Can ginger beer be a healthy beverage option?

Ginger beer has a variety of medicinal benefits (Image via Pexels/Ecter)
Ginger beer has a variety of medicinal benefits (Image via Pexels/Ecter)

Ginger beer, also known as ginger ale is a popular soda made from ginger. It is commonly consumed to relieve nausea, but can also be enjoyed as a regular beverage.

Although it is one of the key ingredients to make the perfect Moscow mule, ginger beer has numerous other health benefits. It is much healthier than any other carbonated drink, and this refreshing delicacy can be easily prepared at home.

In this article, we will try to dive deep into all major benefits of ginger ale, and a few precautions that you should consider.

What is ginger beer?

Ginger beer has been a popular drink, consumed by people from ancient times. Made up of ginger root, it has several medicinal properties.

It holds an active compound called gingerol, a natural oil which is a rich source of minerals such as magnesium, manganese, potassium, copper, and vitamin B6. Ginger is also responsible for creating that unique strong fragrance.

Ginger beer is rich in a variety of nutrients (Image via Pexels/ Pixabay)
Ginger beer is rich in a variety of nutrients (Image via Pexels/ Pixabay)

Although, you can consume it in its raw form, the drink can be also mixed with other carbohydrate beverages. It is mostly sold in the market, as a soda form. Ginger beer contains preservatives such as citric acid and sodium benzoate, as well as caramel colour.

However, ginger beer is made in its traditional form with either yeast or ginger bugs as a microbial starter culture. This is prepared traditionally using more natural ingredients such as cane sugar, fresh ginger root, and water, and does not include any artificial colours.

Though it is not exactly a healthy fruit to consume, ginger can offer some major health benefits. Here are some major benefits of ginger beer:

1) May have antioxidants

Ginger root is an excellent natural source of antioxidants, compounds that can protect cells of our body from external damage that may lead to diseases. However, the antioxidant properties in ginger ale decrease as it is processed.

2) Have anti-inflammatory properties

Our bodies produce heat as a resistance to external knowledge. This produces inflammation in our body, but if it persists for a long time, it can lead to chronic diseases.

Ginger beer has compounds that may have anti-inflammatory effects, that can ease inflammation in the brain and joints.

3) Can relieve nausea

Ginger ale can cure an upset stomach (Image via Pexels/Nataliya Vaitkevich)
Ginger ale can cure an upset stomach (Image via Pexels/Nataliya Vaitkevich)

If you are suffering from an upset stomach and nausea, ginger beer can be a solution. This is because ginger includes certain compounds such as gingerols and shogaols. However, this should be consumed in plenty to relieve the pain.

4) May help treat migraines

Ginger beer can be a good solution if you are suffering from migraines. Ginger powder supplement is an effective prescription drug for reducing migraine symptoms. Studies have shown that ginger placed under the tongue can be very effective.

5) Improves digestion

Ginger beer can treat your nausea (Image via Pexels/ Geraud pfeiffer)
Ginger beer can treat your nausea (Image via Pexels/ Geraud pfeiffer)

Along with treating nausea, ginger beer enhances digestion and helps to move food smoothly through the stomach and intestine. Substances such as gingerols can be effective agents in relieving stomach irritation and other digestive discomforts, as they activate the body's saliva and bile production.

6) Lowers risk of cancer

Studies have shown that ginger beer has certain active compounds that may have anti-cancer properties. It is known for its effectiveness in preventing the didease, but more studies are yet to be done.

Information by Cancer Prevention Research in 2013 demonstrates that ginger killed off colorectal cancer cells in humans, preventing the cancer from growing back.

Precautions to take

Though ginger beer is safer for most people if consumed in moderation, it can have certain negative effects on your health.

Ginger ale consumed in excess amounts can lead to gassiness and bloating (Image via Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)
Ginger ale consumed in excess amounts can lead to gassiness and bloating (Image via Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)

Consuming ginger ale may cause stomach bloating, burping, and gasiness. These effects are due to the carbonation, which is common in carbonated beverages. Consuming them in large amounts may lead to diarrhea.

If the consumption persists for a prolonged amount of time, it can increase the risk of bleeding. So, if you are on blood thinning medications, then it's better to not to go for ginger beer. Otherwise, it is a low-risk beverage, and much healthier if taken with a balanced healthy diet.

Ginger beer is a much healthier drink than other carbonated beverage options, with is made by combining ginger roots with sweeteners such as sugar, high fructose corn syrup, or a low-calorie sweetener.

However, one must be careful while buying this drink from the market as it contains less ginger ale and lots of sugar. Always try to go for traditional varieties which contain real fermented ginger root to get the maximum benefits.

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