5 Best Toning Exercises to Speed Up Fat Loss

(Image via Unsplash/Anastasia Hisel)
Best and effective toning exercises for fat loss (Image via Unsplash/Anastasia Hisel)

People often think fat loss and toning is the same thing, which is not true. Fat loss means reducing bodyweight through calorie burning moves and diet plans. Toning means working out to get a leaner and stronger physique.

However, to tone the body, you need to work on reducing fat. A lower fat percentage helps you get a better muscle definition and toned look.

There are toning exercises that can help you with fat loss and building greater muscle definition.

They also provide several other benefits, such as greater strength, higher activation of the muscles, enhanced grip strength, improved posture, burning calories, and more.

Best Toning Exercises for Fat Loss

We have curated a list of the five best toning exercises for fat loss that can be included in your workout routine:

1) Barbell Front Squat

Barbell front squatsadd the greater muscle definition without placing too much strain on the knees and joints.


How to do it?

  • Start off in an upright standing position with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-distance apart.
  • Position the barbell with a shoulder-wide grip across your upper chest without touching your body.
  • With an elongated spine, lifted chest, and engaged abs, lower your body into a deep squatting position till your hamstring is close to the rear of the calves.
  • In a slow and controlled manner, return to the standing position. Repeat.

2) Push-up

Push-ups are among the most popular and efficient toning exercises that can be included in the workout routine for fat loss.

This exercise does not involve any complicated movements and can be easily done by beginners. Push-ups help in building significant strength along with toning multiple muscle groups.


How to do it?

  • Start off by assuming the tabletop position on the ground with wrists just beneath the shoulders before extending your legs backward so that the balls of your feet are on the ground.
  • Lower your chest towards the ground while keeping your body straight and engaging your abdominals.
  • Bring your chest back to its starting position. Repeat.

3) Barbell Deadlift

Barbell deadlifts are considered the king of weightlifting exercises. This exercise helps in strengthening the muscles and building explosive power in the lower body.


How to do it?

  • Assume an upright standing position with your feet shoulder-distance apart and a barbell positioned in front of your legs.
  • With your chest lifted and back upright, grasp the barbell with both hands at the front of your thighs.
  • Let the weight hang as your arms are completely straight. Lower the weight back to the starting position. Repeat.

4) Dumbbell Lunge

Dumbbell lunges are a dynamic toning exercisee that involve unilateral movement, which helps in correcting muscle imbalance.


How to do it?

  • Start off in an upright standing position while holding the dumbbells in both hands and letting them hang by the sides.
  • Take a wide step forward with your left knee, and angle it at 90 degrees while bending the rear knee and pressing it just above the ground. Repeat.

5) Barbell Hip Thrust

Barbell hip thrusts strengthen and tone the glutes, thighs, and hip region and also boost spinal health.


How to do it?

  • Start off in a seated position with your back against the bench as the barbell is positioned across the front of your hips.
  • Thrust the weight and your hips towards the ceiling by bringing your body above your knees in a straight line.
  • Lower back to the starting position. Repeat.

Bottom Line

The aforementioned toning exercises can be good additions to your workout routine to aid in fat loss.

Regularly doing these workouts entail multiple benefits ranging from greater muscle definition, toned look, reduced body fat, better sports performance, and more.

However, make sure to adopt a proper stance for toning exercises that involve weight to avoid unwanted injury and overstraining the muscles. If your fitness goal is fat loss, toning exercises are the way to go.

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