Dorian Yates' Original Workout Tips

Before every workout, Dorian Yates visualizes his training environment. (Image via IG @thedorianyates)
Before every workout, Dorian Yates visualizes his training environment. (Image via IG @thedorianyates)

Dorian Yates transformed from a back-of-the-pack bodybuilder to the biggest, most shredded man in bodybuilding history. Yates won six Mr. Olympia titles and 41 consecutive bodybuilding shows to etch his name in bodybuilding folklore.

Yates' incredible physique and staggering strength came about due to his hard work and innovative workout techniques. While you can't achieve a Yates-type physique overnight, a few tips can help you get closer to the Freak Champion's physique and approach to bodybuilding.

Muscle-Building Tips From Bodybuilding Legend Dorian Yates

Here's a look at seven such tips:

1) Choose Incline Presses over Flat Bench Presses

Yates believes that flat bench presses don't work the upper pecs as well as incline presses do. He suggests doing incline presses on an angle of 30 degrees to ensure that the resistance is placed on the pecs and not the delts.


An even steeper incline would shift the focus to the shoulders. Make sure to complete each rep in the correct form. Warm up with a set of 20 reps, and do three high-rep sets of six to eight reps. Perform the movement slowly on the way down, and keep your arms straight at the top.

2) Try Descending Sets to Work your Muscles to the Max

To increase the intensity of a set of dumbbell curls, Yates uses descending sets. After he performs his standard set with a particular weight till failure, he switches to a lighter pair of dumbbells and performs two more repetitions.


He then switches again to an even lighter pair (or a lighter weight on the same pair) and does two more reps. By doing so, he can extend the length of the set while working his muscles to their maximum capacity.

3) Plan Your Workouts a Day Before


The night before his workout, Yates visualizes his training environment in minute detail. He pre-programmes his workout right down to what poundages he’ll use, and nothing is left to chance when he walks into the gym.

He's completely focused on the exact exercises he performs the next day, how hard he'd push himself, and how the pump would feel.

4) Include Negative Reps

Negative reps are reps performed in a way that extends a set beyond failure and works the muscles used during the descending part of a rep. For example, once Yates reaches failure with pushdowns, his partner assists in lifting his arms till they're fully extended.


Yates's triceps are pretty much fried at this point, so they feel heavier than normal as he lowers them to a lockout. From there, he starts to release weight to really burn those muscles.

5) Build Up the Hamstrings

People tend to pay more attention to their quadriceps, as they can see those muscles in the mirror.

Yates starts with hamstring exercises by doing lying leg curls. Hamstring responds best to continuous tension, so he throws in a firm contraction at the top of the movement to really burn the muscle.


The stiff leg deadlift is an important exercise many people don’t do correctly or even skip entirely. However, if you do it right, it can have a big impact on your hamstrings.

6) Don’t Skip Cardio


Dorian Yates recommends that all bodybuilders, irrespective of their level, should include aerobics in their training.

That's because it improves general cardiovascular fitness, and a better level of fitness increases metabolism. He did cardio year-round when he competed, as it enhanced his endurance and helped him endure the rigors of intensive contest prep periods.

7) Add Partial Reps to Your Workout


Dorian Yates' workouts are strength training, and he often uses partial rep exercises.

After reaching failure on a set, rather than ending the set, he continues raises the dumbbells as high as his strength would allow—typically, it’s three-quarters of a full movement or slightly higher.

Dorian Yates managed that movement for a couple of reps and continued for a couple of half-reps and then quarter-reps till his delts were completely fatigued.


Dorian Yates’s plan is certainly different to many other workout programmes. If you look at it closely, though, it's quite a well-designed programme, which explains why Yates was so successful with it.

For many years, those seeking to build an impressive physique have looked up to Yates for inspiration. While his training principles have undergone slight changes over the years, the core principles have not.

Those who follow Dorian Yates's training methods are bound to see phenomenal results, such as more muscle mass, developed physique and incredible strength. The key to his programme is perfecting the reps and sets for each body part. Although it might take a long time to master this type of workout, you'll be able to notice the difference once you get used to the programme.

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