Magnesium for muscle pain: How effective is it?

Magnesium for muscle pain : is it effective ? (Image by jcomp on Freepik)
Magnesium for muscle pain : is it effective ? (Image by jcomp on Freepik)

After a heavy workout, the body starts to give up, and we feel like we need rest. The muscles begin to feel painful and achy because of after-workout stress, fatigue or in rare cases, injury.

Recovery is important for better muscle growth and performance, which is where supplementation plays an important role. Magnesium for muscle pain can be effective, as it can reduce, relax and help in improved muscle growth and physique.

Why should you take magnesium for muscle pain?

Magnesium for muscle pain: Magnesium helps in faster muscle recovery (Image by tonodiaz on Freepik)
Magnesium for muscle pain: Magnesium helps in faster muscle recovery (Image by tonodiaz on Freepik)

The reasons why this supplement is effective in treating muscle pain are:

Magnesium helps in muscle healing after a heavy workout or a strenuous exercise session.

We need a lot of protein, carbs, water and other supplements too, but magnesium plays a vital role in recovery and healing so that you can go out and perform again the next day.

During training sessions at the gym or outdoors, we often stretch our muscles, which can result in injuries. The muscles need to get oxygen. Magnesium relaxes them and controls the contraction by lessening lactic acid buildup (more lactic acid can cause tension in the muscles).

You should take enough magnesium daily, as it helps the body to produce more energy in the form of ATP or adenosine triphosphate. The body uses ATP for energy, power and muscle functions.

If there's a deficiency of magnesium, it can lead to muscle pain and also cause tightness, muscle spasms and strains. Therefore, you should never forget to take your daily dose of Mg.

Different types of magnesium supplements

Magnesium for muscle pain: Choose the correct supplement (Image by Mitchell Hollander/Unsplash)
Magnesium for muscle pain: Choose the correct supplement (Image by Mitchell Hollander/Unsplash)

The different types are :

  • Magnesium oxide
  • Magnesium citrate
  • Magnesium lactate
  • Magnesium chloride
  • Magnesium aspartate
  • Magnesium sulfate
  • Magnesium taurate
  • Magnesium malate

You can also get this mineral from foods that include seeds, nuts, whole grains, fruits, dairy and more.

Best magnesium supplements

#1 Mg citrate

It's the easiest form of Mg to digest, so if you have lower levels of this mineral in your body, because of improper absorption, it can be the best Mg type for you. Add it to your diet, or take a supplement, and say goodbye to muscle pain and spasms.

#2 Mg chloride

This is the most common type of Mg supplement. You can also absorb it in your body through lotions and sprays too.

It helps in the quick recovery of muscles and makes them less tight and stiff so that there's no pain. It also improves sleep quality, and sleep is essential for recovery, without which, the muscles start hurting.

#3 Mg Malate

It's a mix of Mg and malic acid, which helps soothe and relax the muscles. Fibromyalgia is a condition in which the muscles start to pain, and there's tenderness throughout the body.

Having your daily dose of Mg malate can help reduce the symptoms caused by the chronic condition.

Magnesium for muscle pain: Try supplements. (Image by Angel Sinigersky/Unsplash)
Magnesium for muscle pain: Try supplements. (Image by Angel Sinigersky/Unsplash)

The amount of magnesium you should consume daily depends on your age and sex. It's important for building proper bone structures in the body, nerve impulses, and cellular reactions.

Have your daily dose of magnesium to reduce muscle pain, migraines and cramps. Treat magnesium deficiency with the help of supplements, as mentioned above.

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