Shirataki Noodles: Healthy and Delicious Low-Carb Option

Shirataki noodles are gluten-free and made from konjac plants. (Image via Unsplash/ Lampos Aritonang)
Shirataki noodles are gluten-free and made from konjac plants. (Image via Unsplash/ Lampos Aritonang)

Shirataki noodles are a low-calorie, gluten-free food that's made from the konjac plant. They're often used in Japanese dishes as a substitute for regular noodles and are also known as "konnyaku" or "shirataki."

These healthy noodles have been popular in Japan since 1960s and now they're gaining popularity here in America because they're delicious and easy to prepare!

What Are Shirataki Noodles?

Shirataki noodles are made from konjac yam, a type of potato-like plant native to Japan. Konjac is a tuber that grows in Japan, China, and Southeast Asia. These noodles are made by washing and rinsing the starch out of konjac flour until it forms a gel-like substance that has no taste or flavor.

It is a great alternative to pasta salad. (Image via Unsplash / Calvin Hanson)
It is a great alternative to pasta salad. (Image via Unsplash / Calvin Hanson)

You can find them in most grocery stores near the tofu products or Asian foods section. Because it absorbs flavors well when cooked, it can be eaten raw as an alternative to pasta salad or used in soups and stir-fries!

Shirataki Noodles Nutrition

Shirataki noodles are made from Konjac yam, which is a plant native to Asia. They’re gluten-free and low in calories, fat, and sodium. It contains no cholesterol or trans fats.

They are also packed with fiber, protein, and calcium. These superfoods are quite filling because they expand when cooked (they can go from being the size of an egg to as big as your head!).

Health Benefits of Shirataki Noodles

Here are some of the health benefits that contribute to the popularity of these noodles.

These noodles are hand-made. (Image via Unsplash / Woody Yan)
These noodles are hand-made. (Image via Unsplash / Woody Yan)

1. Weight Loss

Shirataki noodles are low in calories and fat, with only 7 calories per serving. They also contain no gluten, which makes them an excellent option for those with food allergies or Celiac disease. It is also a good source of dietary fiber, protein, and low carbs.

These magic noodles are versatile as well—they can be used in soups or stir-fry dishes but also as a substitute for pasta! They have a unique texture, but if you’re not sure how you feel about it, just try switching up your serving style; these noodles will work well whether you cook them or eat them raw (which is really popular among vegans).

2. Help Reduce High Cholesterol Levels

Cholesterol levels in the blood are directly affected by diet, and this is where shirataki noodles come in handy! They are mostly water, fiber (which helps lower LDL "bad" cholesterol), protein (which helps build muscle), and very little fat.

They're also very low in carbs; just one serving contains only ten grams—and two of those grams come from dietary fiber, which doesn't get digested by your body at all!

3. Prevent Diabetes and Obesity

Shirataki noodles are a great way to lose weight and reduce your risk of diabetes. One cup of these magic noodles contains less than 30 calories, which is about half of what you'd find in regular pasta.

The low-calorie content of shirataki noodles is partially due to the fact that they're made from konjac root (also called elephant yam), which has almost no fat or carbohydrates and can be eaten raw. The only other ingredient in most brands is water!

improve blood sugar levels. (Image via Unsplash / Kim Daeyoung)
improve blood sugar levels. (Image via Unsplash / Kim Daeyoung)

It also contains soluble fiber and resistant starch, both of which have been shown to improve blood sugar levels as well as keep you fuller for longer.

4. Improve Digestion

They are a great addition to your diet, especially if you're looking for healthy food that's high in fiber. Fiber is important for digestion, and because it helps keep the bowels moving regularly, it can be beneficial for those who have constipation. It also improves nutrient absorption and may help prevent cancer by detoxifying cells.

low in calories and fat-free. (Image via Unsplash / Dovile Romaskaite)
low in calories and fat-free. (Image via Unsplash / Dovile Romaskaite)

In addition to these benefits, they are also low in calories and fat-free, which means they won't contribute to weight gain or bloating. Plus, they're rich in vitamins and minerals such as calcium, iron, and B vitamins.

5. Help Control Blood Pressure Levels

These no-carb noodles are a great source of potassium, which can help lower blood pressure. Potassium is an electrolyte that helps regulate the amount of water in your body and plays an important role in muscle function, nerve conduction, and heart function.

The bottom line is, these noodles are a great option to replace your high-carb pasta. They're very simple to cook, low-calorie, and inexpensive. So if you do choose to try shirataki noodles, do your research before buying!

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