Krill oil vs fish oil? Which one is better

Krill oil vs Fish oil supplement? Which one should you have (Image by Leohoho/Unsplash)
Krill oil vs Fish oil supplement? Which one should you have (Image by Leohoho/Unsplash)

Krill oil vs fish oil is the debate of the day among people who like to select every product they consume carefully. Both these oils are health supplements and contain omega 3 and fatty acids. While omega 3 is beneficial for good blood flow, reduced inflammation, and better brain plus heart health, the fatty acids in these oils are beneficial for our skin and also for the proper functioning of body cells.

While talking about krill oil vs fish oil, one must know they are both marine life-extracted oils. If you are looking to consume them, consult your doctor, especially if you are suffering from health conditions.

Krill oil vs fish oil: Everything about fish oil

Krill oil vs fish oil: Fish oil from Sardine (Image by Towfiqu Barbhuiya/Unsplash)
Krill oil vs fish oil: Fish oil from Sardine (Image by Towfiqu Barbhuiya/Unsplash)

This oil is extracted from the tissues of tuna, salmon, and sardines. The fish are oily in nature. The fish oil supplements come in a yellowish capsule form and are rich in fatty acids (omega 3), mainly DHA and EPA.


  • Low blood pressure
  • Improved eye health
  • Better skin
  • Weight loss /control
  • Better brain health
  • Less inflammation
  • Reduces stroke and heart attacks

Side effects:

  • Bad breath
  • Nausea
  • Rashes
  • Diarrhea
  • Bleeding because of low BP
  • Insomnia

Krill oil vs fish oil: Everything about krill oil, its benefits, and side effects

Krill oil vs Fish oil: Krill is sourced from the Antarctic waters (Image by Torsten Dederichs/Unsplash)
Krill oil vs Fish oil: Krill is sourced from the Antarctic waters (Image by Torsten Dederichs/Unsplash)

Meanwhile, krill oil is extracted from shellfish that are mainly found in cold waters. This shellfish is tiny and resembles a shrimp and the oil contains the same fatty acids that are present in fish oil. The word krill means small fish. Even though they are small in size, they contain a lot of valuable supplements to improve your health.


  • Better heart health
  • Prevents strokes
  • Prevents diabetes
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Fights free radicals
  • Better immunity because of the above-mentioned free radicals
  • Reduces knee pain and provides relief against arthritis


  • Diarrhea
  • Excess bleeding because of blood thinning
  • Reacts with other medicine
  • Is harmful for pregnant ladies
  • Bloating

Krill oil vs fish oil: Which one to choose?

Which oil is for you? (Image by Kelly Sikkema/Unsplash)
Which oil is for you? (Image by Kelly Sikkema/Unsplash)

Krill oil is considered better than fish because of the phospholipids that are present in it. The body can easily absorb omega 3 in this form. In fish oil, the same supplements are in the form of triglycerides, which makes absorption harder.

However, it depends on individual preferences. Taking both of these oils will improve your health, although in terms of taste, krill oil is the winner. You will also get a few more nutrients from krill. However, fish oil is easily available and cheaper.

In case you are looking for a vegan source of omega-3 fatty acids, you can go for plant-based krill oil. However, this oil was recently discovered and more research has to be conducted about this form of oil and its benefits. It is now becoming popular because of its benefits, although it is often considered a rich man's supplement or an expensive supplement to fish oil.

If you are someone who hates the fishy smell and cares about sustainability, then krill oil is for you. However, if you want a higher and cheaper dose of omega-3 and do not mind a slight fishy flavor, you can go for fish oil. Ultimately, you have to decide on the best produc based on your taste, preferences, and how much you want to spend to stay healthy.

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