6 Basic Calisthenics Exercises for Men to Lose Belly Fat

Calisthenics exercises can help you lose belly fat and get those abs (Image via Pexels @Li Sun)
Calisthenics exercises can help you lose belly fat and get those abs. (Image via Pexels @Li Sun)

Belly fat is not just ungainly to look at but could be potentially life-threatening. Visceral belly fat, in particular, is metabolically active and a great source of inflammatory chemicals that mess with hormones that control hunger, mood, and how the brain works. It can also change how much cortisol is in the body, which can make you feel very stressed.

Despite what most people think, crunches are not the only way to get rid of belly fat. You also can't lose weight in just one place, so you can't just lose belly fat. To get rid of belly fat, you will need to do a variety of exercises, some of which should focus on your abs, and eat less than you burn.

In this article, we'll talk about some calisthenic exercises that work the entire body and help you lose belly fat.

Basic Calisthenics Exercises for Belly Fat

Check out these six calisthenic exercises, which are the best for getting rid of belly fat:

1) Burpee

This is one of the best ways to lose fat around the middle. It quickly gets the heart rate up and keeps it in the zone where fat is burned as long as you keep doing the exercise. It also works the chest, shoulders, lats, triceps, and legs, as well as your core.

Here's how this exercise works:

  • For a low squat, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and push your hips back as you lower your body towards the ground.
  • Put your hands right next to your feet, and jump back with your feet till your chest touches the floor.
  • Getting into a plank position, push your hands into the ground, and jump your feet just outside your hands.
  • Put your weight on your heels, and jump up high with your arms up.

2) Mountain Climber

This is a unique workout, as it works both the heart and the abs. This one works quickly and well to burn belly fat. It also works on a lot of the body's muscles at once, so it can also target them.

Here's how this exercise works:

  • In a high-plank position, put your wrists right under your shoulders.
  • Pull your belly button in towards your spine to keep your core strong.
  • Bring your right knee to your chest, and go back to the plank position.
  • Lift your left knee to your chest, and lower it again.
  • Continue to alternate sides.

3) Sprawl

The sprawl is a lot like a burpee but harder. It's a full body exercise that burns calories, shapes, and tones the upper and lower body, especially the abs, and works as many muscles as possible.

It takes the traditional burpee to the next level by having you touch your chest to the ground and do a push-up to plank as you continue the move.

Here's how this exercise works:

  • With your feet shoulder-width apart, squat down, and put your hands on the ground.
  • Jump your feet back to a plank position, and lower your body till it touches the ground.
  • Push yourself up into a plank position, and jump your feet outside your hands into a squat.
  • Stand up to complete one repetition.

4) Russian Twist

The Russian twist is a core exercise that works the oblique muscles and makes them stronger and more defined. Most of the time, a medicine ball or plate is used to do this move. You sit up with your feet off the ground, and turn your upper body from side to side.

Here's how this exercise works:

  • Sit up straight on the floor, with your knees bent and feet off the ground.
  • Hold a medicine ball with both hands up to your chest.
  • Lean back with a long, tall spine, keeping your torso at a 45-degree angle and arms a few inches away from your chest.
  • Turn your torso to the right; pause, and tighten the muscles on the right side of your waist.
  • Tturn your torso to the left; pause, and squeeze your left oblique muscles.
  • Your ribs should be moving and not your arms.

5) Alternate Shouder Tap

This is another great calisthenics workout that uses most of the body's muscles, including the core. It makes the upper body, chest, shoulders, and core stronger, in particular. That will help you get the flat belly you desire.

Here's how this exercise works:

  • Kneel in a plank position with your legs hip-width apart, ankles crossed, and body in a straight line.
  • Keep your hips and shoulders even in front of you, and put one palm on the top of the other arm.
  • Wait a moment before going back to where you started.
  • To complete one repetition, do it again on the other side. Do that 20 times.

6) Plank Jack

Plank is a good exercise for the core. It helps burn fat and is good for the core. We've all done the regular plank, but to get rid of stubborn belly fat, it's time to do plank jacks.

Here's how this exercise works:

  • Get down on your belly.
  • Put your palms on the floor, and lift your body up so that your arms are straight and in line with your body.
  • Stay in the plank position, and don't move. Check to see that your body is straight.
  • Jump to spread your legs outwards, and bring them together. Try to do that as often as possible.
  • Continue for 30 secs or 15 reps.


Diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and even some types of cancer are linked with belly fat.

If you have been ignoring your belly fat for long enough and are ready to do something about it, start doing the aforementioned exercises, and you will soon notice a big difference.

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