Do Yoga Exercises Help You Lose Weight?

Yoga improves your body awareness and interpersonal relationship. (Image via Unsplash/ Alex Shaw)
Yoga improves your body awareness and interpersonal relationship. (Image via Unsplash/ Alex Shaw)

It is a well-established fact that yoga can make you feel flexible, but does it help you lose weight? Numerous health advantages of yoga have been linked to the practice ever since it first became widely popular, ranging from greater flexibility to reduced stress.

According to credible research, practicing yoga may reduce stress, elevate mood, prevent emotional eating, and foster a sense of community. All of these effects may aid in weight reduction and maintenance.

Yoga improves your body awareness and interpersonal relationships. Instead of binging on foods that can cause you to gain weight, you will start looking for nutritious foods.

Can you lose 20 pounds in 30 days?

Whether you want to shed five or twenty pounds, it might be challenging to lose weight. It not only necessitates dietary and lifestyle adjustments, but it may also require some patience.

Fortunately, achieving gradual, healthy weight loss can be made easier and faster by combining a number of tried-and-true methods.

You could shed 20 pounds a month, but that does not imply you should. The timescale to lose weight is not the healthiest one (for most people). Additionally, it might not be the best option in the long run to keep the weight off.

If you follow a severe diet and exercise regimen that enables you to drop 20 pounds in a month, you might experience extreme fatigue and hunger. In this situation, it would be best if you lose weight while focusing on developing a robust metabolism.

How fast can I lose 20 pounds realistically?

It usually takes 1-2 pounds per week to lose weight comfortably.

This would enable you to lose 20 pounds in either 2 and a half months at an average rate of 2 pounds per week or around 5 months at 1 pound per week. Once you've lost weight, you can frequently keep it off by continuing to exercise and eating a well-balanced, healthy diet.

Safe weight loss provides extra advantages. People who lose weight gradually and steadily may have a higher chance of keeping it off in the future.

While it's understandable to seek quick results, don't plan on losing 20 pounds in a few weeks. A 20-pound weight loss can take as long as 40 weeks, based on your weight, gender, and degree of activity.

What is the fastest way to lose 20 pounds in a month?

By focusing on one of the following three areas, you might lose 20 pounds of weight in 30 days: exercise, food, or medication/supplement plan.

Eating healthy, balanced meals, safely reducing your calorie intake, and engaging in calorie-burning and muscle-toning workouts are the greatest ways to lose weight in a month.

What exercises can I do to lose 20 pounds in a month?

Check out this list of some of the best yoga exercises that will help you to lose weight:

1) Upward plank

Although difficult for a novice to master, this has significant weight loss advantages. If you want abs like iron, strike the upward plank position. It is one of the top yoga poses to lose weight.


Here’s how to do it:

  • Sit upright and with your legs extended.
  • Retain your hands with your fingers pointing down at your feet, behind your hips.
  • Get ready to stand up slowly while keeping your feet straight and forward.
  • Try elevating your head while drawing it back.

2) Wind-relieving pose

This is one of the best yoga poses that can help you lose weight and get rid of belly fat. It improves digestion and relieves the bloated feeling brought on by gas that has been trapped.



  • Lay flat on the floor with your back straight and your legs extended.
  • Now fold one of your legs at the knee.
  • Try putting it on your chest with a little bent knee
  • Lock your knees with your arms around it.
  • Attempt to contact your nose to the knees while pulling your neck up.
  • Hold it for a short period of time, then repeat it with the opposite side.
  • Finally, do it with both legs at once.

3) Warrior pose

Yoga's Warrior pose helps you lose weight while toning your thighs and shoulders, and improving your concentration.



  • Stand erect and with your feet close together.
  • Back and forth, spread your legs wide.
  • Your front leg should now be bent at the knees while the other remains parallel to the ground.
  • Lift your hands above your head.
  • Hold the position for as long as you can without hurting yourself.
  • Then, switch to the other side and repeat the motion.

4) Triangle pose

Your thighs and hamstrings will get stronger while simultaneously losing more belly fat due to the lateral motion of this pose.



  • Widen your side-to-side legs while maintaining a straight posture and your hands overhead.
  • Put your hands on the same feet as you extend yourself downward.
  • Along with your eyes, your upper arm should be straight and pointed upward.
  • For around 5 to 6 seconds, hold the position. Then, come back and do it again on the opposite side.

5) Chair pose

As implied by the name, the chair pose involves adopting a stance that resembles sitting in a chair. Include it in your exercise program if you want a flat stomach.



  • To begin, stand erect with your legs joined and your arms raised directly above your head.
  • At the same time, bend both knees. You shouldn't glance down too much, but you should be able to see your feet while doing so.
  • Hold the position for one minute.
  • Relax, then do it again. Your thighs and muscles work harder in the chair stance, which reduces the amount of additional fat you absorb.
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