6 Best Muscle Building Compound Exercises for Beginners

Best and effective exercises that beginners can do to build muscles. (Image via Pexels/Mahmood Sufiyan)
Best and effective exercises that beginners can do to build muscles. (Image via Pexels/Mahmood Sufiyan)

Compound exercises are one that effectively works on multiple muscle groups throughout the entire body. Incorporating compound exercises into a workout routine will help build the body's strength, maximize muscle mass, enhance athletic performance, and more. It will also help in significantly improving the functional movement of day-to-day activities.

However, compound exercises require a high level of focus and coordination as opposed to isolation exercises. That's why one should focus on perfecting the form necessary for these compound exercises.

Here are the six best compound exercises beginners can incorporate into their workout sessions to build muscle.

Compound Exercises for Beginners to Build Muscles

1. Triceps Dips

Triceps dips are one of the best and most effective compound exercises beginners can do to build muscles, especially across your upper torso. This exercise will specifically target your core, triceps, deltoids, and chest. There are different variations of dips that you can perform to target your muscles differently.


Here's how to do it:

Position yourself between the parallel bars and clutch the bars with both your hands as your palms are positioned inwards with arms extended straight. With control, lower your body until your elbows create a ninety-degree angle while keeping your elbows tucked inwards. Bring your body back to the starting position. Repeat.

2. Barbell Step-Ups

Barbell step-ups are also one of the most efficient compound exercises to build muscle and enhance endurance power in the body.

Here's how to do it:

Position the barbell behind your neck on your shoulders. Place one foot on the bench or plyo box to lift yourself with the other foot also on the platform. Step back to the ground to bring your body into the initial position. Repeat.

3. Dumbbell Incline Bench Press

The dumbbell incline bench press is also among the dynamic compound exercises beginners can do to build muscles. This exercise will help target your chest and shoulder muscles differently, giving your body a shredded look.


Here's how to do it:

Position yourself on the bench in the sitting position and lean back. Grasp a pair of dumbbells in each hand and place your hands at the shoulder line with elbows bent and feet pressed onto the floor. With an engaged core, drive the dumbbells straight above your chest until your arms are completely extended. At this top movement, the weights must be closer to one another. In a controlled manner, bring the weights back to the center position. Repeat.

4. Pull Ups

Pull-ups are also some of the most dynamic compound exercises to help build muscles and strengthen the body.

Here's how to do it:

Grasp the pull-up bar with your hands apart at shoulder distance and hang by keeping your arms straightened. With an engaged core, bring your chin above the bar level and, with control, descend your body back to the starting position. Repeat.

5. Clean and Press

Clean and press are one of the most fantastic compound exercises beginners can do to build muscles. Clean and press exercises will allow you to elevate your fitness game to a new level by strengthening and toning your body. This is an ideal exercise for building functional fitness levels and flexibility in the body.


Here's how to do it:

Start in an elongated position with your feet apart at shoulder distance and your barbell about two feet in front of your shins. With a tightened core, push through the heels to bring the barbell towards your chest and position it at the front of your collarbone. Push through your heels again to drive the weight over your head. Bring yourself back to the initial position. Repeat.

6. Barbell Back Squats

Barbell back squats are one of the vital compound exercises to build muscles as they target several muscles throughout the entire body, including hip flexors, back, quads, core, and hamstrings. This exercise will also help build the body's overall strength and balance.

Here's how to do it:

Start with your feet apart at shoulder distance and position the barbell on the rear shoulder muscles. With the spine in proper alignment, descend into a squatting position. Drive yourself back to the standing position by driving through the heels. Repeat.

Bottom Line

Compound exercises are an ideal addition to a workout routine for beginners to build muscles and increase strength in the body. The exercises mentioned above will provide several other benefits if performed regularly, such as burning a high number of calories, toning the body, gaining muscle mass, building strength, enhancing functional fitness, and more.

However, since these exercises make use of heavy weights, it is essential to assume the proper stance while performing the movement of this exercise to avoid getting hurt and reaping the maximum benefits. Furthermore, make sure to pair the heavy lifts with the accessory lifts, so there is no muscle imbalance in the body.

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