Are You Skinny Fat? How Do You Fix It?

Lose skinny fat (Photo by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash)
Lose skinny fat (Photo via Unsplash/Diana Polekhina)

Skinny fat is a term that comes across as an oxymoron, but while the words represent two different body types, they describe a third body type too.

It so happens that the term 'skinny fat' is used to describe a type of fat that some hold in their body. It’s possible to lose it, but first, you must know what it means.

What is skinny fat?

Weight loss (Photo via Unsplash/i yunmai)
Weight loss (Photo via Unsplash/i yunmai)

An individual is called skinny fat if they have a high body fat percentage and low muscle mass but appear to be thin. While their BMI could be normal, their level of fat is rather high.

Individuals who have a thin appearance but in reality have a high body fat percentage have several health risks, such as diabetes, heart disease, and others. That could be due to irregular exercise routine and high processed food diet.

How do you know if you’re skinny fat?

It so happens that you may not know by your appearance, but there are ways in which you can know if you have a high body fat percentage.

Methods such as bioelectric impedance analysis (BIA) or even a DXA (dual energy x-ray absorptiometry) can reveal your body fat percentage.

However, if you check your weight and assess your muscle mass, you will be able to identify whether you're skinny fat or not. Nevertheless, there are ways to grow out of it.

How do you fix skinny fat?

Exercise (Photo via Unsplash/Jonathan Borba)
Exercise (Photo via Unsplash/Jonathan Borba)

Just the way you would work out, follow a proper diet, and focus on recovery to lose fat. You will have to focus on all three to grow out of being skinny fat.

Here are some of ways you can implement:

1) Focus on muscle mass

If you want to build mass, strength training is imperative. As a result, you should aim to lift weights, especially focusing on compound movements such as squat, deadlift, bench press, and barbell row. Aim to work on each muscle group at least twice or thrice a week.

2) Add cardio

Cardio shouldn’t be the only focus for losing fat, but it should be a part of your workout routine.

You can focus on high intensity interval training or try steady state cardio too. Eventually, you should have at least 2-3 cardio sessions per week lasting for at least 30 minutes.

3) Follow a proper diet

You should add more macronutrients to your diet, like protein, fat, and carbohydrates. At the same time, cut out as much processed food as possible, as they’re high in saturated and trans fats.

4) Let your body rest

When you’re trying to build mass and cut fat, you need to give your muscles the time to recover. Hence, it’s imperative to sleep for at least 6-7 hours a night to support the muscles.

5) Seek professional help

If dieting and exercising don't work, don’t lose hope. You should always seek professional help to understand the right path for you. As every individual’s body reacts differently, you may need a more personalized plan to get rid of skinny fat.

Losing skinny fat (Photo via Unsplash/Victor Freitas)
Losing skinny fat (Photo via Unsplash/Victor Freitas)

You should realize that whether you’re trying to lose skinny fat or just fat or even trying to add muscle mass, it’s going to be a time-consuming process. It won’t happen overnight, and there're no shortcuts.

It’s imperative for you to remain consistent, committed, and patient throughout the journey. In fact, the journey doesn’t quite have an end. Usually, after a while, remaining fit becomes a part of your overall lifestyle. It’s better to remain consistent with fitness, as you want to be able to maintain your hard-earned physique, mobility, and muscle mass.

Nevertheless, fitness coaches and bodybuilders often recommend taking time off at least once a year to allow the body to reload. If not for a week straight, you should at least rest one day a week to allow your muscles to reset for the next week

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