7 disadvantages of drinking lemon water daily     

There are several disadvantages of drinking lemon water daily. (Photo via Pexels/Julia Zolotova)
There are several disadvantages of drinking lemon water daily. (Photo via Pexels/Julia Zolotova)

For many people, lemon water is their go-to morning drink, and for good reasons. It is refreshing, good for digestion, and is also said to promote weight loss. But did you know that there are several disadvantages of drinking lemon water daily?

Well, yes, drinking lemon water daily and excessively can affect your health and lead to several side effects as well. It can damage your tooth enamel, may trigger canker sores, lead to acid reflux, and more. In this article, we’ve listed a few disadvantages of drinking lemon water daily that you must know about, especially if you consume it first thing in the morning.

7 disadvantages of drinking lemon water daily

Here are a few damaging effects of consuming lemon water every day:

1. It is bad for your teeth

Disadvantages of drinking lemon water daily include enamel erosion or tooth damage. This is because lemons are acidic citrus fruits, and if you consume them daily and excessively, it can lead to decay and hypersensitivity in the teeth.

However, there are ways that can help prevent tooth decay because of lemon water. These include avoiding brushing your teeth after drinking lemon juice, using a straw to drink lemon water to prevent direct exposure to lemon on teeth, and consuming lots of water alongside lemon water.

Lemon water can cause tooth decay. (Photo via Pexels/Arvind Philomin)
Lemon water can cause tooth decay. (Photo via Pexels/Arvind Philomin)

2. It can cause gastrointestinal problems

While lemon water is known for its benefits to promote gut health, drinking it regularly can upset your stomach and even worsen problems like acid reflux and GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease).

It is important to know that acid reflux and similar problems can be triggered by acidic foods, including lemons and even cause other symptoms such as vomiting, heartburn, fatigue, nausea, and more.

3. It can lead to canker sores

Canker sores or mouth ulcers are also among the known disadvantages of drinking lemon water daily. Canker sores occur inside the mouth and are often painful.

Studies suggest that citric acid fruits and veggies like lemons can trigger canker sores and, in some cases, might even cause more. If you have canker sores, avoid drinking lemon water and wait for it to heal completely.

4. It may cause migraines

The disadvantages of drinking lemon water daily may also include headaches and migraines. This is because lemons are known to produce tyramine – a monoamine that increases the risk of headaches.

If you are someone who’s experiencing frequent headaches lately, it is recommended to reduce your intake of lemon water and see whether your condition is better or not.

Drinking lemon water daily can trigger migraine. (Photo via Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)
Drinking lemon water daily can trigger migraine. (Photo via Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)

5. It can affect your bones

It is said that drinking lemon water in large amounts may have adverse effects on the bones. Studies suggest that lemons absorb the oil in the bones and over time, this may lead to bone problems. However, further research is needed to fully back up this claim.

6. It can increase the risk of cancer

Lemons contain psoralens, which are said to be carcinogenic in nature and cause cancer. Several studies suggest that drinking lemon water daily can lead to an increased risk of cancer, particularly skin cancer, such as melanoma.

7. It may trigger sunburn

Disadvantages of drinking lemon water may also include triggering sunburns. This is because of chemical compounds found in lemons that are said to make the skin more sensitive to UV-A rays.

Light sensitivity of the skin can exacerbate sunburn and also lead to skin inflammation and other issues including, itching, redness, blisters, pigmentation, burning sensation, and more.

Lemon water can cause sunburn. (Photo via Pexels/RF._.studio)
Lemon water can cause sunburn. (Photo via Pexels/RF._.studio)

So, these were some of the disadvantages of drinking lemon water daily. But remember that as long as you are drinking it in moderation, you don’t have to worry about the side effects. And while there is no listed dosage of lemon water, keep the intake to only one or two cups a day to be safe.

Moreover, if you are consuming lemon water to fulfill your requirement for vitamin C, then you can simply opt for other foods that are also loaded with this essential vitamin. These include oranges, kiwi, papaya, grapefruits, strawberries, raspberries, mangoes, pineapples and more.

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