6 Butt Exercises That Are More Fun Than Squats

Here are 6 butt exercises you never knew you needed! (Image via unsplash/Bruce Mars)
Here are 6 butt exercises you never knew you needed! (Image via unsplash/Bruce Mars)

As much as we love squats, there's something about them that just lacks excitement. Sure, they're a great leg exercise, but they're not exactly fun. And let's face it, everybody dreads leg day primarily because of squats. They're taxing on your mind and body, so you wouldn't be wrong if you said you weren't a fan. These six butt exercises are more effective than squats and will help tone up your backside more quickly than traditional squats.

Donkey Kicks and 5 Other Butt Exercises That Are More Fun Than Squats

1) Hip Thrusts

Hip thrusts are an excellent exercise to build up your glutes. They can be done at home or in the gym with a barbell, dumbbells, or even a kettlebell. To perform these,

  • Rest your upper back on the edge of a bench with your feet planted firmly on the floor.
  • Raise both legs until they're at about a 90-degree angle from the ground.
  • Place a loaded barbell in the divot created by your bent knees near your waist.
  • Thrust your hips so that they're in line with your shoulders.
  • Lower down slowly to return to starting position.

2) Duck Walks

Duck Walks are a great way to fire up your glutes and build some serious muscle in your lower body. This full-body exercise will burn calories while building mass simultaneously.

  • Start by holding a pair of dumbbells at your sides, and get into a squat position with your thighs parallel to the floor and your hips lower than your knees.
  • Lift one foot off the ground, keeping it as close to you as possible, then step forward so that your other leg is forward now (you should look like you're about to march). That's one repetition; do 8-10 reps per set in this manner for three sets total.

3) Donkey Kicks

Donkey kicks are an excellent way to incorporate glute exercises into a full-body workout.

The movement is simple:

  • You'll place your hands and knees on the ground. Lift one leg at a time, and kick it back toward your butt as if kicking an imaginary wall.
  • This exercise will strengthen the glutes, but it also requires great form so that you don't strain yourself or put yourself at risk for injury.

The biggest mistake people make when doing donkey kicks is letting their knees extend past 90 degrees or letting their hips drop below parallel with the floor. These movements put unnecessary stress on the knee joint and can lead to injuries like patellar tendonitis over time if repeated too much.

Make sure that when starting this exercise, both your feet stay planted firmly on the ground—it might help to imagine that there's a wall in front of them (and behind them) so that they're always touching something solid and stable as they move around during each rep.


4) Reverse Lunges

Reverse lunges are a great leg exercise, but they can be hard for some to master. If you've never done them before, here's how:

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart and take a step back with one foot.
  • Bend your rear knee until it's at 90 degrees, keeping it directly over your ankle as you lower yourself into the lunge.
  • Pause there for a second and then push yourself up to starting position while straightening out that front leg again.
  • Repeat 10 times total on each side before resting 30 seconds between sets (or longer if needed).

5) Single-Leg Bridges

Single-leg bridges are a great way to add extra spice to regular glute bridges. You can follow these steps to try out this exercise:

  • Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Place your arms at your sides, palms down.
  • Keep your right leg flat on the floor and lift it up straight toward the ceiling until it's directly over your left leg. Lift your hips for as many reps as possible.
  • Pause for a moment before returning to the start position and repeating that move with the other leg.
  • Continue alternating legs for reps as directed by a trainer—no more than 12 reps per side.


There are many different types of squats, but none can compete with the joy that comes from doing these six exercises. They are fun, challenging, and will help you build a stronger butt.

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