Different types of melons, and how to use them this summer

Different Types of Melons and How to Use Them This Summer (Image via Unsplash / Wouter Supardi)
Different types of melons and how to use them this summer (Image via Unsplash/Wouter Supardi)

It’s not just watermelon and honeydew anymore, there are other types of melons, too. Melons have been around since ancient times, but they’re still one of the most popular fruits.

You can find them at any grocery store, and they come in a variety of colors, shapes, sizes and flavors. Melons are best when they're had fresh but can also be used in recipes or juiced for extra health benefits.

Discover different types of melon

Here’s a guide to different types of melon and how you can use them this summer:

1) Banana melon

They have a fruity sweet taste. (Image via Unsplash/Metin Ozer)
They have a fruity sweet taste. (Image via Unsplash/Metin Ozer)

The banana melon, also known as the cantaloupe-crenshaw melon, is a hybrid between the cantaloupe and muskmelon.

It has a sweet fruity taste that's different from most other types of melons. The banana melon is good source of vitamins A and C, and it's pretty tasty, too.

2) Bitter melon

It's used in Asian cuisine. (Image via Unsplash/Misty Rose)
It's used in Asian cuisine. (Image via Unsplash/Misty Rose)

Bitter melon is a tropical fruit that looks like a cucumber and grows on vines. It has a bitter taste and unusual smell but is often used in Asian cuisine for its health benefits.

Bitter melon can be had raw or cooked, depending on your preference. You can find fresh bitter melons in some grocery stores and Asian markets during the summer months (they're available year-round). If you don't have access to fresh ones, you can also purchase dried ones online or from specialty stores.

3) Canary melon

Can be used in salads (Image via Pexels/Karolina Grabowska)
Can be used in salads (Image via Pexels/Karolina Grabowska)

Canary melons are a type of melon that's a cross between a cantaloupe and honeydew. They have light green skin with bright yellow flesh and are smaller than other types of melons, ranging from 5-10 pounds.

Canary melons are great for using in salsas or salads, as they have very little water content (about 10%), so they keep their shape when cooked or cut up into pieces. You can also use them as an ingredient in smoothies or juices, but make sure not to overdo it the small size means more calories per bite.

4) Crane melon

It's a cross between cucumber and melon. (Image via Pexels/Pham)
It's a cross between cucumber and melon. (Image via Pexels/Pham)

The crane melon is a hybrid of cucumber and melon. It's also known as a 'cucumelo', which means "cucumber" in Spanish. The fruit is shaped like an egg, with smooth skin that can be yellow or green in color. The flesh inside is white or pale green and very sweet, with small black seeds dispersed throughout.

The crane melon originated in India but grows around the world now; it's especially popular in Australia and New Zealand, where they grow year-round without any problems due to the climate there being warm enough all year.

5) Cucamelon

Cucamelon tastes like strawberry and lime. (Image via Pexels/Karolina Grabowska)
Cucamelon tastes like strawberry and lime. (Image via Pexels/Karolina Grabowska)

It's about the size of an olive but has more seeds than the average melon. The taste is similar to that of a cucumber with hints of strawberry and lime.

The best way to have it, just like you would any other fruit. You can cut them up into small chunks or slices and add them as garnish on top of salads or sandwiches. They taste especially good if paired with feta cheese.

6) Kantola melon

Kntola melon is used in soup and stew. (Image via Pexels/Tamanna Rumee)
Kntola melon is used in soup and stew. (Image via Pexels/Tamanna Rumee)

Kantola melons are grown in Southern Asia, particularly India and Nepal. They're typically smaller than cantaloupes, with a thin skin and a sweet flavor.

The Kantola is best suited for cooking, as it has a higher water content than most other types of melon. You can use it in soups or stews, but they're also delicious when sliced over ice cream or yogurt as an alternative summer dessert.

Kantolas should be stored at room temperature till they're ripe. They soften up quickly once they're ready to eat.

Melons are a delicious and healthy summertime treat, but they can be tricky to figure out.

There are many types of melons, and each one has its own unique flavor and texture. The good news is that there's no wrong way to eat them. Melons have been cultivated for centuries in tropical climates all over the world, so their popularity isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

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