Top Exercises for Flabby Arms to Do at Home

Arm flab can exist in the slimmest of people, and it is usually because of saggy triceps muscles (Image via Flickr)
Arm flab can exist in the slimmest of people, and it is usually because of saggy triceps muscles (Image via Flickr)

Exercises for flabby arms are meant to target the triceps muscles that are present at the back of your arms since it is these muscles that become flabby.

Disease-reduced physical activity, and a diminished ability to build muscle can all contribute to a gradual decline in tonicity (the ability to contract and hold a contracted muscle shape) in the arms and muscles as we age.

Even though these alterations are completely normal, the resulting bingo wings (or simply flabby arms) can cause a great deal of self-consciousness.

Loosening skin can result from a variety of aging-related factors. Skin loses its elasticity and turgor, collagen production slows, muscle mass declines, and fat accumulates as we age.

The good news is that this issue can be fixed. In fact, there are specific solutions to the problem of saggy arms that you can try. This article will discuss effective exercises for flabby arms as well as some helpful lifestyle changes that you can begin implementing immediately to get rid of flabby arms.

You should workout your arms not just for aesthetics but also for better lifting strength (Image via Pexels @Ron Lach)
You should workout your arms not just for aesthetics but also for better lifting strength (Image via Pexels @Ron Lach)

Exercises for Flabby Arms

Check out the following exercises for flabby arms that you can do at home with ease and with minimal equipment.

1) Tricep Dips

This is one of the best bat wings exercises that you can do. Tricep dips are one of the best exercises for flabby arms and they can be done with the help of a bench or chair.


  • Position yourself in the starting position by putting your hands on a bench or a rack and bringing your arms behind your head.
  • Gradually lower yourself from the starting position. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your elbows tucked in close to your sides.
  • Focus on using your triceps alone to bring your body down. Make sure your arms are at a 90-degree angle at the elbows.
  • Now, using only your triceps, bring your body back up. Repeat.
Tricep dips are an excellent exercise for flabby arms (Image via Pexels @Sinitta Leunen)
Tricep dips are an excellent exercise for flabby arms (Image via Pexels @Sinitta Leunen)

2) Tricep Kickbacks

This is one of the better exercises for underarm flab. Tricep kickbacks require dumbbells to do and is one of the best exercises for flabby arms as ithey targetall three heads of the tricep muscle.


  • Keep a weight in each hand (either dumbbells or 2 1-litre water bottles).
  • Keep your back straight and your knees bent while standing in this position. Your body angle should be close to that of a parallel bar. Maintain a neutral spine and a 90-degree angle between your forearm and upper arm by keeping your head up and your arms close to your sides.
  • Hold your arms out in front of you with your shoulders down. Concentrate solely on flexing your triceps.
  • After two seconds, release and bring your arms back to the starting position. Do not flail your arms around.
  • Repeat.

3) Tricep Extensions

If you are looking for exercises for flabby arms over 60, this is the one to do. The triceps are strengthened and toned by performing tricep extensions, which is a fantastic exercise.


  • Keep your feet hip-width apart when you're standing.
  • To improve your grip on a dumbbell, try holding it with both hands and wrapping your thumbs around it. Holding the dumbbell behind your head, palms up, is the correct form.
  • Keep your shoulder blades together and near your ears. Your arms should be at your sides, with your elbows close to your eyes and parallel to the ground.
  • Put the weight on your upper back by lowering your arms. Keep your elbows where they are. Hold them tightly between your ear canals.
  • Raise the dumbbell above your head by contracting your triceps. Don't forget to let out a deep breath as you do this.
Working out your arms will help improve your everyday life and keep you independent for longer (Image via Pexels @Julia Larson)
Working out your arms will help improve your everyday life and keep you independent for longer (Image via Pexels @Julia Larson)

4) Bent Over Row

Bent over row is one of the best exercises for flabby arms that you can do. You can do this exercise either with a barbell or dumbbell.


  • Put your hands on a barbell with your palms facing down and your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Lean forward and bend your knees just a little. Do your best to maintain a straight posture. Keep your head up and your body perpendicular to the ground.
  • Make sure your arms are at your sides. As you exhale, bring the bar to your chest until it touches your ribs. Don't forget to let out a deep breath as you do this.
  • Contract your abs and hold this position.
  • Bring the bar down to a height where it's just above your knees as a starting point. Repeat.
Toned arms will also increase your confidence (Image via Pexels @Andrea Piacquadio)
Toned arms will also increase your confidence (Image via Pexels @Andrea Piacquadio)

5) Windmill

Rotating the upper arms and shoulders is one of the best exercises for flabby arms to strengthen the upper arms, shoulders, and neck. Secondary muscles worked include triceps and biceps.


  • Lift your arms out in front of you until they are parallel to the floor at shoulder height.
  • Raise your arms above your head and whirl them around in a complete circle, mimicking the motion of a windmill's rotor blades.
  • The motion should be performed 20 times in one direction, and then 20 times in the opposite direction.

These aforementioned exercises for flabby arms will help you tone and strengthen your tricep muscles. However, you should perform them in conjunction with other muscle-strengthening exercises (for your whole body) and also follow a low-calorie, high-protein diet.

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