Six Calorie-burning yoga poses to try

Here are the best calorie-burning yoga poses! (Image via unsplash/Adel Grober)
Best calorie-burning yoga poses (Image via Unsplash/Adel Grober)

If you're looking for a way to burn some calories and tone your body, consider adding yoga to your workout routine.

However, if you're new to the practice, it can be tricky to know which poses can help you get fit. To help you, we've rounded up some of the most effective calorie-burning yoga poses.

Best Calorie-Burning Yoga Poses

Here's a look at six such exercises:

#1 Child's pose

It's a resting pose that relaxes the spine and shoulders. It also helps relieve lower back pain and improves digestion. It's a great calorie-burning yoga pose, and its benefits cannot be underestimated.

How to do it:

  • Place your feet on the floor, and sit back on your heels with your knees bent and arms by your sides.
  • If there's discomfort in the knees or hips, place a folded blanket underneath you for cushioning.
  • Let your head drop between the arms.
  • Make sure to keep breathing normally through either nose or mouth (whichever feels most comfortable).
  • Lean forward till the torso touches the thighs, and hold.

#2 Happy baby pose

It's a simple calorie-burning yoga stretch that requires no props but comes with several benefits.

The happy baby pose is an excellent way to prepare for standing poses, relieve tightness in the lower back and hamstrings, and warm up before more vigorous activities (like running).

It's done as follows:

  • The basic happy baby pose has you lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  • Bring each knee into your chest in turn so that both legs are curled up towards the torso like two little caterpillars tucked into their cocoons (hence the name).
  • Gently press down on the outside of each thigh to bring them closer together while keeping them flexed at about 90 degrees.
  • Hold the position for 30 seconds to a minute before releasing one leg at a time back down onto the floor in front of you till they're straight once again — this time without any assistance from gravity.

#3 Bound angle pose

The bound angle pose is a simple seated calorie-burning yoga pose. While it looks like the lotus position, the bound angle is easier to do and doesn't require you to contort the body into an uncomfortable position.

To do the exercise:

  • To get into a bound angle pose, sit on the floor with your legs crossed in front of you and arms gripping the soles of the feet.
  • Lean back so that the torso is perpendicular to the floor while keeping both shoulders firm (think about balancing yourself).
  • Hold the position for at least five breaths before slowly releasing back down onto all fours.

The bound angle pose stretches out the groin area, which can help relieve lower back and sciatica pain (pain that radiates along one side of your the). It also strengthens the leg muscles and calms the nervous system so that they don't become overworked when stressed out or anxious during stressful situations.

#4 Downward facing dog

It's a great calorie-burning yoga pose to help you stretch and strengthen the arms, legs, and back. You will also get an abdominal workout.

To do the pose:

  • Start by getting into the plank position (on your hands and toes). Slowly lower down to the floor till you're resting on your forearms with your head raised.
  • The body should be in a straight line from heels to head with no sagging in the lower back or rounding of the shoulders forward.
  • Press your hands into the ground, and arch your back as you turn upwards from your upper half.
  • The head should point towards the the sky. Hold the pose for a minute, and rest before repeating again.

#5 Plank pose

The plank pose is one of the most popular calorie-burning yoga poses and for good reason. It's low-impact but provides a full body calorie-burning yoga workout. The exercise works the core and arms and engages the lower body.

It challenges core strength. as you hold yourself up while keeping your body in one line from head to toe. This pose is also great for balance, as it requires you to stay steady with only the balls of your feet on the ground — no bending is allowed.

To do the plank pose:

  • Start in a push-up position, and rest your body on your forearms.
  • Prop up onto your toes, and tighten your core.
  • Look forward, and ensure that your body forms a straight line from head to toe and is parallel to the ground.
  • Hold the pose till failure, and repeat.

#6 Headstand pose

It's a challenging calorie-burning yoga pose that requires you to balance on your head.

It's important to note that this pose may not be for everyone — it's recommended for people who have been practicing yoga for at least six months and have mastered several poses, including the child's pose, downward facing dog, and plank pose. If you have high blood pressure or heart disease, it's not advised that you try this posture without consulting your doctor.

To do this pose:

  • Sit facing a wall as you extend your arms out in front of you.
  • Get your head into position, and protect it by wrapping your arms around it.
  • Bring one leg up, and use momentum from that to prop up the other leg too.
  • Keep your back fluid; any kind of stiffness can prevent you from getting into position.
  • Hold for 30 seconds to a minute, and repeat.


The aforementioned calorie-burning yoga poses can help you trim some excess fat and improve overall health. Make sure to warm up before doing them, as they may take some time to get used to for beginners. Once you’re ready, though, there’s no limit on how many times per week or day you can do them.

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