At-Home Arm Workout: 5 Best Exercises You Can Do Without Weights

You may perform arm exercises at home without weights to reap. (Image via Unsplash/ Sam Owoyemi)
You can perform arm exercises at home without weights to reap similar benefits. (Image via Unsplash/ Sam Owoyemi)

At-home arm workouts can come to your rescue when you don’t want to leave your house. They also help tone and strengthen the arms. The entire regimen includes biceps workouts at home, triceps workouts as well as forearm workouts at home.

Any thorough fitness regimen should include arm-strengthening exercises. Strong arms go beyond physical aesthetics. Functionally, having strong arms is essential for numerous daily tasks like carrying, lifting, pushing, and tugging.

Best At-Home Arm Workout Exercises

Everyone is eager to learn more about how to improve their arms. While men generally desire larger and more bulky arms, women usually prefer to see them toned and lean. Like abs, individuals tend to think first and foremost about their arms since they help you appear impressive.

Fortunately, you may perform arm exercises at home without weights to reap the same advantages. You only need your body weight. In fact, you don't need dumbbells or any other equipment for these workouts.

Here’s a list of exercises to include in an at-home arm workout:

1) Plank Shoulder Taps

This at-home arm workout is actually a variation of planks. The plank is taken up a level in this dynamic variation to give your shoulders some extra attention.

Planks help you getting toned shoulder muscles. (Image via Pexels. Julia Larson)
Planks help you getting toned shoulder muscles. (Image via Pexels. Julia Larson)

Here’s how to perform plank shoulder taps:

  • Start in a plank position with your arms straight, and your back and hips aligned.
  • Squeeze your glutes while drawing your belly button toward your spine.
  • You can place your feet a little wider apart than the hip distance to aid with balance.
  • Put your weight on your left hand, and tap your right hand on your left shoulder while crossing your right arm over your left shoulder.
  • Repeat on the left side with your right hand back on the ground.
  • For one rep, circle back through the center.

2) Wall Push-Ups

Push-ups against a wall are a great at-home arm workout exercise. These are excellent for strengthening the arms. They exercise the triceps, lats, biceps, and shoulders.

Here's how to perform wall push-ups:

  • Place yourself a few feet in front of the wall.
  • Raise your arms and spread your palms out so that they are a little wider than shoulder-width apart on the wall. Your fingers should be facing upward.
  • Bring your torso and chin close to the wall while keeping your legs still and bending your elbows. Your starting point is here.
  • Breathe deeply, then push the wall with your exhalation until your elbows are very slightly bent and your chest and chin are separated from the wall.

3) Floor Dips

This at-home arm workout concentrates on the triceps or the muscles on the back of your upper arms. Floor dips target the triceps as well as the gluteal muscles.

Strong arms go beyond physical esthetics. (Image via Pexels/ Andres Ayrton)
Strong arms go beyond physical esthetics. (Image via Pexels/ Andres Ayrton)

Steps to perform floor dips:

  • Sit on the mat. Keep your knees bent, your legs close together, your feet flat on the mat, your arms behind you, your elbows slightly bent, and your fingers pointing in the direction of your body.
  • Till your arms are fully extended, raise your body.
  • Hold this position for a short while.
  • As you return to the beginning posture, bend your elbows.

4) Planks Up Down

You may strengthen your core by doing planks. Your arms will look and feel better after performing plank up-downs. They focus on the core, shoulders, triceps, and biceps.

Here's how to perform planks up down:

  • Assume the Dog Pose with your legs flexed, spine straight, and neck in a neutral position, with your palms flat on the mat.
  • One by one, extend your back legs. Keep your arms out in front of you, your head, spine, and hips straight.
  • Clench your right hand in a fist, bend your right elbow, and rest your right forearm on the ground while balancing your upper body on your left palm.
  • To support this motion, slightly flex your left elbow.
  • Put your left forearm on the ground, flex your left elbow, and fist your left palm.
  • Repeat 10-15 times.

5) Arm circles

This at-home arm workout helps you quickly lose arm fat by working your triceps, biceps, and shoulders.

There are numerous efficient at home arm workout you may perform using your own body weight, or resistance bands. (Image via Pexels/ Arthouse Studio)
There are numerous efficient at home arm workout you may perform using your own body weight, or resistance bands. (Image via Pexels/ Arthouse Studio)

How to do arm circles:

  • Starting from a straight position with your feet flat on the ground and your arms outstretched at a 90-degree angle to your torso, begin making short, quick movements with your arms in the direction you want to go.
  • Make as many rotations as you can, then repeat the action by making as many circles in the opposite way.
  • Repeat three times while taking a rest.
  • If you must sit, position your feet flat on the floor with your back straight.


There are numerous efficient at-home arm workouts you may perform using your own body weight or resistance bands. The at-home arm workouts in this post make a great foundation and progression for your arm workout routine without any equipment.

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