5 Best Stairmaster Exercises Glutes and Abs

Performing Stairmaster exercises also constitutes a HIIT workout. (Image via Unsplash/ Amie Johnson)
Performing Stairmaster exercises also constitutes a HIIT workout. (Image via Unsplash/ Amie Johnson)

Looking to spice up your workout routine? Try the Stairmaster exercises, which are challenging and exciting. A Stairmaster machine can also be employed in the exercises to get a better butt.

There is an art to designing a decent Stairmaster workout because not all stairs are created the same. You're going to grow bored very quickly if you're merely idly climbing stairs. When you utilize the Stairmaster for a planned workout, you can stay focused and more effectively target your hamstrings, calves, and glutes as you ascend.

Best Stairmaster Exercises

A Stairmaster simulates the motion of climbing stairs by acting as a continuous mini-escalator. All you are required to do is walk up the rotating stairs while standing on the pedals, holding onto the handrails for support.

Stairmaster climbing isn't your typical low-impact exercise. Step training can result in significant improvements in fitness.

There are two primary advantages of Stairmaster exercises - first, an enhanced range of motion in the hips and knees — which results in more muscular activation in the glutes and thighs. The second is core activation.

Here’s a list of some of the best Stairmaster exercises:

1) Skip a step

Try skipping every other step once you've worked out how the Stairmaster works. Your hamstrings will become stronger as a result, and you'll get better cardio exercise. If you're having problems skipping stairs at first, don't push yourself too hard; start out slowly.


This exercise will also target your upper thighs and glutes. Once you get accustomed to it, try to perform this action without using the handrails.

2) Crossing over with lateral leg lift

This Stairmaster exercise targets the medial glute, which is located on the outside of your hip. This is the reason why this is one of the best exercises you can do for glutes if you have bad knees.


Here’s how to do it:

  • To acquire your grip, turn the machine sideways and simply climb for a while.
  • For balance, use your inside hand to hold the middle bar.
  • Once you're at ease, step up on the next step by crossing your outside foot over your inner foot, then step up on the step above it with your rear foot before rapidly sweeping your outside leg up into a lateral leg lift.
  • On the subsequent step, raise and place the same foot. Lift, step, step. Lift, step, step. Use both sides.

3) Backward climbing

According to research, using the Stairmaster in reverse causes your muscles to work harder. This move requires some getting used to at a low speed, just like the other maneuvers we've discussed. Since movement is unusual in daily life, you'll probably need to put it into some practice.


This exercise's main benefit is that it will allow you to balance out your leg day training. Walking backward increases the activation of hamstrings, calves, and quadriceps.

Simple to follow: simply turn around and ascend the stairs with your heels rather than your toes leading.

4) Alternating kickbacks

This maneuver will be recognizable to anyone who has done several resistance band bodyweight exercises.


Here’s how to do it:

  • At first, you can attempt it with a single step-up, but step-skipping is more effective.
  • As you normally would, step up and then raise your back foot until it is nearly parallel to the floor.
  • To give yourself enough time for a kickback, move quite slowly with this one.
  • If you require more strength and balance, slant your torso forward a little.

5) Wide and narrow jump squats

This Stairmaster exercise is also a great cardio exercise. Always make sure to perform this at a fairly moderate speed.

Here’s how to do it:

  • On one step, position your feet in a wide stance.
  • Jump up to the following step while squatting as low as you can, then pull your feet closer together to form a narrow stance.
  • To lessen the impact when you fall, crouch down.
  • As you take the following step, widen your posture.
  • Then repeat with wide, narrow, wide, narrow, and so on.


Climbing stairs is one of the healthiest daily activities you can engage in. Your entire body is worked out while climbing stairs, especially your legs, arms, back, and abs. This full-body exercise is also healthy for your heart.

The Stairmaster machine is so well-liked because of this. Stairmaster exercises mix useful workouts provided by conventional stair climbing with repeated motions that are essential to working out, enhancing endurance, and developing muscle.

As a result, performing Stairmaster exercises constitutes a HIIT workout. They can be useful if you don't have access to a substantial set of actual stairs.

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