WWE TLC 2013: Match card analysis and preview



The WWE will be heading to their year ending pay-per-view with a lot of pressure from all the directions. From rescuing their PPV business to setting the tone for the WrestleMania season, TLC has a lot of expectations riding on it.

And surprisingly enough, the creative has managed to throw off a much more interesting match card compared to the last outing, Survivor Series. It shouldn’t be also forgotten that this will be the first PPV after Triple H got control of the creative.

So the stage is definetly set for an epic ending for the year and here is a look at the match card plus the possibilities that could go down in the history of TLC.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Fandango – Kickoff Match

Fandango vs. Dolph Ziggler

Fandango vs. Dolph Ziggler

There is pretty much nothing that could be said about this match. Both the superstars carry minimum heat coming into the match and have little history to boast about. But it would be interesting to see who will get the win.

With the Total Divas concluding, Fandango could be reassigned his initial push and send Ziggler to further depths or Ziggler could get something, so that the creative could put him in the intercontinental or US championship scene in the future.

Ryback and Curtis Axel vs. Big Show and Rey Mysterio vs. Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro vs. Cody Rhodes and Goldust – Tag Team Championship

Ryback and Curtis Axel vs. Big Show and Rey Mysterio vs. Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro vs. Cody Rhodes and Goldust

Ryback and Curtis Axel vs. Big Show and Rey Mysterio vs. Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro vs. Cody Rhodes and Goldust

No matter who wins the match, it promises to be one of the high points of TLC. The tag team division has been delivering solid matches every week and this Sunday is not going to be any different.

The interesting bits in the match will be the addition of two unfamiliar teams into the mix. Big Show and Rey Mysterio was made over night giving us an old school big guy-small guy team while Axel and Ryback seems confusing with no chemistry between them.

It’s a big risk going in without established tag teams like The Usos and the Primetime players. But it’s the risks that the wrestling fans always loved.

Big E Langston vs. Damien Sandow – Intercontinental Championship

Big E Langston vs. Damien Sandow

Big E Langston vs. Damien Sandow

Sandow was shown as a menacing force in last couple weeks but he will be no match for Langston who is destined to continue his reign.

Expectations should be kept low because there is not going to be much spark in this one. Sandow will look good in the loss as well but all eyes will be on Langston who is in the middle of a great push. The creative could stretch the feud a little bit and may well end the match with an attack angle.

AJ Lee vs. Natalya – Divas Championship

AJ Lee vs. Natalya

AJ Lee vs. Natalya

AJ Lee has been champion for quite some time now and one has to say that she truly deserves it. Not many divas in the current roster could match her in ring skills or charisma but Natalya is someone near to that level.

The match could swing either way and carries some heat only. Tamina could be the trump card for AJ and might leave us with a cheap finish.

And frankly speaking it’s more than late to introduce NXT star Paige into the proceedings. A match between AJ Lee and Paige would be mouthwatering for the fans and TLC would be a great stage for her launch with the WrestleMania season approaching.

Daniel Bryan vs. The Wyatt Family

Daniel Bryan vs. The Wyatt Family

Daniel Bryan vs. The Wyatt Family

The unwillingness of the company to give Bryan a proper push has been written all over the booking that he is been getting.

And make no doubt about this; Bryan will lose against the Wyatt family. He will be making the fans scream and give an intense performance but three weird monsters are more than what the Flying goat could handle.

Wyatt family will get an amazing stage as always with the only possible twist being the addition of Bryan to the heel trio.

CM Punk vs. The Shield

CM Punk vs. The Shield

CM Punk vs. The Shield

The Shield showed signs of breaking up in the preceding weeks and TLC would be the stage where it will be taken to a different level.

It would be make much sense if Punk wins cleanly and Punk is too valuable to take a loss at TLC so the only possible way the match could end is turmoil in-between Shield.

Though the company projects Dean Ambrose as the black sheep, we could see a twist in the tail since Roman Reigns was seen dominating in the last PPV. Punk could also ignite some tension with the Authority or the newly crowned unified Champion

John Cena vs. Randy Orton – WWE Championship and World Heavyweight Championship

John Cena vs. Randy Orton

John Cena vs. Randy Orton

An average fan would be wondering what a Unification match is doing in a PPV like TLC. And that question itself could disappoint us with a twisted ending.

The creative did everything they could to hype the match including a chaotic ending in last week’s Raw. A Cena heel turn is teased to the core throughout the storyline and after years and years of waiting also we might not see that happening.

The introduction of Triple H was an excellent move from the creative and gives depth to the concern of Orton. Interference is almost certain to determine the winner; the only thing to be seen would be the nature and the person who will be the catalyst.

Randy Orton picks the next Randy Orton HERE.

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