Is it possible to stay calm in the chaos? Therapists believe the answer is YES

Sometimes we are just looking at ways to stay calm in the chaos. Your wait ends here. (Image via Freepik/ Freepik)
Sometimes we are just looking at ways to stay calm in the chaos. Your wait ends here. (Image via Freepik/ Freepik)

Even when it feels like everything is falling apart, it is possible to stay calm in the chaos. We live in an incredibly fast-paced world, where everyone is fighting for their own life. Some are managing a hectic schedule at work, while others are going through huge life transitions. Yet others are experiencing chaos at the level of a global crisis. Chaos is very personal and, therefore, requires personalized steps for resolution.

Like there is no universal definition of chaos, there is no universal method to stay calm while experiencing it. There are some techniques that may work for you and some may not. It is about a series of mini-experiments that you will have to undertake.

Even when it feels chaotic, there may be a ray of hope. (Image via Unsplash/ Max Kleinen)
Even when it feels chaotic, there may be a ray of hope. (Image via Unsplash/ Max Kleinen)

How to stay calm in the chaos? Is there a shortcut?

Unfortunately, there is no shortcut to stay calm in the chaos. (Image via Freepik/ Macrovectorstudio)
Unfortunately, there is no shortcut to stay calm in the chaos. (Image via Freepik/ Macrovectorstudio)

Unfortunately, there is no shortcut to staying calm in the chaos. However, it is possible to be able to stay calm in chaos. While there are certain strategies that help you feel relieved in the present moment, what you need are long-term solutions.

Here are some ways to stay calm in the chaos and support your emotional health in the long run:

1. Identify emotional patterns

Before taking a step towards incorporating healthy coping strategies, try to understand your emotional patterns. What are your trigger points? What makes you feel you can't get out of the chaos, or rather, what maintains chaos? Remember that while chaos can exist outside of you, it also exists internally.

2. Cultivate inner peace

Nobody's life is perfect and everyone is trying to finding calm in the chaos. (Image via Vecteezy/ Viorel Kurnosov)
Nobody's life is perfect and everyone is trying to finding calm in the chaos. (Image via Vecteezy/ Viorel Kurnosov)

You don't have to be a practicing monk to cultivate inner peace. It may seem like a fancy word but peacefulness can be a powerful tool in the middle of a chaotic environment.

For starters, begin practicing mindfulness exercises that help you become oriented to the present and to yourself. The beauty of mindfulness lies in the fact that it allows you to notice all emotions without feeling negative about them.

3. Establishing control

One of the primary things that we need when our internal and external worlds feel messed up is a sense of control. We have to strike a balance between seeking control over everything in life vs. identifying things that we can control. When we recognize the difference between these two, it allows us to feel calmer and regulated.

4. Managing expectations

Make way for peace and learn to stay calm in the chaos. (Image via Pexels/ Oleksandr)
Make way for peace and learn to stay calm in the chaos. (Image via Pexels/ Oleksandr)

If your expectations are too high and unmanaged, they can become your biggest enemy. By learning how to set expectations realistically, you can save yourself a lot of unnecessary misery.

For example, you have a very important meeting coming up. If you expect things to be the best and everything going your way, you may be heading towards toxic positivity. However, if you manage your expectations about the outcomes of the day, you can expect chaos and be okay with it.

Becoming calmer doesn't happen overnight. Rather, it can take weeks, months, or even years of patience and consistent effort. It would be unrealistic to say that you are never going to experience chaos. Perhaps a lot of us have it more sorted than other people, but chaos is a common experience. The good news is, you can find a way to be calm while experiencing chaos and move towards inner peace.

Janvi Kapur is a counselor with a master's degree in applied psychology with a specialization in clinical psychology.

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