5 Best Exercises for Men to Build Upper Body Flexibility

Upper body flexibility is important for overall fitness. (Photo via Pexels/Pixabay)
Upper body flexibility is important for overall fitness. (Photo via Pexels/Pixabay)

Incorporating upper body flexibility exercises or stretches into your workout routine is super important for achieving well-rounded fitness. Stretching exercises can help improve your overall flexibility, reduce muscle stiffness, and ultimately make your exercise sessions, whether cardio or strength training, safer and more effective.

Tight muscles usually occur due to strain or physical inactivity, which in turn can limit your mobility and make your muscles prone to injuries. Therefore, it is important to maintain flexibility to improve the longevity of your bones and muscles and, most importantly, to enjoy abilities without any hindrance.

In this article, we will discuss some of the best exercises that are sure to help improve your upper body flexibility. These exercises are super easy and can be done by beginners and advanced exercisers alike.

5 Exercises for Men to Improve Upper Body Flexibility

Try out these stretching exercises in your next workout routine to start working on your upper body flexibility.

1. Cat-Cow

To perform this exercise:

  • Take a tabletop position with your knees on the floor and under your hips and your wrists stacked under your shoulders.
  • Breathe easily and while inhaling, arch your back and turn your face up towards the ceiling.
  • At the same time, allow your belly to drop down towards the floor.
  • On an exhale, round your back again and allow your head to drop towards the ground while turning your face up and allowing your abdomen to sink towards the floor.
  • Continue to alternate between the cat and cow position and perform the exercise for a few reps.

2. Fallen Triangle

To perform this exercise:

  • Take a high plank position, and keep your wrists beneath your elbows and your body straight from your head to your toes.
  • Now pull your left knee towards your chest and slowly slide your left foot outside of your right hand.
  • Bring your right hand up towards the ceiling and slowly rotate your torso to face your extended leg.
  • Hold this position for a few breaths and then reverse the movement to return to the initial plank position.
  • Switch sides and repeat the exercise on the opposite side.
  • Complete two sets of ten reps on each side.

3. Overhand Reach Side Bend

To perform this exercise:

  • Stand straight on the floor with your feet at shoulder width and arms relaxed on your sides.
  • Now slowly lift your arms over your head and clasp your hands together.
  • Pull your shoulder blades back, stretch tall, and then lean towards your left side.
  • Stretch gently and come back to the centre.
  • Lean on your right and repeat the exercise a few more times.
  • Complete two sets of ten reps on each side.

4. Seated Forward Fold

To perform this exercise:

  • Start the exercise in a seated position with your legs straight and extended in the front.
  • Keep your feet properly flexed and your spine straight.
  • Bring both your hands over your head and then slowly hinge at your hips to reach your chest forward. Fold over your legs and grab your ankles, feet or shins.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds and then slowly release it.
  • Repeat the exercise a few times more.

5. Triceps Press Stretch

To perform this exercise:

  • Stand up tall and straight and bring your arms above your head.
  • Bend your right elbow so that it points towards the sky.
  • Next, walk the fingers of your right hand down your back and reach over with your left hand.
  • Gently press down on your right elbow to deepen the stretch.
  • Hold the stretch for a few seconds and then switch sides to repeat the exercise with your other hand.


All the aforementioned exercises are great for improving your upper body flexibility. While these exercises are safe and offer relief from pain and muscle tightness, it is important to perform each move slowly to get the most out of them. Moreover, it is also important to listen to your body and not overstretch your muscles.

Also, if you experience pain or start to feel any type of discomfort when doing these upper body exercises, stop immediately and relax. Do not force your body to perform any move that doesn’t feel right – doing this can increase your chances of muscle strain or tear.

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