WWE SmackDown Results: July 2nd, 2019  Video Highlights, Grades, Winners for latest SmackDown Live

It was an interesting episode of SmackDown Live
It was an interesting episode of SmackDown Live

SmackDown Live kicked off with The KO Show and his special guests for the night were Shane McMahon and Drew McIntyre. We got a reap of what happened on RAW once Shane and Drew McIntyre were in the ring. Following the recap, Shane McMahon said he was on a hot streak and that he wasn't afraid of the Deadman.

After Shane announced that the match at Extreme Rules will be a No Holds Barred match and Drew McIntyre said that everyone knew how dangerous he was in a normal match which made him even more dangerous in a No Holds Barred.

Owens showed more footage from RAW, this time of Shane and McIntyre running after the Undertaker's music hit. Shane didn't appreciate KO's questions, he and McIntyre had heard enough.

Dolph Ziggler's music hit and once again he came out to whine about how he deserves to be WWE Champion. Shane booked KO and Dolph Ziggler as a tag-team to face Heavy Machinery later in the night.

Neither KO nor Ziggler looked happy after Shane's announcement and KO left the ring disgruntled.

Segment rating: A

Daniel Bryan vs Big E

Bryan slapped E across the face and Big E smacked the former WWE Champion back before launching him across the ring. Big E looked to follow up with a belly-to-belly but his knee gave way. Daniel Bryan continued with the Yes Kicks but E caught him and took him down. E followed up with a Big Splash.

E missed his suicide dive to the outside and Rowan pushed him into the ringpost when the referee had his back turned. Bryan capitalized and hit E with the running knee for the pinfall.

Result: Daniel Bryan def. Big E

Match rating: A

Backstage, R-Truth said he was going to crash Maverick's honeymoon and get his title back.

Alexa let Nikki Cross host the Alexa Bliss show on a whim before we headed for commercials.

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Nikki Cross was hosting A Moment of Bliss when we returned and Bayley was the guest for the night. Nikki asked Bayley had a few choice words and Bayley accused Nikki of 'doing Alexa's Bidding' before Cross challenged her to a match right there.

Bayley vs. Nikki Cross

The SmackDown Women's Champion was all over Nikki Cross as the match starts but Cross dumped her outside the ring soon enough. Rolling Bayley back into the ring, Cross hit a crossbody from the top for 2-count followed by a series of clotheslines.

Cross hit a Bulldog and was fired up. She attempted the Twisting Neckbreaker but Bayley broke free. Cross looked to hit a tornado DDT from the middle rope but couldn't hit it. The champ replied with a Belly-To-Bayley for the win.

Result: Bayley def. Nikki Cross

Match rating: B

Mustafa Ali gave a short promo backstage about changing people's minds.

Kofi Kingston and Samoa Joe had a face off in the ring, Kofi addressed Joe and said it's sad to see what he had become - from showing no fear he had gone to sneak attacks. Joe told Kofi that if he shook his hand, he would guarantee his safety till Extreme Rules. Kofi didn't take kindly to this and replied with a Trouble In Paradise.

We got an update from Bobby Lashley on his condition after what happened on RAW. Lashley said that Strowman had no regard for anyone's safety and the next time he saw Strowman, he'd send him to the morgue.

Apollo Crews vs. Andrade

Both men traded punches early on as the match began before Andrade followed up with the double knees in the corner for a 2-count. Apollo dumped Andrade outside the ring and hit a moonsault from the apron. Crews lifted Andrade and dropped him before Andrade hit a huge elbow.

Apollo Crews vs. Andrade (contd...)

Crews dropped Andrade face first on the apron but Vega hit a hurricanrana and Crews went into the announce tables. Andrade hit the Hammerlock DDT in the ring and got the win.

Result: Andrade def. Apollo Crews

Match rating: B

Aleister Black revealed that whoever knocked on his door had left by the time he opened it. He invited the mystery challenger to a match at Extreme Rules.

Ember Moon vs. Mandy Rose

Ember Moon took control as soon as the bell rang but it didn't last long. Rose sent Moon face-first into the mat before unloading with right hooks. Rose whipped Moon into the corner but couldn't get the pin. Moon quickly took back control and headed to the top rope to hit The Eclipse for the win.

Result: Ember Moon def. Mandy Rose

Match rating: B

Shelton Benjamin gave a strange promo backstage.

Kevin Owens & Dolph Ziggler vs. Heavy Machinery

The New Day and The Planet's Tag Team Champions were sitting at the announce table for the match. Otis and Dolph Ziggler started us off. Ziggler was overpowered early on and was driven into the turnbuckles. KO pulled Ziggler out of the ring as all hell broke loose at ringside. Woods and Big E started brawling with Rowan and Bryan and there were pancakes flying everywhere. Rowan hit an iron claw and sent Big E through the announce table.

In the ring, KO and Otis were fighting it out before KO sent Tucker over the ropes, Ziggler tagged in and Otis took control with a devastating Headbutt. Ziggler hit a DDT and made the tag. Otis took out Dolph but when Dolph hit the Superkick, he hit Owens instead. Heavy Machinery hit the conmpactor on Owens and got the win.

Result: Heavy Machinery def. Kevin Owens & Dolph Ziggler and will be added to the SmackDown Tag Team Championship match at Extreme Rules

Kevin Owens hit a big Stunner to Dolph after the match as the show ended.

Match rating: A

Episode rating: B

A few less promos and more matches would have helped.

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