Best Ab Workouts for Women to Get That Toned Tummy

Ab workouts will help you not only tone your tummy but also strengthen your core (Image via Pexels @Cottonbro Studio)
Ab workouts will help you not only tone your tummy but also strengthen your core (Image via Pexels @Cottonbro Studio)

Some of the best ab workouts for women are progressive i.e., they start slow with simple core exercises, and move on to more advanced ones as your strength slowly increases.

One of the most common fitness goals for women is to reduce abdominal fat and build abdominal muscle. Ab workouts for women, in addition to cardiovascular exercise, can help you lose belly fat and tone your abdominal muscles.

In addition, your abdominal muscles help you maintain your equilibrium and coordinate your movements. Therefore, there is much more value in building strong abdominal muscles than just for esthetic purposes.

Ab Workouts for Women to get a Toned Tummy

Some people's initial reaction to ab workouts is to get on the floor and start crushing. Although crunches have their place in a core workout, they only work one set of ab muscles. To get the most out of your core workout, you need to include moves that work each of the muscles that make up your core.

The following ab workouts for women will do just that. They will workout the majority of your important core muscles, helping to strengthen and tone them.

Along with ab workouts, you will also need to follow a healthy low calorie diet (Image via Pexels @Karolina Grabowska)
Along with ab workouts, you will also need to follow a healthy low calorie diet (Image via Pexels @Karolina Grabowska)

1) Bicycle Crunches

This is one of the best ab workouts for women and is included in almost every ab workout regimen. It will give your core muscles a real burn.

Stretch out on your back and place your hands gently behind your head. Slowly raise your shoulders off the ground and assume a supine position with your knees bent to a 90-degree angle and your eyes focused on your thighs. Contract your abs and straighten your right leg as you rotate your right elbow toward your left knee. Changing sides involves twisting your upper body so that your left elbow reaches toward your right knee as you extend your left leg.

2) Side Planks

Side planks are somewhat advanced, but one of the most effective at-home ab workouts for women.

Make a straight line from your head to your feet while lying on your right side. Raise your upper body slowly off the ground until it's supported by your right forearm. Squat down so that your weight is distributed evenly between your feet and forearms, then squeeze your abs and lift your hips off the floor. Your body shape should be that of a diagonal line. Hold the side plank for as long as it is comfortable, making sure to breathe deeply as you do so.

Side planks are one of the best ab workouts for women (Image via Pexels @Airam Datoon)
Side planks are one of the best ab workouts for women (Image via Pexels @Airam Datoon)

3) Mountain Climbers

This is one of the best lower ab workouts for women because it will target your entire midsection while giving your deep abdominal muscles a real burn.

Start in a plank position. In this exercise, you'll be bringing your right knee toward your chest and resting your foot on the ground for a few seconds before bringing it back to the starting position. Once you've done that, bring your left knee up to your chest. Repetitively bring your left and right knees to your chest. Increase the pace as you proceed.

Mountain climbers are one of the best flat ab workouts you can do (Image via Pexels @Poline Tankilevitch)
Mountain climbers are one of the best flat ab workouts you can do (Image via Pexels @Poline Tankilevitch)

4) Pilates Scissor Kick

This is one of the best ab workouts for women to get a nice, toned midsection.

Stretch your legs straight up towards the ceiling while lying on your back. Raise your upper body off the ground as you exhale and tuck your belly button in towards your spine. Lift your left leg off the ground and place it on top of the pulled-up right one. Cut the right leg loose and lift the left one, grabbing the left thigh lightly as you do so. A total of 10 reps on each side.

5) Toe Reaches

Toe reaches are intermediate-level ab workouts for women that work well on your upper abs.

In a supine position, extend your legs so that your feet are pointing upward. You can make small adjustments by bending your knees slightly. As you exhale, curl your head, neck, and chest off the floor and reach your arms toward your toes. A total of 20 times.

6) Plank Crawl Out

This is one of the simplest beginner-level ab workouts for women.

Take a good, strong stance by bringing your feet close together and tightening your abdominal muscles. Try bending over from the hips and touching the ground. When you lower your body until your fingertips touch the floor, walk your hands apart until you're in a push-up position. Inch your hands backward and lift your hips to the ceiling to return to the starting position. Once your feet are flat on the floor, straighten your hips to stand up straight again.

Keep in mind that ab workouts for women require more than just isolated exercises. Limit your calorie intake and incorporate cardio into your routine on a regular basis. In your pursuit of a flatter stomach, don't forget about the rest of your body.

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