WWE SummerSlam 2019 Results August 11th: SummerSlam Winners, Grades, Video Highlights

The Fiend left his mark on the WWE
The Fiend left his mark on the WWE

SummerSlam kicked off after a very eventful kickoff show that saw Drew Gulak defeat Oney Lorcan to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Championship.


Buddy Murphy defeated Apollo Crews via Disqualification after a distraction from Rowan and Elias was taken out with a spear from the returning legend, Edge.


Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross retained the women's tag titles against the IIconics before the PPV even began.


Becky Lynch (c) vs. Natalya - RAW Women's Championship


Becky Lynch started out on the offensive, she hit Natalya with a Bexploder followed by a Back Suplex. A Disarm-her attempt was blocked but Becky locked in the triangle. Natalya dropped her but Becky refused to let go.

Natalya took her to the outside to break the hold. She was in control after using the barricades to her advantage. Back in the ring, Natalya hit a Dragon Screw Suplex which drove Becky into the ropes. Becky's leg was hurt.

Natalya locked in the Sharpshooter on the top rope, tying Becky into the ropes. Natalya let it go after a long time, but Becky was clearly hurt.

The match went outside and Becky sent her challenger crashing into the announce table and then the steel steps.

Back in the ring, Natalya hit a Superplex and both women were down. Nattie reversed a submission and sent Becky into the turnbuckles before locking in the disarmher, mocking the champ. Natalya maneuvered into the Sharpshooter and Becky managed to reverse it into one final disarmher, finally making Natalya tap.

Result: Becky Lynch def. Natalya to retain the RAW Women's Championship

Match rating: A


Up next was the long anticipated return of Goldberg in his somewhat of a surprise match with Dolph Ziggler that was revealed only last week. Ziggler went on the mic and sh*ttalked his opponent before the match began and before Goldberg even left his locker room.

Goldberg vs. Dolph Ziggler


Dolph Ziggler went for a Superkick right off the bat and went for a pin but it was too soon. Ziggler hit a second and still, Goldberg recovered in a second. The veteran hit a spear and then a massive Jackhammer to Ziggler and got the three count. Goldberg destroyed Ziggler in under five minutes.

Dolph got on the mic yet again after the match and taunted Goldberg saying he didn't have the guts to face him man to man, earning a post-match spear from the legend. He grabbed the mic for a second time and trashed on Goldberg who returned yet again, helped Dolph to his feet and delivered another devastating spear.

Result: Goldberg def. Dolph Ziggler

Match rating: C

In WWE backstage, The New Day were hyping Kofi up by introducing to Drake, not the rapper, the Maverick. Woods had a new hairstyle and looked kinda like T-Pain.

AJ Styles (c) vs. Ricochet - United States Championship Match


Ricochet was out in gear that resembled Nightwing from Batman. He dominated AJ Styles as the match began, hitting a Hurricanrana on the outside after walking over the OC's shoulders. Insane display of agility from Ricochet. AJ powered through and took the momentum back soon enough though, and started working on his opponent's legs, limiting his means of offense.

Ricochet hit the standing Shooting Star Press for a near-fall. He was looking to get back into the match, but AJ hit a swift kick to the leg of Ricochet to gain back control. He was thrown out of the ring and AJ came out with a Dropkick to the cheek of Ricochet.

Ricochet hit a big kick and got a near fall on the champ. AJ hit the calf crusher and Ricochet was writhing in pain but managed to reverse it into the anaconda vise. Ricochet hit a huge suplex but was struggling to get to his feet after it. Ricochet took care of the OC who came in for the distraction and went for a top rope move but AJ caught him in a Styles Clash and got the win.

Result: AJ Styles def. Ricochet to retain the United States Championship

After the match, The OC hit the magic killer, wiping out Ricochet.

Match rating: B


The Street Profits were chilling out backstage and the Nature Boy Ric Flair came out to join the party.

Bayley (c) vs. Ember Moon - SmackDown Women's Championship Match


Ember Moon hit a Springboard Crossbody on Bayley and then followed that up with a kick to the back of the head. Bayley gained some momentum back with two clotheslines and then hung Ember on the ropes, hitting a big Suplex in the ring.

Bayley hit a dropkick and locked in the Boston Crab but Moon answered with a Superkick before Bayley rolled out of the ring.

Ember Moon hit a Hurricanrana on Bayley and then a Lift Codebreaker, after which she tried to get a pinfall, but failed. Bayley hit a massive Belly to Bayley from the top rope for a pinfall and retained her title.

Result: Bayley def. Ember Moon to retain the SmackDown Women's Championship

Match rating: B


Shane McMahon vs. Kevin Owens


Shane McMahon got on the mic before the match and announced that Elias would be the special guest enforcer for the match. The match began and Shane left the ring but Kevin Owens followed. Elias tried to distract Kevin on the outside.

Elias tripped up Kevin and the referee was counting. Kevin got back and Shane McMahon distracted Owens. Ownes hit Shane, putting him in a corner. He took Shane down with a Right followed by a Cannonball. He dumped Shane to the outside and tries to follow with a dive, but Elias blocked him. Shane used the distraction to toss him into the barricade.

McMahon botched a leg sweep and the match went on. Shane McMahon mocked Bret Hart and then tried to lock in the Sharpshooter but Kevin reversed it. Kevin then hit the Popup Powerbomb and Elias distracted the referee. KO was frustrated and Elias sent a Steel Chair into the ring. KO teased a chair shot and hit a Superkick after taking out Elias.

Owens hit a Senton and a Frogsplash but Elias broke the count. KO hit a dive and took out both the officials. KO tried for another Chair Shot after decimating Elias with the same chair and then hit a cheap shot low blow when the referee was looking away. KO hit the stunner and got the three count, keeping his job.

Result: Kevin Owens def. Shane McMahon


Match rating: A

Charlotte vs. Trish Stratus


Trish Stratus was dominating Charlotte completely in the match early on. Charlotte got back with a kick to the stomach of the Hall of Famer. Charlotte tried for a Powerbomb but Trish reversed it with an Armdrag. Charlotte managed to gain advantage back outside and taunted her, tossing Trish into the barrier.

The two were brawling in the corner and Trish was on the apron when Charlotte hit a huge big boot, sending the veteran outside. Trish hit a Hurricanrana from the top rope. Flair hit a big boot and Trish got her shoulder up.

Stratus locked in the Figure 4 and maneuvered into the Figure 8. Flair missed a Spear and Trish hit the Stratusfaction. The two traded chops and Flair locked in the Figure 4 before Trish tapped out.

Result: Charlotte def. Trish Stratus

The Crowd chanted "Thank You, Trish" out of respect for the Hall of Famer after the match ended.

Match rating: A

Kofi Kingston (c) vs. Randy Orton - WWE Championship match

Randy Orton was dominating early on and sent Kofi Kingston crashing into the barricades and then dropped him onto the announce table. Kofi hit a huge forearm off the steps and sent Orton into the announce table in return. Orton sent Kofi back into the tables and the match went back into the ring.

Kofi hit a huge DDT off the top rope and both men were down for the moment. Kofi hit a dropkick and the leg drop before eating a backbreaker from the Viper. Kofi went up top and hit a reverse splash and Orton hit a massive DDT before getting ready to finish it.

Kofi was on the ropes and Randy caught him with the RKO, but couldn't pin him fast enough as Kofi rolled out of the ring. Randy grabbed Kofi by his hair in front of his family and the referee counted them both out.

Result: Kofi Kingston retained the WWE Championship via Double Count Out

Kofi attacked Randy and unloaded on him with a Kendo Stick and then hit the trouble in paradise in the ring.

Match rating: B

Bray Wyatt a.k.a The Fiend vs. Finn Balor

Bray Wyatt debuted his new entrance theme and the music was a remake of his old one, and this time it was even more uncanny. He also carried a lamp that was essentially the severed head of the old Bray Wyatt.

Wyatt used his mind games and dominated Finn Balor early on. He pulled off a move when it looked like he snapped Balor's neck and spike him on the mat.

Wyatt missed the Sister Abigail and Balor hit a stomp, regaining some momentum. The Coupe De Grace from Balor was reversed into a mandible claw and Finn was down for good. Wyatt got the pin and then the camera zoomed into his face as it got dark and he disappeared. The crowd went nuts and chanted "That was awesome" as the match ended and the lights came on.

Result: The Fiend def. Finn Balor

Match rating: A+

Up next was the Universal Championship match between Brock Lesnar and his challenger, an injured Seth Rollins.

Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Seth Rollins - Universal Championship match

Brock Lesnar pounded Rollins into the corner and Seth replied by dropping Brock and hitting the stomp on the champ for a two-count. Seth Rollins hit a big knee to face on the outside and Seth hit two Superkicks after dodging a German Suplex. Seth was caught in an F5 however, and Brock just tossed him across the ring. Brock hit a German and another one on the outside.

Rollins sent Brock into the ring post and hit a flying knee to the face. Lesnar hit another German Suplex and a Sliding Back Suplex before sending Rollins into the corner. Rollins hit a couple of Suicide dives after sending Lesnar outside and Brock sent Rollins into a ring post ar the match went on.

Rollins drove the champ through the announce table with a huge dive to the outside. Rollins hit a splash in the ring and then the stomp but again it was a two-count. Seth hit another Superkick and a stomp before pinning the champ.

Result: Seth Rollins def. Brock Lesnar and became the new Universal Champion

Match rating: A+

PPV Rating: A+

Two of the greatest matches on the main roster this year and three huge returns made this a PPV to remember.

Meet Randy Orton's lovely wife HERE

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