6 Hip Flexor Stretches and Exercises for Men

Hip flexor neglect can result in further issues and aches that may reduce mobility and quality of life. (Image via Unsplash/ Alora Griffiths)
Hip flexor neglect can result in reduced mobility and quality of life. (Image via Unsplash/Alora Griffiths)

Hip flexor stretches are more crucial than ever before because tight hips have become a common problem.

It makes sense — sitting for long periods makes the hip flexors shorter than they should be. This constriction can make the muscles extremely tight, particularly if you don't include hip flexor stretches and strengthening exercises in your workout.

The muscles that encircle the ball and socket joints that attach the lower body to the upper body are known as hip flexors. The lower body's ability to move depends on these muscles.

The five different muscles that make up the hip flexors are frequently ignored. Even workout enthusiasts frequently neglect activities that lengthen and develop these muscles.

Best Hip Flexor Stretches for Men

Tight hip flexors can cause injuries or worsen the existing ones. Fortunately, there are numerous stretches and exercises that can help loosen up and tone the hip flexors. An individual is less likely to suffer discomfort or injury with increased strength and flexibility.

Here's a look at the six best hip flexor stretches for men:

1) Seated Butterfly Stretch

The lower back, thighs, and hips are stretched during the seated butterfly stretch. This hip flexor stretch is easy to carry out and is done while seated.


Here’s how to do it:

  • Keeping your abs tight, sit up straight.
  • Push the knees out while bringing the bottom of both feet together.
  • The knees can be relaxed and allowed to sag towards the floor by pulling the heels towards the body.
  • Hold while taking several deep breaths for 20-30 seconds.

2) 90/90 Stretch

This is one of the best hip flexor stretches to open up tight hip joints.



  • The sole of the right foot should be facing the left as you sit with your right knee flexed at a 90-degree angle in front of you.
  • Lay your leg flat on the ground.
  • Put your left knee in front of you, and bend it so that the foot is facing backward. Maintain a flexed left foot.
  • Keep the right butt cheek flat on the ground. Put as much of the left cheek as you can against the floor.
  • Hold for up to two minutes. Continue on the opposite side.

3) Jump Lunge

Jump lunges and is a great hip flexor stretch that enhances lower body performance and power. It also strengthens the glutes, quads, and hamstrings.



  • Keep your feet shoulder-width apart as you stand.
  • Put yourself in a lunge stance by taking big strides forward with your right leg. Shift your weight forward till your heel is the first part of the body to touch the ground.
  • The forward leg should be parallel to the floor as you sag your torso. With your arms by your sides, assume the posture.
  • In mid-air, change the location of your feet by leaping up with both feet. The right leg should be in the back, and the left leg should be in front at this point.
  • With the left leg in front, come to a lunge position. In addition to jumping, you can pump your arms.
  • Repeat ten times on each side for 30 seconds.

4) Glute Bridge

The glute bridge is one of the best hip flexor stretches that relaxes the three gluteal muscles that are important for flexibility and movement.



  • Kneel down on the mat; place your feet firmly on the surface, and position your hands next to your body with the palms of your hands facing down.
  • Push your hips up till they're level with your shoulders and knees while keeping your heels down.
  • Resume the initial position after three seconds in this position.

5) Straight Leg Raise

The iliopsoas and rectus femoris are worked during this hip flexor stretch. As the leg is raised, the abdominal muscles contract to stabilize the trunk.



  • With one knee bent, lie on your back. Straighten the knee to the opposing leg as you extend it.
  • When you bring the leg up to align the thigh with the opposing bent knee, contract the abdominal muscles.
  • Hold for two counts before gradually lowering to the starting position. Repeat.

6) Psoas Hold

This hip flexor stretch lengthens strides and helps prevent injury by strengthening the psoas, a deep hip flexor muscle.



  • Standing up, bend your right knee, and extend your upper right leg upward.
  • For around 30 seconds, maintain balance on your left foot while keeping your right knee and leg at hip level.
  • Slowly lower your right leg, and do the same with your left.
  • Keep your trunk upright during the entire action. Reduce the height of your leg lift if your head is bobbing forward or trunk is rounding.


Neglecting the hip flexor can result in issues and aches that may reduce mobility and quality of life. You can prevent these issues by performing hip flexor stretches. When exercising, it's important to keep these muscle groups in mind.

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