started the match strong, hitting Carmella with a knee and an uppercut before Carmella quickly wrested back control. Lynch fought back with an enzeguiri. The action happened as Alexa and Mickie argued at ringside. They soon came to blows at ringside as Mickie planted Alexa face-first onto the mat. The brawl soon broke into the ring as all women came to blows.

James and Lynch then faced off in the middle of the ring as the last two women standing. James pointed at the WrestleMania sign as we headed off to commercial.

Mickey James and Becky Lynch vs Alexa Bliss and Carmella

We came back from commercial to see a tag-team match underway. Lynch and James rotated tags before Alexa Bliss tagged herself out leaving Carmella and Mickie as the legal women. Mickie Hames hit her with a series of kicks before kicking Alexa Bliss off the apron.

Carmella took advantage and reigned down rights and lefts before choking her with the middle rope. Alexa booted Mickie in the face as the referee remonstrated with Carmella. ‘The Princess of Staten Island’ then tagged Bliss back in.

Bliss took control before Natalya’s music hit. The match continued with Natalya on commentary for some inexplicable reason.

James hit Bliss with a hurracanrana followed by a modified neckbreaker as both women made tags. Becky Lynch took the fight to Carmella, hitting her with a German Suplex followed by a running forearm and a springboard kick. Natalya went to get on the apron and take a shot at Becky Lynch. The referee was distracted as Ellsworth tripped Becky from ringside.

Carmella took advantage to pin Becky for the win.

Alexa Bliss and Carmella def. Mickie James and Becky Lynch

The heels pounded the faces after the match when Naomi’s music hit. Naomi hit Natalya with a hurracanrana on the entrance ramp before disposing of Bliss and Carmella.

She then cut a promo about how she was back in time for WrestleMania.


Miz TV – Miz and Maryse present the conclusion to “Total Bellas”

Miz and Maryse presented another epic spoof of Total Bellas. From John Cena’s “house rules” to “Daniel Bryan”, the segment was one of the most entertaining spoofs seen on WWE television in the recent past.

The segment took a break when “Nikki” asked “John Cena” to marry her as Miz and Maryse sent us to the commercial.

The segment continued after the break and led to a standing ovation from the fans in attendance even though there were a couple of boos here and there.

John Cena’s music hit at this point as he came out accompanied by Nikki Bella. Miz replied by saying that he was surprised that it took this long for Cena to interrupt him. Cena said that he was at the back laughing with everyone else before taking shots at Maryse. He then asked Miz if he was “high” before saying that a lot of fans wanted him to go but they can’t get rid of him. Cena added that many Superstars made movies during their time with the WWE and that list included The Miz.

Cena really took control of the segment and even used a banned non-PG word at one point, calling The Miz a “pu**y”.

The segment took a weird turn as Cena asked Miz if he was firing blanks since him and Maryse didn’t have kids. Cena then accused Miz and Maryse of not listening before promising to destroy them at WrestleMania. Cena then added that Miz and Maryse weren’t the “it couple”, they were the “sh*t couple”.


American Alpha, Heath Slater, Rhyno and Mojo Rawley vs The Usos, Dolph Ziggler and Breezango

Jason Jordan and Dolph Ziggler started us off. Jordan showed off his superior athleticism before tagging in Gable. Gable had Ziggler in an arm lock before he tagged Heath Slater in. Slater briefly worked on Ziggler before tagging in the “manbeast” Rhyno as we headed to commercial.

We came back from commercial to see The Usos isolate Chad Gable. Fandango tagged himself in and went to work on Gable. Jimmy Uso then tagged himself in but both men soon went down. Jimmy Uso made the tag to his brother Jey first but Gable soon tagged in Mojo Rawley as Jey Uso tagged in Tyler Breeze.

He hit Tyler with a running splash before planting Breeze face-first into the mat as things really broke down. It included multiple superkicks and a massive Gore from Rhyno which almost broke Dolph Ziggler in half. The match ended with Mojo Rawley hitting Tyler Breeze with a running lariat for the pin.

American Alpha, Heath Slater, Rhyno and Mojo Rawley def. The Usos, Dolph Ziggler and Breezango


Bray Wyatt vs Luke Harper

Luke Harper finally debuted his new in-ring gear during this match. The match started off at a furious pace as Wyatt and his former followed traded blows inside the ring before the fight spilt to ringside. Harper hit Wyatt with a massive clothesline against the barricade as we headed to commercial.

We came back from commercial to see the two former Wyatt Family members still slugging it out. Wyatt hit Harper with a modified Rock Bottom. Harper recovered and attempted a Sister Abigail before Bray broke free and left the ring. Harper hit Wyatt with two suicide dives before bringing him back into the ring and hitting a senton for a 2-count.

Harper continued his momentum as he hit Bray with a lariat in the corner. He followed it up with a Superkick and a clothesline before attempting a cover. Bray managed to reach the ropes and avoid getting pinned.

Bray got on his knees and gave Harper a strange look before running at him and hitting a Sister Abigail as a ‘mesmerized’ Harper attempted a Discus Clothesline.

Bray Wyatt def. Luke Harper’


Randy Orton appeared after the match and had an ominous message for Bray Wyatt.


Randy Orton picks the next Randy Orton HERE.