Diet Coke vs regular Coke: Which one should you have?

Diet Coke vs regular Coke ? Which one do you like (Image by Frame Harirak/Unsplash)
Diet Coke vs regular Coke? Which one do you like (Image by Frame Harirak/Unsplash)

If you are struggling to choose between Diet Coke and regular Coke, you must likely be a soft drink or soda lover. The Coca-Cola industry, since 1886, has always been a game changer in the beverage segment, offering a range of drink options, including Diet Coke or regular Coke.

Any person who cares about calories will choose the sugar-free over the regular one, but someone who is not calorie-conscious may continue to consume the regular version because of its better taste and fizz.

There are many other Coca-Cola versions like Vanilla Coke and alcohol mixes like Jack and Coke, which are also popular. However, do you know what is all the buzz about Diet Coke? Can Diet Coke help you with weight loss, or is it just a myth or a marketing stunt? This is what we need to know, to understand what we should choose between Diet Coke vs regular Coke.

Diet Coke: What we know about it

Zero-calorie Coke (Image by Brett Jordan/Unsplash)
Zero-calorie Coke (Image by Brett Jordan/Unsplash)

This version of Coke is a no-calorie beverage with zero calories, zero sugar, and zero protein, but contains artificial sweeteners called aspartame and cyclamates and is popularly known as Coke Zero all over the world.

Many who are calorie-conscious and want to lose weight make this their go-to drink, thinking it is the best zero-calorie drink. However, although it contains zero calories, as noted on the nutritional label, this does not make it a perfect alternative as the artificial sweeteners used in it can cause obesity, increase the chances of cancer, or have other effects on your health.

It also contains high dosages of caffeine and other chemicals which does not make it very healthy. However, there is no convincing evidence, as per an article published by Cancer Research UK on the same.

All about regular Coke

Diet Coke vs regular Coke: Regular Coke has a lot of sugar (Image by Leighann Blackwood/Unsplash)
Diet Coke vs regular Coke: Regular Coke has a lot of sugar (Image by Leighann Blackwood/Unsplash)

Regular Coke or just Coca-Cola, contains high levels of sugar and is made with an unrevealed Coca-Cola formula, which makes it an unhealthy but, nevertheless, a very refreshing and popular drink.

As per Medical News Today, the sugar present in this beverage can cause various diseases and complications like obesity, heart disease, increased blood sugar, tooth decay, and even type 2 diabetes. Therefore, it is better to avoid this drink and switch to healthier options.

Diet Coke vs regular Coke: Which one should you have?

Diet Coke vs regular Coke: Which one to drink? (Image by Robert Stump/Unsplash)
Diet Coke vs regular Coke: Which one to drink? (Image by Robert Stump/Unsplash)

When choosing between Diet Coke and regular Coke, remember that the regular version has tons of sugar and even provides some amount of nutrition in the form of calories. Diet Coke, however, offers no nutritional value, as we already know, and the artificial sweeteners in it work like magic and give it the same taste as a can of regular Coke.

This makes the diet version healthier in terms of low-calorie intake. If you are looking to lose some weight and are a Coca-Cola fan, then you can opt for this similar-tasting zero-calorie substitute.

However, drinking the sugar-free variant in excess isn’t safe either because it can cause several complications in your body like type 2 diabetes and weight gain and have negative effects on your heart and gut, among other issues.

If you are looking at it from a calorie-specific perspective, then between diet Coke and regular Coke, the former is a clear winner when it comes to losing weight. Yet, both these drinks are not safe when consumed in excess or regularly.

Try and drink both of these drinks in moderation and if you are looking for healthier alternatives, switch to coconut water or seltzer water for no side effects. Drinking Coke should be considered a treat, even when it is Diet Coke.

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