Hypopressive exercises: The secret to a bulletproof core

Hypopressive exercises (Image via Getty Images)
Hypopressive exercises (Image via Getty Images)

Hypopressive exercises, a fitness trend gaining traction in recent years, are a unique approach to strengthening the core muscles and improving posture. Unlike traditional crunches or planks, hypopressives focus on controlled breathing and specific postures to engage the deep core muscles, including the abdominals and pelvic floor.

The core principle of hypopressives involves creating a "vacuum effect" within the abdominal area. This is achieved by taking a deep breath in, then exhaling while pulling the belly button in and up while assuming specific positions. By reducing intra-abdominal pressure, these exercises aim to activate and strengthen the often-neglected deep core muscles.

Benefits of hypopressives may include a flatter stomach, improved core stability, and relief from lower back pain. Additionally, they can be beneficial for postpartum recovery and addressing issues like urinary incontinence. It's essential to learn hypopressives from a qualified instructor to ensure proper technique and maximize their effectiveness.

What are the hypopressive exercises?

Hypopressive exercises (Image via Getty Images)
Hypopressive exercises (Image via Getty Images)

Standing hypopressive posture:

  • Stand upright with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Inhale deeply through your nose, expanding your ribcage.
  • Exhale slowly through your mouth while pulling your belly button in and up.
  • Imagine lifting your pelvic floor muscles as you exhale.
  • Maintain this posture for several breaths, focusing on the contraction of your deep core muscles.

Low squat hypopressive:

  • Begin by squatting down with your feet wider than hip-width apart.
  • Place your hands on your thighs for support.
  • Inhale deeply, expanding your ribcage.
  • As you exhale, draw your belly button in and up, lifting your pelvic floor.
  • Hold the contraction while maintaining the squat position for a few breaths.

Tabletop hypopressive:

  • Start on your hands and knees, aligning your wrists under your shoulders and knees under your hips.
  • Inhale deeply.
  • Exhale slowly while rounding your back and tucking your chin, like a cat arching its spine.
  • Pull your belly button in and up, engaging your core.
  • Hold this position for a few breaths before releasing.

Kneeling hypopressive:

Hypopressive exercises (Image via Getty Images)
Hypopressive exercises (Image via Getty Images)
  • Begin in a kneeling position with your knees hip-width apart and your toes pointing back.
  • Place your hands on your thighs.
  • Inhale deeply.
  • As you exhale, lean forward slightly, pulling your belly button in and up.
  • Maintain the contraction for several breaths while keeping your back straight.

Seated hypopressive:

  • Sit on the floor with your legs extended and slightly apart.
  • Place your hands on your thighs.
  • Inhale deeply.
  • Exhale slowly while leaning forward, rounding your back, and pulling your belly button in and up.
  • Hold the contraction in this seated position for a few breaths.

Benefits of hypopressive exercises

Core strength boost: Hypopressives do wonders for your core muscles, especially the deep ones like the abdominals and pelvic floor. This means better stability and balance for you.

Hypopressive exercises (Image via Getty Images)
Hypopressive exercises (Image via Getty Images)

Posture perfection: Regularly practicing hypopressives can help you straighten up. They encourage proper core engagement, reducing the risk of back and neck discomfort caused by slouching.

Tummy toning: These exercises work those ab muscles, potentially leading to a flatter, more toned belly – great for your beach body confidence.

Pelvic power: Whether you're a man or a woman, hypopressives can be a pelvic floor's best friend. They strengthen these muscles, potentially reducing the risk of incontinence and enhancing your intimate well-being.

Back pain relief: A robust core provides better support for your spine, which can mean less lower back pain. It's like giving your back a helping hand.

Hypopressive exercises (Image via Getty Images)
Hypopressive exercises (Image via Getty Images)

Breathe easy: Hypopressives emphasize controlled breathing, which can improve your lung capacity and overall respiratory function. You'll feel more refreshed.

Stress buster: Hypopressives bring mindfulness into the mix, thanks to controlled breathing and relaxation. This can help you destress and boost your mental well-being.

For all fitness levels: The beauty of hypopressives is that they can be tailored to different fitness levels, making them accessible to folks of all ages and abilities.

Hypopressive exercises (Image via Getty Images)
Hypopressive exercises (Image via Getty Images)

Body awareness boost: Engaging in hypopressives makes you more in tune with your body, helping you connect with and control your core muscles effectively.

Hypopressive exercises are quite easy once you are familiar with the techniques. Now that you are familiar with them and the benefits they provide, you can easily try them out.

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