8 Bad Running Habits You Can Break Today

Bad running habits to avoid (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by Nataliya)
Bad running habits to avoid (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by Nataliya)

Running is a beautiful sport, but it's not always unicorns and rainbows. Even the most enthusiastic runner might develop negative habits that impede their training, performance, or general enjoyment.

Running may make you want to cut corners to get closer to your goal. During training, the burden of striving for race-day performance can become overwhelming.

This can imply skipping self-care, incorrect fueling, or overtraining. We've all been guilty of doing at least one of these at some stage in our lives. Here are a few of the most typical harmful running habits, as well as suggestions for breaking them.

8 Bad Running Habits To Break

1) Skipping warm-ups

We've all considered skipping the warm-up. However, ignoring it is one of the bad habits that we should avoid. Stretching up the muscles you'll use throughout the run helps the body prepare for it and reduces the risk of injury.

Break the habit by dedicating 10–15 minutes to a pre-run warm-up regimen. If you don't have time, shorten your run by ten minutes. Warming up will help you make more progress than ten minutes of extra running.

Tips to avoid bad running habits (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by Mary Taylor)
Tips to avoid bad running habits (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by Mary Taylor)

2) Not working on improving the form

Running is an ability. Most runners put on their sneakers and begin running without regard for proper form or the talent of running. It's no surprise that injury rates among runners continue to rise year after year.

Breaking bad running habits of not having correct a form (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by Andrea)
Breaking bad running habits of not having correct a form (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by Andrea)

Change the habit: There are three bad running habits that you can fix right away to help you improve.

  • Looking down while running
  • Swinging your arms too much
  • Landing on your feet in front of your body

3) Not eating enough

We don't run in a shell. Your lifestyle decisions outside of workouts have an impact on your performance. If you're not properly fueling, it will be apparent in your growth and outcomes. You're wasting potential if you consume not enough, too much, or the wrong meals to fuel your performance.

Breaking bad running habits of not fueling properly (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by Dana Tentis)
Breaking bad running habits of not fueling properly (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by Dana Tentis)

Fueling and refueling are essential components of any training strategy and affect your performance. Ensure that you have enough snacks and water to last the duration of your run.

4) Not getting enough rest or sleep

According to research, getting too little sleep might hinder your running while also hurting immunity, recovery, and mental clarity. Because everyone needs varying amounts of sleep, keep a sleep diary and search for patterns that are unique to you.

Tips to avoid bad running habits (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by Miriam)
Tips to avoid bad running habits (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by Miriam)

Breaking the habit: Rest days are necessities. Alternate between your vigorous days and low-activity days, and always plan recovery days.

5) Just focus on running

It's ironic, but it's true. Running is great for the heart, but without resistance variations like incline, it's not so great for real strength.

Breaking bad running habits (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by Andrea)
Breaking bad running habits (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by Andrea)

Weightlifting will significantly enhance your structural strength and likely result in overall toning. The more resilient the body is, the stronger it is. And the more strongly you progress,

6) Not listening to your body

Every athlete has felt a pang or twinge during their run but has decided to continue running. Underestimating an injury that might occur may give rise to a deeper issue that requires longer to heal. If you are experiencing discomfort, consult a medical practitioner.

Cons of not listening to your body (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by Andrian)
Cons of not listening to your body (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by Andrian)

Break the habit of not listening when your body speaks (as in pain). Determine the root cause of the discomfort and attempt to correct it. Usually, rest is all that is needed, and other times expert assistance is required. Ignoring pain does not make it disappear.

7) Ignoring the use of SPF

If we could give you one piece of advice for the future, it would be to use sunscreen. In the hustle to get to the trails or roads, it's easy to forget to bring sunscreen. However, using it should be a top priority if you want to avoid unpleasant burns and dehydration.

Importance of sunscreen - bad running habits to avoid (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by Kindel Media)
Importance of sunscreen - bad running habits to avoid (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by Kindel Media)

Sun exposure of up to 20 minutes per day can be beneficial, but sunscreen is required for runs longer than this (even when it's gloomy).

8) Skipping cool-downs

You might be tempted to forgo the cooldown and get right into the shower after a hard run. Don't. The cool-down allows your body to adjust after the workout, lowers your heart rate, and extends your muscles may aid in recuperation over the following few days.

Tips to break bad running habits (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by Ketut)
Tips to break bad running habits (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by Ketut)

Break the bad running habit by always stretching after your run to ensure recovery.

There are a number of bad running habits that can stop you from achieving your running goals.

By breaking these habits, you can ensure better performance and a decreased risk of injuries that can hinder your progress significantly.

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