5 Best Foods for Hangover That Can Make You Feel Better

Foods for hangover help in getting rid of the headaches and other unpleasant symptoms. (Image via Pexels/ Laura Tancredi)
Foods for hangover help in getting rid of headaches and other unpleasant symptoms. (Image via Pexels/ Laura Tancredi)

Anyone who has ever experienced hangovers might have wanted foods for hangover. Certainly, the least enjoyable aspect of drinking is a hangover. After too many cocktails or glasses of wine, you wake up with a racing heart, dry lips, trembling hands, and an upset stomach. The worst part is that you have to try to survive a whole day while being hungover.

Regrettably, there is no miracle treatment that will instantly cure a hangover. Nevertheless, what you consume the next morning might significantly alter the outcome. This list of the healthiest foods for a hangover will help with picking the right kinds of food in order to better deal with this condition.

Foods for Hangover: What to Eat to Recover Properly?

It's possible that the finest hangover food cure isn't what you anticipate or even what you want. Yet, eating the correct foods can lessen unbearable hangover symptoms like headaches, calm your stomach, and increase your energy, making the rest of the day a little bit more tolerable for you.

Check out this list of the best foods for hangover:

1) Eggs

The greatest foods for hangovers include eggs. Cysteine, an amino acid utilized by your body to create antioxidant glutathione, is abundant in eggs. Alcohol consumption depletes glutathione, which is bad news because it aids in the body's breakdown of acetaldehyde, the poisonous alcohol by-product that causes your head to race and your mouth to become dry.

Eggs are one of the best foods for hangover. (Image via Pexels/ Jane Doan)
Eggs are one of the best foods for hangover. (Image via Pexels/ Jane Doan)

2) Salmon

Your body's vitamin reserves, including vitamins B6 and B12, can be completely destroyed by a night of excessive drinking. Obtaining these B vitamins in your body can aid your body to break down and remove alcohol.

Getting enough of those B vitamins from food is more likely to help. Each of these is abundant in salmon, which puts it in the top spot on the list of best foods for hangover. In addition, drinking excessively can make your body more prone to inflammation. Omega-3 fatty acids, which are included in salmon and other fatty fish, can also lessen the inflammatory response.

3) Bananas

Bananas are the third item on our list of the greatest foods for hangovers since they include potassium, another fantastic vitamin that helps fight the effects of drinking the next day. Bananas and other potassium-rich foods aid in the body's recovery from the effects of drinking too much the previous evening.

Bananas are good to cure hangover. (Image via Unsplash/ Eiliv Aceron)
Bananas are good to cure hangover. (Image via Unsplash/ Eiliv Aceron)

Moreover, bananas include sugar and fiber. Sugar provides the energy needed to start the day while fiber aids in digestion and can relieve stomach discomfort.

4) Water Containing Fruits

Do you ever wonder why drinking the night before can make you extremely thirsty the morning after? This is because your body is begging for drinks as you're dehydrated. Given its high-water content and plenty of amino acids, it is recommended to eat watermelon.

Alcohol use certainly has an impact on your liver, but amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein, may be able to help because your liver has been so busy processing all that alcohol. Strawberries, cucumbers, cantaloupe, and zucchini are additional fruits and vegetables that can be beneficial for this purpose.

5) Pickles

Pickles are rich in sodium, an electrolyte that is depleted by excessive alcohol consumption, which makes them one of the best foods for hangover. Pickles and their brine can help you increase your salt intake and get over a hangover quickly.

Pickles as well as pickle juice can cure hangover. (Image via Unsplash/ Suckerpunch Gourmet)
Pickles as well as pickle juice can cure hangover. (Image via Unsplash/ Suckerpunch Gourmet)

Around 12% of the Daily Value (DV) for sodium can be found in one spear of dill pickles. Even better, pickle juice offers about 16% of the DV in 2 ounces (60 ml).

While there is sadly no quick fix (or way to go back to those last few drinks), there are several foods for hangovers you may consume that will offer you the best chance of beating the unpleasant symptoms of hangover. The greatest remedy to overcome those hangovers will likely be a combination of the aforementioned suggestions.

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