5 Best Yoga Exercises to Activate Glute Muscles

Yoga exercises can activate the glute muscles. (Photo via Pexels/ Alexy Almond)
Yoga exercises can activate the glute muscles. (Photo via Pexels/ Alexy Almond)

Having strong and toned glute muscles makes your body look good, but the benefits go beyond just physical appearance.

Glutes play a major role in pelvic stability and also help improve daily motion. They lessen chances of unwanted injury to the knees, legs, hips, and back while also correcting body posture.

Weak glute muscles contribute to back and knee pain, leading to various health problems, including sciatica, arthritis, osteoporosis, and so on. So it's important to pay extra attention to the glutes, and make them a priority during training.

The good news is that yoga exercises can improve the strength and definition of the glutes. Consistent yoga practice can activate the glute muscles, making them strong and helping you move efficiently.

Yoga Exercises for Glute Muscles

If you want to activate and strengthen your glutes, or simply work to boost your fitness, here're five yoga exercises you might want to start with:

1) Side Lunge Pose

The side lunge pose is a great hip opener that works wonders for the glute muscles while also engaging the hamstrings, quads, and inner thighs.

How to perform the side lunge pose?

  • Stand straight, and turn to your right.
  • Take a giant step forward to your right with your right foot.
  • Slowly bend your right knee while lifting your chest and keeping it upright.
  • Shift your weight onto your heels, and lower down as far as you can. Press your hips back, and keep your spine lifted.
  • Bring your arms together in front in a prayer position (Anjali Mudra), or move your hands to the ground for support.

2) Chair Pose

The chair pose helps strengthen the lower body while creating space and length in the upper body. To activate the glute muscles while performing this exercise, align your knees over your ankles, and shift your body weight to your heels.

How to perform the chair pose?

  • Stand tall, with your feet wider than hip distance and both arms at your sides.
  • Lift your arms, and stretch them straight till they're parallel with your fingers and wrists.
  • Make sure to keep your spine neutral and shoulders back and down.
  • Keeping your knees and thighs parallel, bend your knees slowly, and lean your torso at a 90-degree angle.
  • Keep your head and neck straight and in line with your arms and torso.
  • Hold the position.

3) Fire Hydrant Pose

The fire hydrant pose is an important exercise for glute muscles, as it activates the gluteus minimus and medius.

How to perform the fire hydrant pose?

  • Start the exercise in the tabletop position.
  • Keeping your knees bent, lift your left knee to your left side.
  • Keep your hips level and knee aligned with your hips.
  • Make sure you don’t move your shoulders forward or back.
  • Keep breathing easily, and switch sides.

4) Bridge Pose

The bridge pose is another classic exercise for the glutes. This pose engages the gluteus maximus and also targets the hips.

How to perform the bridge pose?

  • Lie down on the mat on your back, and bend your knees.
  • As you exhale, press firmly into the mat with your feet, and raise your hips, keeping your shoulders stable.
  • Press into your hands to lift your hips.
  • Hold the position.

5) Warrior 3 Pose

The warrior 3 pose is an amazing balancing exercise that works the glute muscles as the rear leg lifts. This workout is great for improving body posture.

How to perform the Warrior 3 pose?

  • Stand straight, and lift one leg to move your torso down.
  • Make sure the standing leg is stable and straight while pushing through it to create lift from your hips.
  • Use your rear leg to maintain balance, and keep the toe down towards the floor for internal rotation of your thigh.
  • Squeeze your glutes, and try to take the rear leg higher.
  • Lower your leg down, and switch sides to repeat.


There are various yoga exercises that can help activate the glutes, but regardless of the poses you choose, the correct form and alignment are of utmost importance. So, be mindful of your posture, and perform each move correctly to get the most out of them and to avoid any pain or injury.

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