Here is everything you need to know about the benefits of drinking chlorophyll

Benefits on drinking chlorophyll water are many (Image by Dan carlson/Unsplash)
Benefits on drinking chlorophyll water are many (Image by Dan carlson/Unsplash)

Drinking water is said to be good for health, but do you know the benefits of drinking chlorophyll? It benefits plants, but how does it also benefit humans? Does drinking it benefit us?

Chlorophyll is a natural pigment. It allows all plants to have their beautiful green color and helps them create their own food through photosynthesis. All green plants contain chlorophyll, so when you eat vegetables like broccoli, spinach, kale, green beans and green onions, you’re also consuming their chlorophyll. But it's slightly different than adding it to your water.

Liquid chlorophyll is human-made, and you might find it under the name chlorophyllin. There are many claims that it improves skin health, helps in weight loss, detoxes the body, and more. Let's dig deeply into the benefits of drinking chlorophyll.

Benefits of drinking chlorophyll: Is it safe to drink chlorophyll water?

Benefits of drinking chlorophyll: Chlorophyll water is safe to drink and is healthy. (Image by Cristian Palmer/Unsplash)
Benefits of drinking chlorophyll: Chlorophyll water is safe to drink and is healthy. (Image by Cristian Palmer/Unsplash)

The answer is yes, you can drink chlorophyll water daily. However, some people might be sensitive to it. Start with a low dose, and take only as much as your body will tolerate. Stop if you develop side effects.

Benefits of drinking chlorophyll

Benefits of drinking Chlorophyll: This water can help eliminate cancer. (Image by NCI/Unsplash)
Benefits of drinking Chlorophyll: This water can help eliminate cancer. (Image by NCI/Unsplash)

People have used chlorophyll as a health supplement for many years. and it's helpful for the skin, prevents body odors and fights certain kinds of cancer.

Here are some potential benefits of chlorophyll:

#1 Anti-aging remedy: Researchers investigated the effect of sodium copper chlorophyllin, a type of chlorophyll supplement, along with retinoid, and found that it can slow some hyaluronic acid loss, which improves skin thickness and texture, preventing the sagging skin and wrinkles.

#2 May help clear acne: Drinking liquid chlorophyll doesn’t help in anti-aging but it helps treat acne that often plagues younger adults.

#3 May reduce risk of certain types of cancer: Chlorophyll exists in higher levels in some dark green vegetables, which protect against cancer. A diet high in leafy green vegetables naturally laden with chlorophyll helps reduce colon cancer.

#4 Might heal wounds more quickly: Adding chlorophyll significantly reduces pain in burns and adding chlorophyll from microalgae helps stimulate dermal regeneration in full-thickness skin wounds without any harmful side effects.

Side effects of drinking chlorophyll water

Nausea can be a side-effect. (Image by Francisco Gonzalez/Unsplash)
Nausea can be a side-effect. (Image by Francisco Gonzalez/Unsplash)

Now that we know about the benefits of drinking chlorophyll, let's see the potential side effects of liquid chlorophyll substances that you might want to keep in mind:

#1 Nausea, vomiting, and stomach cramps: Some people may be sensitive to chlorophyll and may experience side effects like abdominal discomfort, especially if you take liquid chlorophyll on an empty stomach. It goes best with food.

#2 Diarrhea: Large doses of chlorophyll can lead to causing diarrhea. It can also dehydrate you, especially if you are vomiting.

#3 Photosensitivity: You might become more exposed to sunburns.

The benefits of drinking chlorophyll are many. Liquid chlorophyll is beneficial for most of us, but those who suffer from arthritis and take methotrexate should consult a health professional before starting on liquid chlorophyll.

The benefits of chlorophyll on health are numerous, like skin health benefits to reducing risks of certain types of cancer. For most people, taking liquid chlorophyll may be a safe way to increase their intake of healthy greens.

However, getting your daily chlorophyll dose through food is the best option, as you will get your added nutrients.

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