How to Stimulate Hair Growth Naturally?

There are various ways to stimulate hair growth naturally. (Photo via Pexels/Element5 Digital)
There are various ways to stimulate hair growth naturally. (Photo via Pexels/Element5 Digital)

Concerned about weak hair strands and hair loss? Well, there're several ways to stimulate hair growth naturally.

From hormonal imbalances and genetics to nutritional deficiencies and stress, there are many causes of hair loss. While you can’t really control certain factors that lead to hair problems, following the right care tips can help regrow your hair naturally.

In this article, we’ve listed a few easy and effective tips that may help stimulate hair growth. Following these tips consistently for a certain period can keep your hair healthy and prevent hair loss to a great extent.

Healthy tips to stimulate hair growth

Promote hair growth by following these tips:

1) Try a scalp massage

Massaging the scalp stimulates hair growth. (Photo via Pexels/Yan Krukau)
Massaging the scalp stimulates hair growth. (Photo via Pexels/Yan Krukau)

Scalp massage, either with hair masks or oils, is an effective way to stimulate hair growth. Studies have shown that massage stretches the scalp and promotes hair growth and thickness, particularly in the dermal papilla cells located at the bottom of the hair follicles.

Massage also improves blood circulation, strengthening hair strands and stimulating hair follicles. You can massage your scalp either using the best oil for hair growth or using the inversion method.

Oil massage: Heat any oil of your choice till it's warm, and apply it to your scalp. Massage with both hands for a few minutes, and rinse your hair with a chemical-free shampoo after 30 minutes.

Inversion method: Flip your hair over, and massage your scalp for a few minutes using your fingertips. Move your hands in a circular motion over your entire scalp.

2) Stimulate hair growth with castor oil treatment

Castor oil is the best oil for hair growth and is even better than coconut oil. It has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties that help reduce and prevent scalp problems and limit hair from growing.

It's loaded with proteins, vitamin E, and other essential nutrients and vitamins that help retain hair moisture. Massaging the scalp with castor oil once every week can help promote healthy hair growth.

Just massage the oil into your scalp and on the ends of the strands to get rid of pesky split ends. Make a loose bun, and cover your head with a shower cap. Shampoo and condition after 30 minutes. While castor oil can be used as it is, you can even mix it with any other oil of your choice and make an amazing hair mask.

Also read: Why collagen is good for your hair.

3) Use aloe vera

Aloe vera is good for hair growth. (Photo via Pexels/Cecília O. Tommasini)
Aloe vera is good for hair growth. (Photo via Pexels/Cecília O. Tommasini)

Using aloe vera is another amazing way to stimulate hair growth naturally. Aloe vera has been used for curing hair problems for a long time.

It contains nutrients that are very effective on hair strands. Aloe vera reduces dandruff, soothes scalp infections, and helps make hair smooth, shiny, and healthy.

You can apply pure aloe vera pulp directly to the scalp or make a hair mask out of it. Alternatively, you can use aloe vera shampoo and conditioner as well.

4) Try an egg yolk mask

An egg yolk mask is another incredible way to stimulate hair growth. Eggs are packed with protein and lecithin that help nourish and strengthen hair strands. They also contain sulphur, which helps reduce and prevent dandruff and itchy scalps.

To make a DIY egg mask:

Take two egg yolks and a tablespoon of curd in a bowl, and whisk the mixture to get a smooth consistency. You may also add any hair oil of your choice. Apply the mixture to slightly wet hair, and leave it on for no more than 30 minutes. Wash it off with shampoo, and let the hair dry naturally.

5) Consume omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins

Vitamins for hair growth is important. (Photo via Pexels/Pixabay)
Vitamins for hair growth is important. (Photo via Pexels/Pixabay)

Consuming omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins for hair growth is necessary to give hair the essential nutrients it needs.

Omega-3s and vitamins such as vitamin E and vitamin A help prevent hair loss and fight inflammation while also boosting scalp health. You can either go for supplements after consulting a doctor or consume omega-3-loaded foods, such as flaxseeds, salmon, walnuts, mackerel, etc.

Wrapping up

If you want to stimulate hair growth, patience is the key. You must stick to a natural hair care regime, and follow the plan consistently, as it may take months to see improvements.

Consume foods that are good for hair growth, and avoid using sulphate and chemical-based products on your hair as much as possible.

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