5 Effective Exercise Tips for Long-Term Weight Loss 

Tips for long-term weight loss. (Photo via i yunmai/Unsplash)
Tips for long-term weight loss (Photo via Unsplash/ i yunmai)

There are tips for long-term weight loss that can come in handy if you can use them well. It’s possible you may not be able to incorporate all of them into your lifestyle and workout routine immediately, but with time, you should be able to do so for optimum long-term weight loss.

Talking of long-term weight loss, it’s important to remember that you should never aim to lose weight unhealthily by crash dieting, only surviving on a liquid diet, or starving. To ensure you lose weight and maintain that, it’s best to burn calories slowly and steadily.


Effective Tips for Long-term Weight Loss

The following are five effective tips for long-term weight loss you should try to incorporate into your daily routine to become leaner:

1) Focus on Calorie Deficit

One of the most important tips for long-term weight loss is to follow a calorie deficit diet. However, if you plan on doing a calorie deficit diet for the long term, you shouldn’t create a deficit of more than 500 calories a day.

However, you can even hit a plateau with 500 calories a day. If that happens, you can either increase the deficit or decrease it for a while to break out of the plateau. Additionally, it’s important to understand that you cannot trigger the weight loss process without being in a calorie-deficit.


2) Mix Cardio and Resistance Training

You will have to incorporate some form of workout into your daily routine if you want to trigger weight loss. The more physical effort you put in, the more calories your body will want to burn for energy.

I’s ideal to combine cardio and resistance training into your routine for optimal weight loss. This combination ensures you’re burning calories for weight loss while toning and defining your muscles in the process.

3) Be Consistent With Your Diet

You must be consistent with your workout and diet when you’re trying to lose weight. However, one of the important tips for long term weight loss is to be consistent with your diet.

You can still continue to lose weight if you’re in a calorie deficit and not exercise for a week. However, if you’re not in a deficit but exercising, you won't lose weight.

4) Consume Enough Protein

There are three macronutrients you need to focus on in your diet - carbohydrates, fats, and protein.

You must consume protein adequately, as it helps with both weight loss and adding muscle mass. It’s the macronutrient that provides muscles with the nutrition they need to rebuild themselves and must be focused on in your diet. Additionally, it has a thermic effect that helps with weight loss.


5) Get Enough Sleep

Another tip for long-term weight loss is sufficient rest. Your body will not focus on optimizing the efforts you’re putting in if you do not sleep properly or at least give yourself enough rest.

The more you sleep, the better it is for the muscles to rebuild themselves, as they’re not active.

Bottom Line

The aforementioned tips for long-term weight loss can bear fruit if you use the 21/90 rule, where it takes 21 days to form a habit and 90 to build a lifestyle. The more consistent you remain with these tips, the better it will be for your healthy lifestyle.

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