6 Health Benefits of Lion's Mane Mushroom

Lion's Mane Mushrooms Have Medicinal Properties (Image via Unsplash/Kier in Sight)

Locally known as hou tou gu or yamabushitake, Lion's mane mushroom can be found in southeastern Asia. These mushrooms closely resemble a lion's mane and hence the name. They are used in cooking and for medicinal purposes in China, Korea, Japan, and India and contain several natural substances which have beneficial properties. They can be consumed raw, cooked, or with tea as well.

Research has shown that lion's mane mushroom contains a number of beneficial substances, including antioxidants and beta-glucan. They can provide several health benefits. Some of them are discussed below.


6 Health Benefits of Lion's Mane Mushrooms

1. Prevention of Mental Illnesses

Lion’s mane mushrooms contain two beneficial compounds that can stimulate the growth of neuronal cells in the brain and central nervous system. They are known as hericenones and erinacines.

These compounds may help protect against age-related mental decline. In fact, supplementation of this mushroom in powdered form significantly improves mental cognitive functions in aged individuals. Hericenones and erinacines have a proven effect on the cognitive capabilities of older people. It is, however, imperative to remember that natural remedies cannot be a substitute for pharmaceutical drugs.

Lion's mane mushrooms can boost brain functions and prevent dementia. (Image via Unsplash/Robina Weermeijer)
Lion's mane mushrooms can boost brain functions and prevent dementia. (Image via Unsplash/Robina Weermeijer)

2. Helps Relieve Anxeity and Depression

Chronic inflammation can be a major contributor to depression and anxiety in most people. Recent studies have shown that lion’s mane mushroom extract has anti-inflammatory properties and hence can be beneficial in managing depression and anxiety. These mushrooms can also be beneficial for the hippocampus of our brain, which is responsible for processing and storing memories.

Lion's Mane Mushrooms Might Help People With Depression (Image via Unsplash/Nik Shuliahin)
Lion's Mane Mushrooms Might Help People With Depression (Image via Unsplash/Nik Shuliahin)

3. May Prevent Stomach Ulcers

Lion's mane mushrooms can inhibit the growth of H. pylori, the bacteria responsible for ulcers in the stomach. Test tube studies have shown positive results with these mushrooms, but clinical studies are required to see whether they are potent enough to prevent severe ulcers. People with moderate ulcerative colitis claimed improved conditions after consuming these mushrooms for a few weeks.

4. Prevention of Heart Disease

Some studies have claimed that these mushrooms can reduce the risk of heart diseases. Studies on animals have found that lion's mane mushroom can lower triglyceride levels in rats. Lab studies also confirmed that the beneficial plant compounds present in these mushrooms can prevent the oxidation of inflammatory fatty acids and cholesterol. These oxidized compounds can stick to the arterial wall and cause strokes and heart disease.

A natural compound present in these mushrooms, known as hericenone B, is known to prevent heart disease by decreasing the rate of blood clotting.

5. Management of Diabetes

Several animal studies have shown that lion's mane mushrooms can significantly lower blood sugar levels in diabetic mice. Compounds occurring in these mushrooms can block the activity of the alpha-glucosidase enzyme, which breaks down carbs into glucose. Lower absorption of glucose will lead to lower blood glucose levels and help in restoring the body's insulin sensitivity and decreasing insulin resistance.

Supplements of these mushrooms can prove to be a useful therapeutic agent for diabetic individuals. It has to be checked whether these mushrooms are more potent than other types of mushrooms.

Lion's Mane Mushrooms Can Help People With Diabetes. (Image via Unsplash/Towfiqu barbhuiya)
Lion's Mane Mushrooms Can Help People With Diabetes. (Image via Unsplash/Towfiqu barbhuiya)

6. May Help Fight Cancer

Lion's mane mushrooms contain several natural compounds. Some of these compounds are extremely potent antioxidants and can help fight cancer cells in the body. Laboratory studies have found that these compounds effectively fight cancer cells and kill them in most cancers, including liver, colon, stomach, and blood cancer. It can also slow down the process of cancer growth and metastasis.

Antioxidants are generally beneficial in the prevention of cancers. In eastern Asia, traditional medicine often recommends these mushrooms for cancer patients.


Lion's mane is a popular medicinal mushroom in southeastern and eastern Asia. It is often used in these cultures in medicinal teas or in regular food. These mushrooms might provide several health benefits and protect the human body from oxidative damage, inflammation, and cancer. However, since further research is required to prove their potency, anyone suffering from any of these conditions should consult their health professionals before including these mushrooms in their diet.

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