5 Best Machine Exercises to Tone your Butt and Thighs

Tone your thighs and butt with exercises. (Image via Unsplash/ Scott Webb)
Tone your thighs and butt with exercises. (Image via Unsplash/ Scott Webb)

The thighs, and even the butt, can be difficult to tone. While toning is just one part of it, training these muscles is also important to strengthen them. The legs comprise the largest muscle groups in the body, and the thighs consist of several muscles. Strengthening these muscles ensures better movement, function, and stability.

While there are several exercises to tone the thighs, and even the butt, machine workouts are often overlooked. While it’s true that you can build optimal strength without machines, using just free weights, machines can help add a little more weight without putting all the load on the body, making movements easier. Head over to the gym, and give some of these machines a whirl.

Best Machine Exercises for Thighs and Butt

Here are five of the best machine exercises you can perform at any gym, as these machines are widely available:

#1 Leg Press

Here's how it's done:

  • Seat yourself on the leg press machine. Extend your legs, and place your feet on the platform, hip-distance apart.
  • Bend your knees to lower the platform towards you, bringing your knees to your chest, and push them back, mimicking the movement of a squat.
  • Perform 12 to 15 reps.

#2 Leg Extension

It's done as follows:

  • Sit on the seat of the leg extension machine. Adjust your shins against the bar.
  • Push the weight upwards by straightening your legs. Squeeze your thighs when your legs are straight.
  • Bring your legs back down to the starting position.
  • Perform 12 to 15 reps.

#3 Hack Squat

Here's how it's done:

  • Step into the hack squat machine. Adjust your shoulders and upper back into the cushions. Place your feet hip-distance apart, slightly ahead of you.
  • Squat down towards the platform, driving your knees forward till your knees are bent at a 90-degree angle.
  • Perform 12 to 15 reps.

#4 Leg Curl

It's done as follows:

  • Lay on your front side on the leg curl machine. Adjust your shins on the cushions behind you.
  • Curl your legs by bending at your knees and pushing the weight towards your glutes, squeezing the hamstrings.
  • Release the tension, and return the weight to the starting position.
  • Perform 12 to 15 reps.

#5 Hip Abduction

Here's how it's done:

  • Sit down on the seat of the hip abduction machine.
  • Adjust your knees against the cushioned pads. Hinge forward slightly to better target your butt.
  • Push your knees out to the sides as wide as you can. Bring them back together.
  • Perform 12 to 15 reps.


Don’t worry about getting your thighs and butt in shape. It’s really not as difficult as it seems. Don’t forget that diet and rest have a role to play in shaping your body. So exercise regularly. Eat well, and get plenty of rest.

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