WWE SmackDown Live Results, 29th May 2018, Latest SmackDown winners and video highlights

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SmackDown had a strong showing this week

SmackDown Live kicked off with the appearance from Samoa Joe who set up a ladder in the ring and retrieved the Money in the Bank briefcase before grabbing a mic. Joe cut a promo while holding the briefcase about ladders and salvation, but said there will be no salvation, and that he'll be smiling after MITB when he wins the match and the briefcase.

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Daniel Bryan's music hit and he came out to the ring to threaten Joe for bringing up his family. Just as the two were about to start their match, Big Cass made his entrance and mentioned that he spoke to SmackDown GM Paige and that she said that Samoa Joe will face Big Cass and not Daniel Bryan for the last spot in the Money in the Bank ladder match. Saying that he was cleared to wrestle, Cass attacked Joe with a crutch and after taking a few Yes kicks from Bryan, threw the former SmackDown GM into a ladder. Cass attacked Joe with the briefcase and held it up high over his head.


Backstage, Shinsuke Nakamura was seen counting down to his match with Tye Dillinger that was up next as we headed into commercials.

After the commercials, the Absolution approached Paige to complain about her mistreatment towards them but Paige brushed it off. Paige was then approached by Renee Young and the SmackDown GM told her on record that the qualifier match for the last MITB ladder match spot would be a triple threat match between Bryan, Joe, and Cass.

#1 Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Tye Dillinger

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Nakamura made a big statement against The Perfect 10

Dillinger shoved Nakamura straight off the bat and Nakamura replied with some knees to the head. Dillinger took the fight to the corner and delivered right hooks to the head and Nakamura escaped to the outside. Dillinger threw Nakamura into the barricades and went for a dive through the middle rope but Nakamura caught him with a kick. Dillinger hug from the rope as we broke for commercials.

We returned to see Tye in a submission from Nakamura but Dillinger broke free. Nakamura took him down and started counting to 10. Tye got up at eight and Nakamura delivered knees to the ribs of Dillinger. Tye delivered a forearm to Nakamura and then a knee to the face. Shinsuke delivered a flying knee to Dillinger's head and followed up with a Kinshasa before going for a pin and got the three count.


Result: Shinsuke Nakamura def Tye Dillinger

After the match, Nakamura treated Tye to another Kinshasa to the back of the neck and counted to ten to signify his upcoming match with AJ Styles.

Backstage, AJ Styles spoke about his rivalry with Nakamura and reminded us not to underestimate him. He said that he'll be the last man standing come Money in the Bank.


#2 Lana vs. Naomi - Dance Off

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Lana and Naomi had a unique showdown heading into MITB

Lana started body popping and break dancing while Rusev broadcasted from the ring on Instagram. Naomi, a former dancer, and cheerleader reacted with some very athletic moves, followed by the splits! The pair shook hands and the music hit, and the pair danced together in the middle of the ring and ended up back to back - but Lana hit a neck breaker. Lana pummeled Naomi but Rusev broke it up. Lana slapped Jimmy Uso and a brawl broke out. Naomi hit Lana with the Rear End and Rusev, Lana and English retreated up the ramp.


After the dance-off, a man in a tuxedo shirt, top hat, and monocle delivered a platter of pancakes to The New Day. Meanwhile, The Miz was blindfolded and chopping pancakes away as The Bar threw them at him.

#3 The New Day vs. The Bar & The Miz - 6 Man Tag Team Match

Did The New Day regain momentum?

Xavier and Kofi double-teamed Cesaro but the Miz interfered from the corner and took out the two while the official was distracted. Sheamus was tagged in and he put the hurt on Kofi before tagging in Cesaro. Sheamus held Kofi down while Cesaro delivered a flying elbow drop on the Kingston. Cesaro was sent outside by Kingston and so was the Miz. Miz and Sheamus took on Big E outside the ring and sent him crashing into the barricades.

Miz was the legal man and took an SOS from Kofi. Xavier and Sheamus were tagged in and Woods took a leap to the outside to attack Cesaro and then caught Sheamus in the ring with a DDT. The Bar double-teamed Woods and Big E was tagged in. Cesaro kicked out after he combined finisher and Big E took a DDT from the Miz. The pin that followed was broken by Woods and Kofi leaped to the outside and on to the Bar. Big E hit the Miz with the Big Ending and got the pinfall to win the match for the New Day.


Result. The New Day def. The Bar & The Miz

Backstage, Renee asked the Good Brothers Gallows and Anderson how they were preparing for their title match with the Bludgeon Brothers at Money in the Bank. The Good Brothers' reply was interrupted by a video package from The Bludgeon Brothers.


#4 Mandy Rose vs. Asuka

Asuka was attacked prior to the match

Sonya DeVille attacked Asuka while she was making her entrance and the match began shortly after. Rose unloaded on Asuka from the get-go and Asuka kicked out of two pin attempts. Asuka delivered some stiff kicks to Mandy and then a right hand. Rose took a rear end into the corner from Asuka and then a dropkick from up top. Asuka reversed Mandy into a roll up and then got her in the Asuka lock. Mandy kicked out shortly after and Asuka claimed the victory.

Result: Asuka def. Mandy Rose

Carmella walked up to the ring after the match was over and flaunted her Championship belt in Asuka's face before walking off.

Backstage, Charlotte and Becky argued over which one of them would win the Money in the Bank contract and then beat Asuka who they think will win the SmackDown Women's title from Carmella on the same night. Paige walked up to them and spoke about their past collaboration, PCB.


#5 Samoa Joe vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Big Cass - Qualifier for the Money in the Bank Ladder Match

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Who took the final spot at Money In The Bank?

Joe went straight for Big Cass and Bryan followed suit. Joe then attacked Bryan and kept the pressure on with fists and chops. Big Cass was taken out with a suicide dive from Samoa Joe as Daniel Bryan went to the top rope and threw himself at both his opponents on the outside.

Inside the ring, Cass was sent crashing into the ring post and was caught in the coquina clutch. Bryan broke the hold and Joe replied with a senton. Daniel Bryan went for the Yes kicks but Cass got away after the first few. Cass took Bryan to the outside and over the announce table. Joe delivered a boot to the face of Cass and Bryan took out Cass with a baseball slide.

Bryan delivered repeated running kicks to Joe in the corner and Cass took Bryan down. Cass delivered an elbow drop and right hooks to Bryan before catching his throat under his boot. Bryan took a knee to the gut as we broke for commercials.

We returned to see Cass under fire from Joe but Cass turned the tables for a short while. Cass delivered a spine buster and the Empire Elbow but Bryan broke the count at one. Bryan delivered a dragon screw on both opponents and followed up with the Yes kicks to both. Bryan was caught in a coquina clutch by Joe but sent Joe over the top rope.

Bryan administered the Yes lock on Cass but Joe pulled Bryan out of the ring. Bryan replied with a knee to the face of Joe and went back into the ring. Bryan delivered a flying dropkick on Cass and then took out Cass with a finisher. Joe caught Bryan in the coquina clutch and he passed out, ending the match in Joe's favour.

Result: Samoa Joe def. Daniel Bryan & Big Cass and qualified for the Money in the Bank ladder match

After the match, Cass delivered a big boot to the face of Daniel Bryan and with that, SmackDown Live came to an end.

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